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Everything posted by VampyrBytes

  1. from the wiki - If you can't find the crime listed in here you can set up a tribunal. See Legal Standard Operating Procedure. So yes, they could be arrested, but they can't be punished until there's been a tribunal
  2. From the wiki Gold Slime Extracts spawns a few random hostile mobs when injected with plasma. Aliens are common from this reaction, so you might be able to fill xenobiology with actual xenomorphs! (currently, blood injections do not work) If you're not getting anything when you inject with plasma, it's a bug. oh, and this should only be tried in the pen that has the button to allow you to space the pen
  3. Ok, only a little thing, but how about adding drawing pins to the game. I got the idea when I was a chemist making up advanced medicine mixes. I know plenty of medics are dubious about giving meds without knowing what's in them, and the labeling system is limited in how many characters you can use. So I thought to myself, I wish I could just pin a piece of paper to the fridge that tells everyone what's in the pills. Then I started thinking about other practical uses of being able to pin up notes - HoP - 'Called away on urgent command business, back in 10' at his queue (yes, we know he'll never be back, but still ) Barman/Chef - Menus Clown/Mime - why just drop the photos of your butt on the floor when you can pin them up everywhere Engineers - out of order signs (we'll get around to it as soon as we've repaired the derelict) I'm sure there's plenty of other professions and situations for them to be used in How I envisage it working - Use the drawing pin on a piece of paper. You can now click on a wall, door, machine, or whatever else you can think of with it in your hand and it sticks to it - graphics wise it'd be overlayed in the same way as when you drop it on the floor click the paper with an empty hand and you get the normal window for reading a piece of paper click the paper with a pen in hand and you get the normal window for writing/editing click the paper with a screwdriver / knife / similar implement in your hand and you take down the piece of paper I'm sure there could be other fun uses for drawing pins too... perhaps if you scatter them over the floor, people can only walk over those tiles, not run (this was totally off the top of my head whilst writing this)
  4. Fj, stop trying to turn everyone into crazed lunatics that gas everyone at the first opportunity atmos techs And welcome aboard Citinited
  5. In that situation, you yell at the AI to bolt open the doors to where the blob is... blobs need everyone to be able to get to them. However, the idea of the HoP being able to raise or lower all of a certain profession's is an interesting one.
  6. Need this. Banana launcher, flashlight, bike horn. And space lube when emagged
  7. Name: Kiera Whiteman Age: 30 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: A+ General Occupational Role(s): Geneticist, Chemist Biography: Kiera was born and raised on Tau Ceti E. She had an identical twin sister Luna, from whom she was inseparable. They studied genetics together at university, with Kiera coming top of the class, closely followed by Luna. Kiera went on to win numerous awards for her postgraduate work in genetics, with Luna at her side. However, Luna started becoming embittered at the fact that Kiera was always the one in the limelight, receiving the awards and the praise whilst Luna was left in her shadow. Finally Luna left Tau Ceti to work for NT, despite Kiera's pleas for her to stay. Six months later Kiera left her research position at the university and also joined NT. This was solely due to her desire to be reunited with her sister, as Kiera herself believes that the major corporations misuse the research done for them. Despite knowing Kiera's opinion of the corporations, NT hired her in a flash, knowing that they had one of the finest geneticists available in her. They did explain however that they would be unable to station her with Luna immediately due to staffing issues, but that it should be no more than 6 months before they could transfer her to her sister. 3 months later, the station Luna was working on was attacked by a [redacted] squad. They successfully detonated the nuclear bomb and escaped, leaving no survivors. Kiera was devastated at the death of her sister. She blames herself, as she feels that if she'd not been so successful, her sister would never have left Tau Ceti. She has become a lot more cynical since her sister's death. She also harbours a deep loathing for any members of the [redacted]. Kiera has recently started studying chemistry, and is showing great promise in this field too. [Clearance: Captain's eyes only] After the attack on the station Luna was working on, salvage teams were sent to the area. One thing recovered was the AI's memory units. Our teams at the local Centcom were able to salvage enough data from them to piece together what happened. Luna aided the Syndicate team that attacked and destroyed the station and is believed to have escaped with them. This information MUST NOT reach Kiera, as her loyalty to her sister is far greater than her loyalty to NT, and her hatred for the syndicate is only fuelled by the belief that they are responsible for Luna's death. However, Kiera should be monitored for suspicious behaviour, as it is possible that the syndicate will try and slip Luna onboard in place of Kiera. Qualifications: Numerous qualifications and awards in genetics Basic level chemistry (study ongoing) Employment Records: Director of Genetic studies at Tau Ceti University (3 years) Geneticist aboard NCS Paradise (6 months) Security Records: Several counts of comments likely to incite mutinous behaviour Medical Records: Suffered depression for several months after the death of her sister. Seems to be stable now, but should be monitored for any signs of relapse Personnel Photo (Appearance text):At 5'4” with long blonde hair, Kiera is definitely attractive, but her blue eyes are her most noticeable feature. Without changing expression, her eyes tell you exactly how she is feeling, whether it be shining with joy, showing enough pain to make grown men weep, or nailing someone to the floor with scorn. As such, she only receives unwanted attention through her looks once from anyone, one look has them vowing to never try again. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
