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Everything posted by tristan1333

  1. Ayyyyyyy you have 360 posts ayyyyyyy LMAO
  2. Well if it was going to like that, it'd be prettyyyyy simple actually.
  3. Sorry m9, imagine a 369 MLG quickscopingtide of civilians wanting a fedora? Paradise would be shrekt
  4. I kinda like having to go back to the podbay to do some maintenance on the pod...
  5. To fix the secret part you could add an air of randomness...
  6. The maymay arrows sound like a gr8 b8 9/69 b8 m8, but 2 much 420 LMG quickscoping would crash Paradise
  7. It's basically never ok to use them now. Even as antag. It'd be pointless.
  8. Want me to code for that ninja star? Dunno if godmins will accept it but *shrug*
  9. Traitors are super restricted IMO. If I were to send a bomb via telescience to blow up my target (Destroying the surrounding area ect.) from what I have seen I would expect a warning from and admin. If I were bomb escape with a multitude of bombs for the escape alone objective, I would also suspect a warning or a ban. Spreading a virus to kill a horde of people, probably a ban. Also for the escape alone objective. I ran into the conference room where heads were having a meeting and blew up a syndicate mini-bomb. Sent one person into crit, blew off another's hand and minor wounds for the rest. I was ALMOST banned, however another admin intervened. How are antags meant to make things interesting, when interesting things can't happen? I am NOT saying that traitors should be allowed to mass bomb with telescience nor do anything super evil not related to their objectives. A bit of a rant but overall: Antags, should be allowed, to do interesting things that affect themselves and other people around them. This isn't a bay super RP server. I believe rule 6 should be revised
  10. Sarea goes about her business about to go for a shower with her Voxxy friend when she catches some random in the dorms! Yay! Sarea silent stings and decaps the poor victim and eats them on the spot. All cool. She goes for a shower with Voxxy friend, they break up. Sarea then goes to clone poor victim ((IE they complained about how they were AFK after punching mewhile I murdered them)) and I get a man monkey. Joy! Gobble that up, AI reports me. Innocent act. I go to sec. I get interrogated and end things go sour. Sarea turns into a monkey and flees until she gets into the sec pod. She survives! Eventually she finds the bartender alone in a pod. She breaks in through the window and drags him out paralyzed into space while screaming super discomforting Sarea stuff. Sec finally break into the other pod and I pretend to be the bartender screaming for help (With the intent of scaring them). an extended battle is had and eventually after suffering from plenty of gun shots, Sarea closes the pod. The pods launches, Sarea is flung out the front of the pod in her sec gear. She comes back to life and threatens the living.
  11. Releasing viruses as an antag is majority of the time not ok. Viruses have a small chance of appearing onboard, meaning all the Virologist can really do is sit around hoping this round will be the round one happens. If some people on station contracted a random non-lethal non-infectious disease curable by Virology it could certainly make the Virologist a much more desirable/desired crew member/position.
  12. Currently, Research and Development is dreadfully un-sciency. Telescience and excavation are currently the only TRUE departments of proper !!!SCIENCE!!!. Maybe an improvement to R&D so people can't just write stuff down on notepad and max research 10 minutes in (Err, unless mining is being bad). I completely avoid science due to the fact 1. You have to constantly recalibrate the Teleporter, making it an enormous pain in the ass to use. Otherwise this section is fun for a long time. 2. Making bombs that can only be used in a blank room is boring. And even IF you are an antag, bombing the station with devastating bombs could be considered excessive use of violence. When have the miners ever asked for bombs? Maybe add monkey's or something. I dunno. 3. R&D is super boring. Find item, deconstruct. Repeat. Maybe needing to find a random method of truly deconstructing X item, which may or may not explode in your face if you use the wrong method? 4. Xenobiology, has almost no practical use. For the none-traitor it get's pretty old pretty quick. 5. The Server Room (Only accessible by the RD) seems... Less fancy than it should be. It's science! And it's a computer! There should be !!!FUN!!! for those willing to put in effort. 6. Excavations are fine. Personally, I believe science should be the place where people run out screaming with their labcoat on fire and begging to be taken to medbay. TLDR Science only reaches it's full potential of fun if a scientist get's antag.
  13. Name: Sarea Elderway Age: 20 Gender: Female Race: Human (Several reports state otherwise) Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): Nurse, Maintenance Technician, Microbiologist, Geneticist Biography: Sarea is an ill mannered woman who presents themself as one of the general scum who frequent alley ways, however when she feels she is working with respectable or superior beings she has a tendency to act in a much more welcoming and professional manner. She also seems to judge superiority in a debased alien form, from guiding incompetants to swearing and overtaking the job of someone competant as they are not doing it the "right" way. Qualifications: Advanced first aid Advanced surgery Dedicated cloning operations Advanced gene therapy Advanced microbial studies Basic level engineering Employment Records: 5 year dedicated medical training (Clearance: Security) 6 months NCS Cyberaid Security Records: Medical Records: Sarea Elderway has an addiction to the legal drug methylphendite Personnel Photo (Appearance text):
  14. That makes absolutely no sense, two extremely different antags Exactly. Directive 7-10 would be so totally varied it would be brilliant
  15. Or you could just replace blob with cortical borer if karma purchased
  17. Haha remember that time you converted me (Sarea) to cult and I ended up going crazy as fuck?
  18. Played 3/4e D&D, 4 is fun for my inexperienced group who are just there for the hack and slash and lols, 3e with my more experienced group. We do play Warhammer RP 1e and my group LOVE it. Also, if no one can find anyone to play with I DEFINITELY recommend roll20.net for ANY tabletop game. Tabletop as in card, RPG or whatever
  19. Aren't the cigars only obtainable from a hacked machine? I can't remember but I don't see many. Unless you count doobies and the such as a cigar
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