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Regular Joe

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Posts posted by Regular Joe

  1. That geneticist Mounsion there took Jean form shortly after, to further drive my character crazy. Clones were braindead, guess there is no mechanism to sign up playing the "extra" clones. That would be a possibility, to make multiple player-controlled clones of one person, with that pod setup. Talk about cloned security army. Or not.

  2. 7 hours ago, Dinarzad said:

    Those are two very different memories, long term and short term.
    Short term would be affecting the last few minutes. And the idea is that being cloned is a traumatic experience, it's why seeing your own dead body should PROBABLY freak you the fuck out. Realizing you're a copy of a dead guy, everything about yourself isn't "You", you're just a replication of someone else. It's kind of an existential nightmare.

    The brain tends to handle trauma like this by locking it down, it represses intense trauma.  It makes physiological sense for there to be some memory loss, and more then making RP sense, there's a reason to do it in the form of helping to impair valid hunting (Can't scream BOB McMOP IS A LING the moment you revive) and it gives Antags some sort of reason to not perma kill everyone they meet, because you SHOULD forget who they are, so your being revived will frequently screw them over less often.

    There's arguments for and against CMD.

    I'd agree with this. It depends, though, if people actually played any CMD, it could be promoted at least.

    Talking about the trauma of "realizing you're copy of dead guy", had once this here... for good funs the doctor there played along, trying to convince me the rest of that shift, that I am a drug addict and should get the fix soon to make the hallucinations fade away.


  3. 5 minutes ago, DiegoFlores31 said:

    What about the body must have less than 200 dmg to revive ?, on cloner too or a cap on how much times you can get revived via cloning or even better , you forget how you died so antags dont have to chop your brain for keeping you away from the sec room ?

     Shouldn't it be so even now, that you don't know when you died as a clone... or atleast so I've always imagined.

  4. On 2/2/2019 at 3:30 PM, Aletmagne said:

    In an ideal world, cloning should be the last port to call when all other attempts to resuscitate have failed and not a simple respawn mechanic, it should have long term ramifications. At the same time, the general incompetence of medical staff leads me to believe that medbay will just become worse as a direct result.


    13 hours ago, Dinarzad said:

    Medical has problems for a few reasons, cloning isn't really one of them.  Cloning was designed for a different era of SS13 and it's negative aspects are able to be bypassed entirely these days, it probably needs a more substantial change and refactor then what this PR tries to achieve. It needs am ore comprehensive alteration in the face of now being one among many forms of revival, as opposed to the one and only.

    Redesigning cloning seem like fine idea - the alterations that this PR does are a shoot to that direction. I'd see that there are three general ways to do it (without being a coder and so able to consider what kind of job that would be to accomplish):

    First, to make cloning less preferable due more or less permanent effects on the patient, these being negative but not absolutely necessary to be cared of (for the cloned player to get back to their doings, in case of medbay can't do the fixings). Two, to make there more symptoms that need to be cured post-haste. In style of SR but so, that they are less difficult to cure. Three, make the process of cloning more difficult than just shoving people in the machine and pressing two buttons.

    Also, what Alffd said about the state of medbay now, oh yes. There is quite a slope between the basic doctoring things and the challenging ones. And rising people from dead the cloning way is one of the most easy stuff. The aim on altering cloning would so be making death more grave AND making there a middle stair of difficulty in doctoring. So I see there either incritical yet annoying symptoms, critical but not-that hard symptoms as SR has or then a more difficult process, for the sake of having some, but not too much, difficulty in it. 


  5. On the topic of making death more impactful, so increasing cloning times and removing pre-scan is fine, but about the SR - just came to think about it:

    another way to go could be to increase medbay's need to use SR, even with the cloneable species.

    This, in conjuction of debuffing cloning some other way, than just increasing the time it takes. The fun thing in SR is, that reviving people with it needs some actual competency and time from the medbay. So if you get killed and your revival is dependant on the usage of SR, that is rather impactful, since competent medbay - or medbay who has time for the surgeries needed - is not at all guaranteed, as being successfully cloned now is. That would be so especially in shifts with crisis, in which death should be more grave in special.

    In this alternative, cloning should still exist but it could be nerfed, like, to have symptoms on patient, either permanent or fixable with some special surgery. Make cloning damage permanent for fragility? Borking or tourette for making some annoyance in communication? Deafness? Lacking organs (yeah, lacking, so not just reviving them like at SR surgery, but installing new ones from animals)? A lottery of these, with chance of being in full health and a chance of being a fragile swedish? So shoving people to the cloner would not be the first thing to do. Still it should be possible, in the sake of not completely relying on medbay's skill to use SR and (thus) maintaining players a decent chance of getting back to play in their characters. This way, the options reviving a dead could be 1) defib 2) SR if there is time and skill 3) clone if there is no time or no skill. Cloning nerfs should be quite heavy though to actually make SR more preferred than it.