  8. No... you don't mean... You'll become a MIME!?
  9. Could well be, I don't tend to sign up for ERT
  10. I've been in this situation numerous times as I usually play a geneticist, which leaves me susceptible to the bone breaking disorder. When I've also found the no breathe SE, the usual anesthetic doesn't work on me. I let the surgeon know that the anesthetic isn't going to work and then go along with how they choose to play it. Most tend to just carve me up while I'm awake, during which I make appropriate emotes to show the torture they're putting me through. The best surgeons head off to chem and get some sleep toxins for me. However, they are much fewer. The point being, it's not just the patients that choose the easy route, most surgeons will opt for the easier option too. My concern is that the added risk of failure wouldn't change the surgeon's attitude, and people would end up dying because of lazy surgeons... and when you're talking about Vox you've got the added problems that trying to clone them involves, which could lead to someone being taken out of the round because of a broken leg
  11. It's not common - I've been made DS 3 or 4 times in my 6 months of playing on the server - but it does happen. It happens the same way honksquad happens... you're a ghost watching the station go to pieces, an admin decides it's time for a DS, and the next thing you know you're a DS member with a mission (usually to nuke the station). From when this had happened I assumed players were randomly chosen from the pool of dead players when the admin hit the DS button. As far as the spawn location goes, when it's happened I've always appeared at the same place. It's got a table in the middle, a shuttle that goes to the station in the south, and a row of mechs behind a sealed door (that may be open or closed depending on whether the admin wants you to have access to them) to the north west. I've never found it as a ghost, so don't know where it is in relation to anywhere else, but as every time I've been a DS member I started there, I'd assumed it was the spawn point
  12. yep, know that for sure as I was part of the deathsquad earlier today against the spider stations 13 lol, and we all got proper tanks and filled them
  13. VampyrBytes


    I'd disagree. I've been the target of that directive 4 times, and most of them I've had great rounds... I've had the RD (head mutineer) evacuate us onto the research station, I've been broken out of quarantine, I've been killed by the captain in virology, and I've even had to go out and come back just as we were put in the nuke room and gassed (wasn't too impressed at that as I was ssd) The hour gives plenty of time for the head mutineer to muster up resistance and find some way of keeping you safe, so the potential is there for you to have a great round. But as with any RP based round, almost anything can happen, and sometimes it's going to lead to you having a bad round. Having a bad round is as much a part of ss13 as having an exellent round... and what's a bad round for one will probably be fun for another. I was online for the round in question, and so know you'd had a bad round just before that, and yeah, 2 bad rounds in a row sucks, but it will happen.... as will 2 excellent rounds. But don't let your frustration with the 2 bad rounds in a row colour your assessment of the round setup... being the target of that directive can lead to excellent rounds too
  14. However, there is an oxygen tank dispenser and oxygen refill tank at the spawning location for the DS. and it's a mistake people only ususally make once
  15. Spider station 13 - the spiders were caused by a virus, and withstood everthing thrown at them... deathsquad with gigax, Syndie team with Seraphs, everything!
