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Everything posted by R1f73r

  1. I really enjoy the soft art style that you have, very nice characters!
  2. I’m just here to have a good time, and set records. (-2)
  3. Space lube. Guns. Hell some teargas.
  4. A magistrate imo is better to be felt, than heard. While what he says should be listened to I think that it is in a perfectly fine state as-is.
  5. I second @thatdanguy23 in that the mindset needs to change. Unless it is a station emergency (ie nukies, shadowlings, the cult is JUST about to summon their god(s)) then you shouldn’t be afraid to let new guys work, help them out, and ask for help. People often forget just how unforgiving it was to learn when they were starting out. I personally take it upon myself to teach someone if they are asking for help. Conversely though I take no pity on those who refuse help and get frustrated at learning ?
  6. You know every time you put something in this secret language it just makes me want to post here more?
  7. R1f73r


    Cleaning dishes could be the way that the chef makes money, it eats the plates and in return the chef gets money, like how we have the science department.
  8. Because I don’t want you to break muh record we set!
  9. I'm the number one bald lizard! I think. There aren't too many of those running around at least.
  10. if you're okay with a total noob playin' then I'd be interested!
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