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Posts posted by EvadableMoxie

    • Added a section on Auto-menders
    • Added a section on Stable Mutagen
    • Updated the Vox, Slime, and Diona entries to reflect the new mechanics.

    If there is anything else that is still outdated or missing, please let me know.


    • Expanded and corrected some information in the section about critical condition
    • Expanded the entry on Auto-menders with a bit more information


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  1. I've updated the guide for new-crit, and tried to update it as much as possible for the species changes, although I may have gotten some things wrong.  If anyone notices anything out of date or otherwise incorrect, please let me know.

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  2. A lot of things are set up in ways that aren't meant to make sense logically, but rather to create opportunities for crew to optimize or have a meaningful impact on the round.  While it can be frustrating to play security and have an AI that doesn't respond to you and useless command that don't give you more access, the fact that these roles being incompetent matters, means that them being competent matters.  When you have a good AI, or command that actually sees problems and solves them you really notice and appreciate it, because they have the power to make a difference.  If you already had everything you need from round start, there wouldn't be anything they can do to help or hinder you.

    I think this is one of those areas where an intentional lack of optimization helps the game. 

    • explodyparrot 1
  3. A single broken bone or internal bleeding can easily end an antag's round, since they often don't get the luxury of being able to go to Medbay.  Changing security over to ballistics would be massive buff to security and a massive nerf to antags. One that probably doesn't need to happen. 

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  4. About the only thing I'd like medical borgs to get is a gripper for limbs (cybernetic and organic). They're already so overly specialized that I feel they should be able to do all surgeries instead of just most of them. Salb would be nice I guess but I can't think of a reason I'd need it, and in that case I'd just use a sleeper. 

  5. In my opinion, the problem isn't that people don't die. The problem is they don't go down, or if they do they get back up, even in crit. All that needs to happen is have it so once you hit critical, you'll be incapacitated fairly shortly without some serious drugs.  I'm not sure the best way to accomplish this... via stamina damage seems like it would work.

    I can tell you it's really annoying with new crit how you get two idiots fist fighting in the bar and both of them can keep a bar fight going until they've dealt 300 damage to eachother.  Everything becames a lethal struggle with new crit because it's so easy to get into a position where you'll die eventually but so hard to be put into a position where you can no longer fight. You can't hurt someone to the point where they stop without hurting them enough that they'll die without medical attention. If you don't have stuns and zipties you have to flat out murder them to get them to stop, and it makes proper force escalation very difficult. 

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  6. The code for kidneys is my favorite.


    	// Coffee is really bad for you with busted kidneys.
    	// This should probably be expanded in some way, but fucked if I know
    	// what else kidneys can process in our reagent list.
    	var/datum/reagent/coffee = locate(/datum/reagent/consumable/drink/coffee) in owner.reagents.reagent_list
    			owner.adjustToxLoss(0.1 * PROCESS_ACCURACY)
    		else if(is_broken())
    			owner.adjustToxLoss(0.3 * PROCESS_ACCURACY)


    Yes, all kidney's do is cause 0.1 to 0.3 toxin damage per tick if you have coffee in your system. That's it.

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    • explodyparrot 2
  7. General thoughts:

    Everyone feeling like they understand the rules and can play without fear of getting in trouble if they're honestly trying to follow them is more important to me than what the rules actually are. Very sympathetic to what Rurik is saying. 

    I would like less traitors, but each one having 2 objectives again and having more freedom to go beyond them.  Getting an antag role should be special, not 5 minute objective then you're just crew again.

    It's always going to be hard to have RP between antags and sec in a game where RP opens you up to a single shot stunning you and ending your round. Requires trust, which is hard when you get burned for doing it so many times.

    Feels like Sec and Antags are just two factions detached from the crew and crew generally doesn't care who wins as long as they're left alone. Crew doesn't fear antags since the rules protect them, when that should be sec's job. Hard problem to solve.

    Strongly disagree that sec should be 'open season' to antags for bunch of different reasons. Elaborating on it could fill a post in itself.

