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Posts posted by Fj45


    I am so hyped. It's unhealthy.
    PA system failure has occured.

    Shutdown of the Masterbrain has been authorized and all sensitive materials have been removed for security purposes.

    Please attempt re-access. Have a pleasant day.

    There's a lot of speculation that it's going to be set in the Commonwealth, i.e. Massachusetts.


    DAMN! Australia nearly got it!



    I don't think any kind of skill system (You are not a surgeon? No surgery for you!) would be feasible or work properly. Its just too complicated.


    A system similar to Goon would be rather fun though and would help add some variation.



    That being said, earlier that day I watched a Chief Engineer, and Security, actually roleplay not knowing what the glowing bloody runes were simply because they could know. I was genuinely impressed, because that is an extreme rarity, and something that was nice to see for once. Security didn't scream "cultist", heads didn't go to red alert, no lynching was done in the time I was there. I had to leave early unfortunately.




    There is RPing knowing what that means.

    There is RPing trying to find out what that means.


    And there is acting braindead and """"RPing"""" as someone so stupid that they couldn't recognize a gun as a threat.


    I shouldn't have to state why the third one is bloody awful.


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