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Posts posted by TwoCam

  1. From what I've heard the SS14 guys have floated the possibility of an on-station shipbreaker/ruin salvager job as a replacement for mining so that there isn't a large contingent of people outside of the station at all times. I've got to agree with that chain of logic. I'd actually like to see it replace mining if we could somehow figure out how to keep it engaging, and ideally, if we could figure out how to involve multiple departments with things like having sec clear out simplemobs, science making breaching charges, cargo ordering crates full of niche and situational supplies, etc.

    This is a moonshot level project though.

  2. I'm for disabling it too. Visually, it's very annoying to me, the person actually playing the game. I'm fine if it stays in as something that can be set up room by room or something like that, but I just find it super grating, and the reduced light can actually sometimes make it hard to notice certain smaller sprites or tell certain sprites apart if they rely on colors, such as manual valves.

  3. Nay.

    I can't really see how you would instruct someone like that in real time in game without looking over their shoulder and having voice chat. There's nothing mechanically unique to security, it's all about experience, teamwork, robustness, and that sort of thing. Compare a guide to what gets covered in guides to security versus something like atmospherics if you don't believe me.

    I'm sorry, but this is a solution looking for a problem.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Xyd said:

    Blueshields who 'powergame' by having AEG's

    It's actually just a self charging version of the gun that they start with that also has a barely used disable mode. I find it kind of hard to call having one powergaming, Blueshield is one of those roles that carries lethals even on code green, and one of the main reasons why the science department exists is to gradually upgrade the station, the crew, and their stuff and the round goes on.


    Somewhat unrelated, but for reference, the Blueshield's starting Advance Stun Revolver is identical to the PDW9 that ERT teams get as a sidearm. The latter is just a reskin.

  5. 2 hours ago, rb303 said:

    the problem with making special species with a different body structure is clothing, it either means entirely new sprites will have to be made for each piece of clothing to specifically fit that species, or they just won't be able to wear 90% of the clothes. Humans with animal heads is kind of a neccesity for simplicity.


    We need more species that are different culturally, mechanically, etc. Having them be physically capable of using human clothing sprites isn't the issue here. In fact, I doubt any species that doesn't do that will be receive any serous consideration for implementation.

    Speaking of that, how would we handle the moth wings? Do they fold up when the moth's upper body is covered? If so, they would have to lose their benefits most of the time.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Threeinone said:

    Some departments have an EFTPOS scanner that extracts credits from IDs. This is never used because everyone expects things to be free for them, the self entitled greytiders.

    It's too much of a hassle to use it.

  7. Request consoles can print out labels (actually boxes) that you can ship to other departments. Use them in hand after inserting an item to seal them, then drop them into any disposal.

    This has been the single biggest time saver for me in the game, and is great for getting things into more secure departments, like security, which you can easily stand outside for ages waiting for someone to help you.

    Spread the word and get more people using this great system!

    • Like 2
  8. Alright then, could we consider my suspended sentencing idea? I think it would result in security being much more willing to release people with a warning while not giving people a free pass to graytide if they continue to do IC crimes, since they'll likely serve the sentence either way.

  9. No, I know I'm not the only one to let people go in parole for smaller crimes as long as they promise to behave.

    Maybe replace it with suspended sentencing? The idea would be that you don't get a sentence this time, but if you get brigged again and found guilty of anything, you serve both sentences?

    Stacking would not apply in this case, so if you get arrested for stealing surgical tools, get a suspended sentence, and then get arrested for stealing them again later, you will serve two consecutive sentences for the same crime. I think a lot of ic crimes can easily be solved by just telling people not to do what they did again, but this gives people a reason to actually behave if they get off, and therefore security will be much more inclined to just let people go for minor stuff.

  10. Yeah, a partial solution is what I suggested before: the repeat offender modifier should start the second time and be harsher.

    I think a lot of modifiers in general should either be harsher or come with an alternate sentence that can be applied (for example, 25% or five minutes at the officer's choice.) Slapping someone with an extra 45 seconds just doesn't quite make sense.

    I think that overall if we want to see some of the changes that we're looking for, we're going to need to have a space law that's harsher on minor crimes, and rewording plus very minor numerical tweaks isn't going to solve that.

  11. Yeah, that's one of the thing we really need more guidance on. We should at least have some nice solid guidelines on when it should be tacked on.

    Also, how do we deal with multiple escape attempts in the same sentence? Do we add extra time based on the original sentence, or based on the sentence with the first modifier already applied?

  12. No, I think damaging both a should continue to be assault. While your idea makes sense from an IC perspective, we've got to remember that these are players being hurt and that should be treated equally.


    I also just realized how low the refusal to cooperate modifier is. In order to get the maximum of 15 minutes, you have to have an hour long sentence already, and by that time, you're probably headed to the permabrig! It should probably be harsher or have a minimum time (for example, officer gets to choose between 25% of your sentence or five minutes.)

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