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Posts posted by JovanM

  1. I have noticed that map has been changed somewhat. I have an idea of making brig entrance somewhat more spacier. People do not wait for security officer that long to get bored (it's not a HoP line), so take away that arcade machine from entrance. Also, typically you may find 3-4 visitors at brig entrance (clown, tourist-graytider waiting for justice and janitor mopping blood after justice has been served).

    Another thing which surprises me: do you have 3 regular cells and 2 VIP cells? No, really? VIP-style cells suit more to permabrig. Also, cells are too close to entrance, it is too easy ()or too hard to escape them.


  2. Quote


    - Sorry, Mimey McMimeface, I don't have time to watch for your performance. There is a code red on station. We have confirmed presence of destructive cult, and some monster is lurking at tunnels.


    - Well, Mimey, you are rather suspicious. Your bag, please.

    ... Mimey bows and passes a bag ...

    - Ah, what's this? Is it your bundle of drawings? Let's see.

    ... Mimey tips his beret and points to a box of crayons ...

    -Hmm, these are a group of men in white outfits with blue-green crosses. These must be medics, I guess. Standing at room with table at center. I'll check that locked operations room. One of them is drawing something on floor. So, you point that medbay is infected by cult?

    ... Mimey nods ...

    - I'll check it right now. The next image shows someone in medical labcoat lying on floor and a horrible creature. I recognize the place of this picture. I have seen this emblem at maints near medbay. That corner must be monster's lair. Damn, the whole medbay is gonna be nuked.

    ... Mimey jumps away from invisible explosion ...

    - Well, on the next picture we have a long-haired man in antirad suit. This should be a RD, he has such weird hairstyle. And he is mixing something. There is a plan of medbay behind him with bold red cross on it. And green figure nearby, must be a golem. He plans to nuke medbay???

    - Thanks, Mimey, your pictures have saved the station!


  3. Friendly Wizard Representative

    A friendly Wizard arrives to the station

    Map Changes: No, works with current map.

    Code changes: Yes (adding new spells)


    A Wizard's Federation has understood that most of their attempts to destroy the station and to hinder the work of Nanotrasen were not effective, so it has been decided to declare a (temporary) peace. The Federation wants to show that they are changing their politics, so they are sending their representative to assist and to entertain the crew. According to a treaty, wizard representative is prohibited to cause any harm to station. He cannot be placed under arrest or locked without a viable reason.

    At some time, maybe at the middle of round, admin may offer to observers and ghosts to join game as good wizard (with some random name, of course). If someone accepts, then the above mentioned note is sent from Central Command and wizard spawns in arrivals shuttle like a regular Assistant. He has a Death Alarm implant and mindshield due to his diplomatic status. Because wizard's presence is authorized by NT, he has an ID card with basic access level and custom title of a Wizard. He may have the following set of non-lethal spells:

    Summon Butterflies - a wizard is surrounded by several butterflies which just flutter around and disappear in a minute or so.

    Allstars Intoxication - all humanoid players start feeling rainbow vision effects like from Ambrosia Deus, but they do not suffer any negative effects.

    Flowers from Federation garden - a poppy, sunflower and a harebell are spawned near wizard. Pretty!

    Drink from Federation bar - wizard conjures a shot with random drink

    Friendly Fire - summons a fire cloud that does not hurt anyone and optionally heals a small amount of Burn damage

    Haste Other - gives extra speed to a target

    Space Seal - spawns a barrier, like an engineering holofirelock. Anyone is able to deconstruct it with a touch.

    Honkima dance - summons a bike horn that wanders around the wizard and emits the HONK sound. There can be only one bike horn summoned.

    The goals of good wizard are:

    Entertain crewmembers with wizardry, assist the Station, do not harm crewmembers, leave the station on shuttle or escape pod.

    If the good wizard is killed, then the following message is displayed from CentComm:


    Seems like that the peaceful treaty with Wizard Federation has just ended.

    When a wizard brings ROBUSTLY someone to a critical status, such message is displayed from Wizard Federation:


    We are sorry for behavior of our representative. You are free to resolve this cause as you like.


    • Like 2
  4. Well, I mentioned mime here as an example. I guess, a role of mime is worth a separate discussion.


    Beret, red suspenders, formally looking black pants and favored top hat make the image of 20th century modernist artists.

    In general, ability to perform a quick doodles on paper would add several points to creative spirit of SS13. For example, worth images may be scanned, bound into albums and stored just like books and notes.

  5. Please, add capability to draw on paper. Now you can only write on it using pen or pencil.

    Being able to make sketches on paper makes a mime roleplay easier, because a mime may show a drawing of a things which are hard to mime (for example, how do you mime to a Bartender that you would like a Gargle Blaster cocktail, but it is easy to draw it).

    By looking at screenshot thread, I know, you can create now paintings on canvas (but it requires some crafting and unsuitable for sketching). Just add it for a pencil and paper.