    Autocloning removal, I'd say what davidchan said.

    On 1/30/2019 at 6:49 AM, davidchan said:

    I'd prefer autocloning stick around, not being able to prescan takes away the major problem with it while not forcing medical to baby sit the cloner if someone is ghosted and not back in their body yet.


  6. So a first-ever abductor round. Ended up like a first-ever abductor round.


    Admin told to mhelp. Read wiki and thought that we were good to go, so...



    Well finally I was cloned and appointed as alien janitor. Greys on the station were friendly to get the wrecked extraterrestial a job. Hilarious/5

  7. 18 hours ago, Splgrk said:

    I'd say robustness is far further down the list of a good HOS than most people think. The biggest two differences in my experience between a good sec force and a bad one is not how quick they are with a baton or a tableslam. It's organisation and communication. No worse officers than those who don't use the radio. (And yes, there are those who basiaclly don't use the radio at all. Roll call? No reply. Help, I'm being attacked outside the vault? No reply or reaction. Who booked this prisoner? No reply. The worst.) You can usually tell if a shift will be good for sec or not after a few minutes, just by the amount of radio banter, and what is being said. 

    And a lot of that is on the HOS. You have to get your officers to work together, and to do their different jobs efficiently and correctly. Reports if they see anything on patrols, notes on prisoners, cooperation with the warden on proper brigging (no abandoned prisoners in processing, no toolbelts in cells, no dying voxes with no headsets), properly coordinated patrols that cover the entire station regularly, and proper mobilization in case of a crisis (by that I mean: everyone's there and armed if there's a maniac with a double sword, but you don't get six officers watching the clown slip people in the bar, either.)

    Radios > Paperwork > Tasers. 

    That is exactly so. It feels like bit of roulette whether you manage to get your officers to actually efficiently communicate, pushing them to it but not being a complete ComDom. Well making them talk is not comdomry as that should be the number first duty of the force, and the number first thing to do as the HOS, but still... sometimes that is so difficult that I feel like non-stop nagging the entire shift. Luckily, though, sometimes you even have not to ask for it.

    In the most of the shifts, yeah no time for the noir police work, too bad. I love interrogating though, rare and fun when you happen to have time for it.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Benjaminfallout said:

    You can hurt people with coins. Somehow. Not just tossing them. Melee with a coin.

    Most objects that deal zero Melee damage will deal one brute damage when thrown. So you can in fact kill another player by tossing normal playing cards at them.

    Most items under "useless" in the traitor up-link are in fact useful. Such as the syndicate smokes that will heal you if you smoke them. They also make you look cool.

    You can quickly and easily spam out of any grab as long as as you're not cuffed and awake. Even when slipped.

    If they didn't know about the easy spam to get out of grabs then you'll be able to quickly and easily kill people by smashing there heads on closed toilets and urinals. Just have your hands around there neck and have them on the tile of the Toilet/urinal and spam click on it. They will died in about ten clicks.

    Your punches have a low chance to "weaken" AKA stun whoever you hit (in fact most things do) . This mean if you're lucky you can first punch stun someone in full riot armor and keep stunning them tell they die. I've done it before and I got to say... fair and balanced.

    Pest killer will near instantly kill the Ant race. Yes, you can kill one of the two people that play that race just about as fast as an EMP kills an IPC. Same with Plant people and plant killer.

    EMPs have a small AoE around them that won't instantly kill an IPC. It will cause burn damage. Feel free to brag to your friends about how many EMPs you've survived. I'm at 17. Get on my level.

    If aiming for the eyes and your target has nothing keeping them safe forks and screwdrivers have a 5% (or 10% I forgot. It is one of the two though.) change to stun and temperately blind your target. You can use this to stun them with the first hit and keep them down tell they die. I want to you know this is incredibly fun to die to.

    If you're reading this you're a big nerd that needs glasses and reads books


    And who are you, writing this, then?




  9. 13 hours ago, Dinarzad said:

    Honestly, I know how big of a request it is to make, it's a massive undertaking but, the most holistic option to reworking or fixing Genetics?
    Probably to get Goon-style Genetics.

    That is simultaneously, not nearly as RNGesus driven, has actual research that goes into it (Geneticists have to do genetics research to unlock the ability to make injectors at all for example, someone wants powers before that, they need to hop into the radiation machine.)
    And the powers are more... defined.  Every preson has a random set of latent powers that can be unlocked.  These specific latent abilities will NOT fuck with your genetic stability to unlock but you never know what's in there, and it's on a person to person basis. Give someone powers NOT in that latent ability pool? That's what lowers your genetic stability.

