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Posts posted by Malphystoh

  1. Have the assistants and what not be responsible for the cutlery. Engineers and atmost just gotta build a room and make it look fancy. (fancy tables and such, nice lighting, extra stuff around)  Likely need extra ash trays and smoke machines. It could really be made into a big activity! 

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  2. This does sound super fun. Also speaking of broadsides. What if the pirate ship circles the station for a bit and hurls Rods at them to represent being broadsided? Then once the station is sufficiently softened up they come in. I'd reccomend giving them some generic black space suits as well that way AI cant just syphon the o2 at arrivals or some junk. Or perhaps the broadsides were a bit toooo effective. 

  3. What if. Instead of Dino's they are Vox with Dino names. ehhh? ehhhhhh? Primordial Vox who have been trapped in a micro climate ship since time long gone?!?! Give them the leaps and the mega claws and what not? Maybe some ancient voxxy shenanigans. extra points if they combine cavemanspeak with voxxyspeaks 

  4. One suggestion. Give each Cereal Killer (hueh) a unique flavored objective that kinda gives them a neat quirky objective. Like insanity based.  "You must always finish your kills by strangulation. If you fail to achieve this you have been known to fly into blind rages and compromise yourself"   " You must always force your victim to first admit to your divine purpose, either through torture, coercion or lies. Once they have finally admitted your glorious divine nature you may dispose of them indiscriminately" 

  5. What if ~ and hear me out ~ The food from the diner brainwashes who ever eats it with some sort of silly / ridiculous food oriented traitor objective. Steal 10 pies and deliver them to Chefoverlord. Prevent the clowns from getting banana's. Give at least 3 people roburgers that turn them into syndicate fry borgs with objectives to deep fry the world into delicious perfection. Make the captain sit down and eat a candle lit spagget dinner with red wine and a crew member of their choosing. 

  6. I picture the first 30m or so of the shift (maybe the first hour?) for engineering and atmos to cobble together a fancy feast hall. and the cooks, botany and cargo to co-ordinate the setup. I demand every seat has forks at least >.<  Perhaps command comes down and oversee's the construction or setup once things are being placed / presentation is being prepared. Its really got a lot of good RP potential. 

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  7. Trying to imagine two to three 25 person tables somehow all cobbled together in three rows in some new room made just for this purpose. That would be really cool to just see everyone hanging out and talking it up. I like the idea of giving traitor objectives to some of the people responsible for hosting the event. Much like you suggested with the chef, give the bartender a goal as well such as poison, or even more benign like make sure so and so gets super drunk and enjoys themselves and so on. Utilizing janitors and assistants (formal wear required) to act as waiters and clean up the random puke from people who over imbibe. Give them objectives that revolve around good service and so on. and maybe one or two shenanigans or evil objectives as well. ( No event ending things like grenades or bombs, just more stealth stuff or benign stuff like make so and so look like a fool in front of their peers.) This could really be fun. Especially if its like a SpessXmas or SpessThxGivesivus feasts............ Love the suggestion! 

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