  6. A list of cooking recipes is way too long to remember (I keep cooking notes IRL). The same is for drinks at bar.  And for chemistry. The recipes are not obvious at all, and cookbooks are outdated, covering only 25% of available options (if they are available. There is no instruction book for robotist)

  7. I have had once an idea of layering some corner of station with carpet.

    According to wiki, carpet is craftable only from Fungus and Blood (eww, gross!). It is not listed neither in basic construction, nor in advanced construction. I have not seen a carpet crafting in the window which appears when you click on the cloth.

    I suggest to introduce the "Thick cloth" material which may be produced from plant processor in Hydroponics or Public garden and requires some more plant matter. Then I suggest that it is used to manufacture carpet (different colors and kinds, sure).

  8. I guess she was eventually found by NT scout ships. Corporation does not leave assets of its interest. And other parties are being sent on such missions.

    So, I suppose that psychiatrists helped to return her to good shape of body and mind, helped to forget this event, she may has got a nice weekend at crowded bright resort. "You are expensive to replace" - you know it.


    That was a story about wild west. English is not my native language, so there are a lot of mistakes I guess. I did not like this away mission. It was too depressive as for me. And may be even violent.


  9. Well, I'll tell you a story of some tourist who came to this nightmare by mistake.

    She came to a station to find out a perspective directions of starting a tour agency. That was going to be a VIP luxury company offering lavish tours. While wandering over the station she noticed a room with a circle gateway left open. A waves were coming from center attracting and even inviting her to jump in.

    "Seems like security are not paying attention to it, so let's try!" With such thought she climbed over the table and jumped into the glowing circle of portal.

    On the other side she saw only darkness. At first she even thought that she died, but after a few moments she reached for PDA, and enabled a flashlight. PDA gave enough light to understand that the place resembles more a cavern with rough stone walls. Tiny sand particles poured to fancy dress shoes. And there was no sign of portal to return back!

    After some wandering she came to a blue light coming from a sandstone structure. After coming inside she found that it was some sort of operations HQ. There were some men in standard NT military armor and a couple of scientists working near the operating table and diagnostics module, trying to help a badly wounded clown. A group of civilians in gray jumpsuits stood close to the entrance, looking rather confused. The floor of a room was covered with blood, a high grade exploration armor and helmets with gunshells were piled all around. Several dead bodies were placed at the corner. She screamed upon seeing this, but noone payed attention, they seem to be used to it.

    "I am sorry, what is actually I am?" - she asked.

    "We call this place a wild west" - explained one civilian to her.

    "Well, so how can I get out?"

    "You'll need to fight your way through a gauntlet"

    A man in a red uncommon spacesuit slowly came inside the room, greeting the security guards.

    "Wait, is this a Syndicate uniform? A complete set of Syndicate suit?"

    "Well, it happens here a lot. We just need to work together and we'll be fine."

    Their talk was interrupted by a clown's whispering: "I don't know, if I may last longer, doc". The gilded bike horn fell from his fingers to a floor giving a short honking sound.

    "Hey, I don't want to fight, I am a tourist. I'll be honking instead, I am better with it than with firearms! May I take a horn?" - she asked

    "The clown has passed out, so you are free to keep it" - a scientist answered while putting EVA helmet. "And we are leaving for recon".

    She stayed for a while learning new instrument, but then she found herself in a room with some guy in a military armor who was mutilating a corpse with kitchen knife.

    "What are you doing? Are you insane?!" But the guy only laughed, pouring even more blood. Horrified she left the room.

    Not a slightest wind was blowing the place. Although the air was heavy, but she did not need an air tank to breathe. A sticky darkness seemed to extinguish the fainting light of her PDA. A tiny razor-sharp sand pebbles were cutting her feet.

    There was a lot of sand. And blood. A blood on sand.

    The place looked like some old town with walls made of sandstone. Bloody trails were crossing over the wooden sideways and over the sandy roads. Land mines were dangerously beeping from below the sand.

    Somewhere nearby she saw a corpse of a corgy dog. It had a collar with tag - "Ian".

    "Hey, it's a companion of HoP. I need to take it from this place. Command of station would be thankful. I guess, a portal is somewhere nearby". And she started pulling the dog behind.

    But the only things she was finding were the corpses of Syndicate militaries with some special ID cards on them, and skeletons of the people who seemed to dwell in this settlement. It appeared that the whole personnel of this town has gone insane by hearing a mysterious voice which gave orders to them. They had everything to live - farm plots, some water tanks, even a large bar with vending machines. But everything was built in an old-fashioned way, with wood and sandstone. She grabbed a kitchen knife to a hand. Not a real weapon to protect from armored Syndicate agents, but it is a weapon to protect from fears. A gilded horn was a backup weapon against them as well.