    All in all, it's a massive system, it;d be ... I would imagine hellish to try an make something like that over here in terms of code, but I will leave a link to Goon's wiki page so that people can read up on it for themselves, because it's a fascinating system.


    EDIT: On looking into it, I THINK TG may use a variation of this too, which might be less horrendous to port over, given we already have more parity with TG's code.

    Goongenes seem really fascinating. Not that linear thing you know, just radiating blocks and handing out injectors. Goon X-ray is also different, it does not remove the darkness and it has a drawback in terms of genetic instability. Actually the system is playing (a little, but could be altered for more) with the stability and instability. The beneficial powers cost instability, which you need to cope by taking some more or less neutral, annoying or harmful powers. Imagine a genetically manipulated sec officer, which has the xray, but oh they are also as fat as your stereotypical donut-eater. and their movement cause HUGE (or rather, distinctive, to give out that there isn't one normal dude approaching) footstep sounds, so that they can't robust them all single-handedly, but are rather a support element for the team.

    So implemeting the goongenes would score two hits, for improving the genetics and for nerfing the x-ray. I have no idea how much work that would take, if it was reasonable at all, though.

  10. 10 hours ago, Slith-Skaar said:

    Personal Opinion:

    I would be perfectly fine if X-ray (Genetics) was dumbed down to Nightvision. It still leaves the element of surprise, it doesn't leave the Stealth antags with the choice of going through the murder-bone route, giving them a chance to still play in a stealth manner.

    X-ray, the implant compared to Thermals, is just a full on upgrade with zero downsides. Thermals have a weakness to Flash and light based attacks whilst X-ray has none of this but giving you more of a view. I don't feel like X-ray belongs in a game like this, in its current form at-least. It eliminates the element of surprise, the spooky atmosphere of Space Station 13, and have on many occasions, ruined the roundtypes leaving them extremely dull and boring. (See: Cult"stended" episode 132).

    Limiting the effects, giving it some nerfs, or even removing it, would honestly be an impact that would be purely beneficial to the server. It would allow people to be more creative with antagging, creating on-station bases, on-station lairs, and even some bargaining rooms, in short... Freedom (From validhuntings too).

    Those are my two cents.
    I am welcome to discuss balance means and theory-crafting too.


    What Slith says. The X-ray gene especially feels too powerful, as once it's obtained, it is very easy to deliver.

    If the xray gene is to be a thermal gene instead, the X-ray implant could maybe persist there. It takes some time to deliver it, and is generally harder to obtain. Make it to be vulnerable for flashes and welding, just like the nightvision, so you have to ponder whether to take the nerfs there too, with the vision upgrade.

    These are still upgrades, and even some high-power upgrades have to exist, for the sake of rewarding the crew for co-operation.

    - @Ty Omaha Or then some nerfs to the vision the xray provides, it might be more "fun", than outright removing it. Black and white AND active ability?


  11. 10 hours ago, Trubus said:

    Damn it, you were there? I had Desmond and I go to cargo because I thought you flushed yourself. Manage to get your ID and CE hardsuit for you to wear. Left a station announcement too. Went to arrival escape pods because I thought you would be there. Instead, found my killer who shot me dead.

    Yeah, I stayed there since couldn't figure a way out, disposal were broken by the pipe apparently? Early shift there was quite an explosion at CMO office, probably not only a PDA bomb. I heard your announcement and answered it via intercom (after a brief delay, since I was trying to dispose myself), I knew you're out there for look me, if only it was possible. As you didn't appear, guessed that evil has probably continued to happen.

    Finally...  a yet another try to flush through, it threw me in front of the CMO door, while getting a shock from the door?! Bug? Got then a jumpsuit from cloning, looked around if I could do anything for dead Klees, SR or anything, realized I couldn't, and in the minute shuttle arrived, I went in and survived, only wearing a jumpsuit and a coat, nothing else. What a desperation that shift became, in just a couple of minutes.

  12. Siep333paa.thumb.PNG.ecd56272a3644a3492a13622ca557d72.PNG



    How deep can the station shrink into a bloody chaos? And how deep can you shrink with it, at security and as the HoS?

    This is a one kind of a record. I am the HoS there. I am locked up to CMO office. With no equipment at all, no clothes at all, one hand off, other hand broken, so unable to break out by brute force, well the intercom works, but no-one is responding to help calls...


    Story behind: Traitors around, security did it quite well...

    then suddenly, Wolf the HoP and acting captain gets attacked, he survives, and after that, a horrible number of officer casualties happen in just a few minutes.

