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Posts posted by veganzombeh


    we COULD reduce the murderboning if there was a jedi guy but the greytide would side with the jedi dude always which makes the sith guy kill them all...so just send two sith guys to duel to the death on the station while finishing their objectives.

    I've seen something similar suggested a few times. I definitely think we need some sort of gamemode in which the antagonists are actually fighting eachother and the crew has to pick a side.



    Tajarans should really be made out to be the "oppressed race" of SS13. I think this is damn near perfect to express this. Another cool idea would be to make Tajaran tails harvestable, and have great buffs, like the albino's of Africa (who are hunted for their limbs to be made as lucky charms), so it gives people incentive to hunt them down and mutilate them and put their tails in an elixir or something.

    I'm actually surprised by how good this sounds. We could have antag objectives that require you to steal a specific tajaran's tail. We could even have some reagents that could only be made from blended tajaran tail.


    Another brilliant idea: A de-clawing surgery.


  3. Xenos need to be balanced, rather than removed completely IMO. Perhaps making it take significantly longer for them to reproduce and evolve would help. I feel like that would encourage a more reserved approach, as xenos would actually fear death. I think disarm spam is something that needs to be fixed too.


    For clarification, this is a chance on attack, not simply while holding the prod, correct?


    If that is the case, I very much agree with the suggestion as it helps offset the power of this rather easily obtainable weapon.


    Worth pointing out that the "no shock" gene mod should also protect you from backfires, while perhaps being drenched would increase the chance if possible? And god help you if you are covered in something flammable when it backfires.

    Yeah, I meant a chance on attack rather than constantly when held. Those ideas sound great, I wasn't even aware there was a no shock gene :P


  5. Stun prods should have small chance to electrocute the user when they're used if they're not wearing insulated gloves, since after all, you are just holding a shoddily constructed metal rod with a battery attached. It would add an additional risk to using stun prods, since right now it is fairly easy to make one.

  6. I'd be all for the arrivals station, but against it requiring a code. Let's be honest, I don't think many of the new arrivals to the server would read the rules thoroughly enough to notice the code, even the ones that don't greytide.

  7. It's a decent sprite, but it looks too sci-fi to be a standard-issue gun on the station. I could see it being used by antags or even a gun that could be developed in R&D though.

  8. Ling powers don't sound good, that sort of defeats the point of removing stun weapons by providing other means of stunning opponents. Removing all weapons other than claymores sounds nice though. I'd also argue that the borgs and AI should either be gibbed or get a highlander-themed lawset.


    People who still want to go on the Gateway missions still can though, yes?

    Personally I think they shouldn't be able to. There are waaay too many people going on expeditions at the moment and sometimes security is left with only half a team.


  10. I like all the changes, especially the handcuffing changes but I think knocking people down is now too difficult. By the time you can get someone into an aggressive grab, switch hands and disarm once or twice they will have almost certainly moved and broken the grab. I think only requiring a passive grab may be better, as then it will be feasible in fist-fights but still won't outperform a stun baton.

  11. I'm all in favour of this idea, but I would suggest maybe not calling it a Bloodhound Bot, Bloodhound is already the name of one of the security cyborg models, which could get confusing.

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