  16. Nope, on the current map, genetics has 2 dna modifiers and cloning has 2 cloners. By the look of it cloning has been reduced to one on the suggested map, which will increase the time people have to wait to get back into the game when the shit hits the fan. As a geneticist that is good at their job (ie prioritizes cloning over finding every super power available) I'd have to say that it came as a pleasant relief when we got the second cloner and I wouldn't like to have to go back to one. also, cloning needs to be bigger than shown above... when you've got corpses lined up waiting to be cloned, medics getting under foot trying to to your job and security officers waiting to take dead criminals back into custody, and have to have your intent to grab so you can get people in and out of the cloners and cryo, you need the space
  17. Love the idea of being able to emag the NT flags
  18. Ok my suggestion is that rule 10 gets changed, rule 10 being - 10. Don't grief on the shuttle: Do not grief, even while the shuttle is in transit. Antagonists are allowed, however to pursue their objectives if they are on the shuttle/pods. _The Last 60 seconds_ of the game (post dock, after objectives have been announced) IS NO LONGER a free-for-all. Normal rules apply UNLESS you are in the thunderdome. Similarly, don't attack people at arrivals. Even if you are an antag, attacking people who enter after you is really pathetic. The part I think needs changing is 'Antagonists are allowed, however to pursue their objectives if they are on the shuttle/pods'. Don't get me wrong, I've used this part of the rule before, and am not overly keen on it being changed... However I think with the zero tolerance for shuttle grief it needs to be. The admins are cracking down hard on shuttle grief, which I agree with, but with so much happening on the shuttle it's virtually impossible for them to tell what's grief and what's defending their friends and colleagues and people, even sec, are now getting banned for defending people. I can understand this, as if a griefer sees a fight going on they're much more likely to start up, but it seems wrong for people to be getting banned for reacting in an ic way rather than just sitting quietly while their friend is murdered in front of them. The only way I can see to stamp out shuttle grief once and for all is to say that Antags can no longer pursue their objectives once on the shuttle. If this happens then no-one has any reason to be attacking onboard the shuttle, and the admins know that any attack logs coming in class as grief. Perhaps a slight change in the code, so the objectives come up with the red or green text as soon as the shuttle departs the station, thereby giving no-one any reason to continue after it leaves. Please note, this is in no way an attack on admins not being able to admin the shuttle properly, I fully understand they have an almost impossible job dealing with everything going on on the shuttle within the 3 minutes before the round ends. This thread is for a discussion on a possible solution, so if you want to discuss specific cases please head to the unban me section, I don't want this locked because of it turning into a bitch about the admins thread.
  19. As an antag you should only do disruptive things if they further your objectives. So the only time you should consider releasing plasma is if you need to hijack the shuttle, as it's the only situation mass murder could further your objectives. Playing antags can be great fun, but it comes with responsibility. As for the perma ban, put in an appeal, showing you know what you did wrong and you'll be back soon.
  20. The bluespace artillery is the admin's grief weapon of choice a very big cannon that can blow massive holes in the station and can only be used by the admins
  21. I guess technically you're right. The difference is language changes over time... now very few people think of lame as a word that means someone that can't, or has difficulty walking, it's predominant meaning now being the pathetic meaning, whereas gay still very much has the homosexual meaning. As I'm probably the lameist (in it's original meaning) person who plays on the server, being wheelchair bound and an amputee, I feel I can put your mind to rest... if you call me lame, I'll assume you're calling me pathetic, not having a go at my disabilities
  22. This sounds great fun. Wonder how much I could charge for genetic powers
  23. There's ways to deal with this. On a normal round simply send them to either the CMO or RD to get permission... most of the time they won't bother cos they know the answer will be no. Best one is if they bug me for powers when I'm an antag though... there's nothing like spending half a round as a monkey to make people think twice about bugging the geneticist in the future :lol: There are a couple of situations I'll give out powers freely though... In alien rounds I'll give out any powers that'll help keep people alive like they're candy. I'll always give Vox the no need to breathe gene so they don't have to rely on their N2O, and I'll give out powers to the heads/captain and anyone they request them for. What annoys me more than people asking for powers is the geneticists who find a few powers then go and give them out to as many people as possible without good reason. There's nothing like a superpowered greytide to give genetics a bad name. With great power comes great responsibility
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