    She was able to hear station notices over a common radio channel from hear radio communicator, but noone answered on her cry of help. Messaging server did not give a response, a hope on help from all-knowing AI has gone.

    PDA did not give enough light, so she wandered at random. More sand, more blood, more dead bodies... Eventually she came to a room with a reinforced glass windows overlooking an empty space. A shuttle was docked at the far end of the room. Now everything got clear, She was on large mining asteroid, once belonged to Syndicate. All workers have gone insane and NT sent a group either to salvage, or to explore (or maybe both - who knows)

    There was one of the scientists she has seen before. She was clad in a weighty EVA armor, a helmet was standing at her feet, red hair failing waves on the shoulders.  A closet with assorted items was standing near the diagnostics scanner. A red-haired girl pointed to another set of armor: "So, you are here. You won't last long if you don't wear this." "Okay, just don't force me to put on that Syndicate garb!" "You are free to choose, they are nearly the same, and there is a large selection at place. Drop that dog near those dead crewmembers, we are going to take them. Well, dress up then, and I'll go check outside". A tourist dropped her vintage decorated top hat and coat, putting on EVA helmet and EVA space suit. Later a scientist returned and started rearranging her notes from scanner. Suddenly bullets has hit the glass from outside - a dark-red figure approached their hideout. A tourist nervously pushed the bike horn, trying to warn her new companion. "It's a Syndicate Commando, let's run!". While running away from the room she noticed the scientist trying to push commando back to space while aiming with a sidearm. The bullet reached a tourist, but the armor softened the blow, saving her life. She waited for some time in one of the passages and came back to a room with caution. There were no signs neither of scientist, nor of commando. They have just gone. Did they kill one another in space? Or a scientist had found a way to leave the place? Red-haired girl did not use a shuttle, because it was still on place, and controls were hidden somewhere (that's definitely a mysterious Syndicate technology).

    But now she found being alone - in this hostile place. She scaled a way back to the sandstone HQ. On her way she stepped on a buried landmines a couple of times. No, they did not violently explode. They just did slowly damage her body, and her mind altering them uncontrollably. She started shaking, occasionally failing on sand in seizure, dropping a horn, a knife and releasing grip on Ian's; but she stood up, picking all the things being important at that moment. She tried to play some tunes on the horn, but the sound came empty, darkness gulped the sound.

    At sandstone room she found nobody, just puddles of dried blood and trails of scientific equipment on the floor. The room was perfectly lit by glowing panels, but flickering light was giving only nausea. She has gone outside again, hoping to find anyone from Cyberiad, dead or alive. All the way she was pulling Ian's corpse. Find the way with Ian was her goal. Oddly enough, she did not see anyone from the crew. Where have they all gone? The whole place was like a large cavern with buildings inside and reception harbor facing the open space, so there was no way out, only to space.

    A radio device was whispering announcements from Cyberiad - Code blue, Code Red, Gamma, Delta... That was somewhere far from that place. And here was only a mid-class lady in an oversized armored spacesuit, pulling dog's corpse behind and slowly losing sanity. Suddenly she heard from the radio: "Nuclear device enabled, all go to evac shuttle". She whispered: "Take me with you, you have time". She looked to the stars and shouted: "Gods of the galaxy, take me back to Cyberiad!" Suddenly she felt warmth and hope: her prayers were heard. Suddenly something appeared in her fingers - that was a special cookie, a token of support and a friendly joke from higher forces of her universe. Well, the cookie was really special, they never make such at Cyberiad.

    She ventured outside once again, aimlessly walking all over the place. Everything was the same - dead syndicate soldiers, dead mining town dwellers, and nobody else. She picked some snacks from vending machines and continued way. Suddenly voices in headset were interrupted by explosion. And the silence has come.

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  10. Well, I have found two noticeable artifacts. One was emitting a bright flash when triggered. And another released a violent explosion.


    Never trigger these in a crowded hallway or you'll get a notice from admins.

    Actually I enjoy fiddling with artifacts, they may get useful sometimes. We really need a separate reinforced room with atmosphere for testing artifacts.

  11. So, a new visitor may join and select a central role of Captain from a first server's round, but cannot choose a third-party role of spacepod pilot?

    Probably, it may be a good idea to make Captain a Karma unlockable job?

    A pilot may ruin some sections of station, a Captain may ruin the whole round.

  12. Great! So, my Xenoarcheologist career was something like that: Gone venturing to maintenance tunnels looking for alien artifacts, found troubles there, got healed at medbay, found more troubles lately. Finally ended up at bar, got drunk to the state of unconsciousness and watched the folks running to shuttle while lying by the wall in a puddle.


    Actually, I have seen (on other servers) that archeologists have a ton of gameplay features, just like cooks and chemists. But they have their grounds too far from station, further than miners, which gives the whole round for them a "singleplayer" feel. And it is as dangerous, as being miner.


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