    While being treated, Wolf notices borgs killing patients at surgery. Our crew is more or less decapicated, so I rush there with the lone standing officer by that time. It appears that AI is subdued, it makes us hard time to get out from the surgery. A new captain arrived to the emerging chaos, he is not quite aware what is happening. The sec team, that is, all who where enough healthy to talk, begs thecaptain to get the ERT around. While arguing the captain to do it, standing there at the medbay, someone appeared and dragged me to cloning - before I could have said "baguette", as I was talking the baguette with captain - and shot me with his robust revolver.

    Observing the situation as ghost now, I could see the medbay is in an utter chaos. Doctor Klees appears, after some others who hadn't the meds to treat me to the revivable condition. He throws me to the cloner. Bright flash, your mind says hello and stuff, and oh hello, the dude who shot me, was waiting there along with Klees, he was a doctor apparently. As I was cloned, I didn't know that he's the killer. Still I was not surprised when he blew up something. That resulted into the death of poor Klees, just after I was able to thank him. 

    Somehow, I survived the blow, with just losing the equipment on ground, a hand, and broking another. Killer got off. I woke up, there was a breach, got to run off too, leaving Klees behind, since being too wounded to effectively get out while dragging. Out in the medbay, AI was still borking around (Tanner Aggley subdued it again and again, piece of cake during the chaos). There were people in medbay, but they seem shocked or otherwise unable to do anything useful, like help.

    Then Wolf appeared, just in the point when I was about to rise my hands up. He flexed me to safety from the breach, by throwing me to the CMO office. Wounded himself, he wasn't able to get in. Someone appeared, probably the blueshield. He ran off taking Wolf to safety. So I closed the CMO office door and uh... talk about prison escape. They're better in it at movies.

    Solution would be the disposals. Somehow it didn't work. Pipes broken apparently.

    So, can you beat up this record, can you?!


    It was devastatingly hilarious, 6/5.

    • fastparrot 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Shina said:

    Also notice us xenobio creatures, who were sent to support the cult and stop people from disrupting the ritual. We arrived to the slaughter already having happened, just not... as expected.

    Well that explains it, I wondered, while watching our bodies burn, that where did these come from!

  14. A cult2.thumb.PNG.225342c051186505f56313287726dcbc.PNG

    A Cult round ended up more like a cult "IRL". Robbie the cultmaster drew a wrong rune to summon. Pyr'sie was not amused. Epic happened.

    "Bring on the slaughter" did happen anyway... the mass slaughter of cultists themselves!

    Note also the web-selling spider at airlock, who was amongst the first that noticed the happening. He was a good fella.

    • fastparrot 2
  15. 8 hours ago, Splgrk said:

    Oh come on. I (Grin here) weren't even that sneaky. I walked in through an open door and took a HOP headset and a captain's hat off a table then disposaled myself. While several people were watching. That's not sneaky, that's just blatant. 

    And I still don't know why you and sec believed I had an all-access or captain ID. I didn't. I came in through an open door when someone else walked in and went out through disposals. All legit. 

    Well, that story was the situation to get from the sec comms ? I wasn't involved to your side of the case, instead was watching over that riot as an officer. The HoP got processed for quite a while, so I thought there that "now, either he is actually guilty or Grin has done some really Grin there."  

    Which turns the lesson of the case to my ultimate favourite, people often don't talk enough to the sec comms. There were talks that HoP is a tator, Grin has the ID and stuff for quite long in the radio, and no-one told what were the final decisions on HoP and you. This phenomenon made me to start seldomly HoS even if I'm rather new to much there, I just love to try having the situation at hand. Actually one of the aspects of the game I like the most, it is always a question to solve what is happening and how to act accordingly and co-operate.

  16. A simple honk can cause a mass domino honk, just like they thought about communism in the US at 60's.

    The HoP was to be an acting captain since captain got to surprise-cryo. Grin the clown stole a honky amount of captain stuff somehow (don't ask, it's Grin) so sneaky, that Sec suggested that the HoP is an evil traitor giving all accesses for the clown. Processing the HoP led to a downtime at the job line, which resulted in five damn minutes this:


    Talk about honking the greytide as whole, with just stealing a certain ID and a headset. (In the picture is present the luckily arrived new captain.)

    • angryeyes 1
    • explodyparrot 1
  17. Rioz is the real space cowboy.

    This individual stole CE's boots in front of the robotics, the good old stand and deliver -style. Afterwards arrested, twice for search and interrogation. Did not run away or hide at all. Eventually got away all free, by just talking.

    Screenshot courtesy of said lizard, taken from Discord after the round. I was the HoS back then, had to release him, since there was only CE's claim with no evidence or other witnesses whatsoever. Imagine the magnitude of CE's anger. Honk!

    boots Rioz.png

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