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Posts posted by Eldrin-Kanthos


    It seems the issue is that we have no players, since we are not listed, since we have too few admins.


    I suggest we get more admins. I know it is way more complicated than that, but I wanted to give my suggestion.



    Name: Eldrin

    Age: 78

    Gender: Male

    Race: IPC mk 1

    Blood Type: 10w30 synthetic oil

    General Occupational Role(s): NT Recruiter, sometimes Quartermaster.


    Biography: Eldrin Kanthos was a human that worked for NanoTrasen some time ago. He was a veteran turned miner. He showed leadership qualities needed by the company at the time and served as a cargo technician during his training before becoming a quartermaster.

    He served for several shifts in such position, taking classes on the side to be certified in handling secure materials. Certification in hand, he transferred to the science division and worked his way up to become an... adequate research director. His last post with NanoTrasen was his first shift as captain, before the unfortunate loss of the station and all hands aboard. All records cease of him after this point.


    Else in was one of the last mk. 1 model IPC created before the line was discontinued. He awoke with the memories of signing the papers for his first command as captain, disoriented in this mechanical shell.


    He spent the first few years investigating the man thought himself to be, getting conflicting answers. He had been told he was the man in question, an MMI in his head as a new cyborg type. But other times he was informed that he was an experiment in digitizing the human mind. And once he found rumors that the day all hands were lost on the station that there had been a power surge shorting the backup cloning system that put Eldrin's soul into the mechanical body.


    Recent repair runs have shown him to be calmer and less concerned with the past, and more focused on his job. [security clearance] The newest batch of loyalty implants seem to have desired effect.


    Qualifications: Class D exosuit certification, hazardous materials certification, secure resources certification, Navy level classified document clearance, and military grade weapon familiarity.


    Employment Records: Has served almost every shift as a NanoTrasen recruiter, only working as janitor or cargo technician when the unions are on strike.


    Security Records: Has been shown to have wild ideas of IPC liberation and representation. Loyalty implant in this unit occasionally shorts. If unit is suspected of defective implant, report immediately and keep distance. Known to be unstable without functioning implant. UPDATE: Eldrin has now been freed and is no longer owned by NT.


    Medical Records: Unit is of obsolete design, and very fragile. Multiple instances of limb loss and/or complete mobility failure. Unit has been recommended for chassis upgrade on several occasions, but denied every time. Record updated by corporate to show that unit is being used to clear out stock of old parts.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Standing at 5'10", this unit is fairly consistent with the dimensions of his model. Plating on unit is dull from many abrasions and buzzing and whirring can be heard from old motors and gears protesting against moving.



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:



    Everything they just stated. I would also love if the recruiters office could be move to take up the second customs office. It would free a ton of space up for anything else.


    Maybe an in game story event to give machine people the chance at freedom/their own embassy.



    You are still learning on the job when receiving on-the-job training. This is just an extension of the senior to junior staff mentoring that goes on anyways.

    We did have an engineering training facility for a while.

    There is at least two threads active about facilitating security training.


    I don't agree with your other examples. You don't have complex interaction with crates or live slimes nor do they have a sophisticated set of initial conditions. You don't mess up with a crate and then have a hard time setting it up so you can try again.


    Medbay is also a field that directly affects players may not have chosen to interact with medbay with many exotic cases, so it's not like training to load a MULE or fumbling while dissecting a slime.


    You have to be joking. One mistake and an antagonist has you as a new sec. One slip up and you are eaten by slimes as a xenobiologist. Cargo might be easy with crates but mining is not. Refill your gas wrong, hit gibtonite and you are guaranteed to not play the rest of the shift. It sucks for all.


    I actually agree with your idea, just not your attitude that only medical has it hard learn.



    A shitty job at censorship just draws more and more attention. 4chan and reddit got involved because Zoe is your average tumblr-lurking, rape culture believing, femi-nazi that believes all men are sexist and think of women has sex objects, thats what got the majority of both communities enraged. Than the news came out of her manipulating various reviewers by the means of sex for more attention on her latest game.


    What color is your fedora?



    Isn't there also robot people/cyborgs? I'm sure a moderate efficiency improvement could be in order? Maybe using less energy when their gears are well greased?

    Robot people should get a speed boost just for drinking the stuff. It could even be used as a regent for special machine-people drinks at the bar. "Tinman" Drink?

    I really like this idea.


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