    We have way more people than the game systems were really designed to handle right now. The tide is still too high and it's throwing everything off. We're seemingly stuck on box forever so it's not getting better until the tide recedes. 

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  8. So in case anyone has noticed, I haven't been around lately. I generally don't talk about irl stuff or my personal life, but I feel like I should say something instead of just disappearing.

    I finished studying for my A+ and I have a new job on an IT help desk.  It's higher paying than my old position I was laid off from, and has a lot more opportunity for advancement. They're offering access to cbt nuggets and to pay for testing when I eventually go for my Network+ cert.  

    However, while I am in training I have hours that require I endure a 2 hour plus commute each way, which means I've been putting in over 12 hours a day between actual work and the commute.  I basically have about two and half hours of free time in the evenings to do anything I need to do, including cooking and eating dinner. Once I'm out of training, I'm going to be on a later shift where I avoid most of the traffic and cut the commute down by more than half. I'll be less tired once I'm acclimated to my new schedule as well and there may be some opportunity for work at home shifts in the future.

    I'll try to pop in here and there when I can. Good luck on your spess adventures in the meantime.

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    • explodyparrot 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Abydos said:

    Body Scanners - Effects: Allows a much more deeper and stronger scan on a person, allowing you to find / detect syndicate implants such as hidden storage implants, holoparasites, bombs, ect.

    This is actually just a common myth.  Syndicate implants and holo-parasites are never detected by body scanners.

    The code lists implant that it can detect: 

    var/known_implants = list(/obj/item/implant/chem, /obj/item/implant/death_alarm, /obj/item/implant/mindshield,/obj/item/implant/tracking, /obj/item/implant/health)

    Those are the only implants it can ever detect, there's no code to add syndicate implants when it's upgraded. Note that cybernetic implants that are installed surgically like Anti-drop or X-ray are considered organs by the code, so it will always detect those and list them as organs.  As near as I can tell, upgrading the scanning module does nothing.

  10. The problem with all of the oversight positions is that there's really no reason to assume the oversight person is going to be any more competent on average than the person they're supposed to be providing oversight for. Just because someone picks IAA instead of security doesn't actually mean they're any more knowledgeable about space law or SoP than security is.  Which is why they usually aren't. I'd imagine we'd end up with the exact same problem here.

  11. 5 hours ago, Fox McCloud said:

    I'd personally rather it just be that you can ahelp for more objectives and drop the "but you should fax instead!" thing, then leave the numbers of objectives where they're currently at.


    Faxes pigeon holes your strats since it forces you into purchasing an emag. Likewise, just using a fax without getting caught isn't particularly easy, either.

    I'd be fine with ahelping over faxing, but I don't think either one is better than just giving traitors two objectives outright. Admin intervention should be for special cases, not something that's just expected by design.

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  12. Every chem you need for dealing with critical (and some others) is now in the med vendors, with more than enough of it that chemistry probably won't need to make any.  Chem is really just needed for SR, Cryox for biomass, and Mito.  They don't even need to make patches anymore since each medvend has 10 brute and burn patches with 40u per patch.  


  13. 1 hour ago, Lars said:

    What's the lore justification for having any path of plasma to supply tho. N2O and CO2 are ok, they'd have a purpose as fire suppressors, but having a prebuilt mechanism to cause a widespread uncontrolled fire...


    There probably isn't one.  The way a Nanotrasen space station is run is just insane in pretty much every aspect.  Having plasma that can be easily routed into the circulation is about on par with security that exclusively uses physical cards that can't be deactivated remotely if lost, and power generation that destroys the entire station if there is an accident.

    Nearest we can say is Nanotrasen is greedy and the crew is insane so corners are cut to an extreme degree. Even that doesn't make much sense, though. There's no way it's cheaper to rebuild an entire station when containment fails that it is to just not use insanely dangerous engines in the first place.

    • honk 1
  14. 18 hours ago, Kryson said:

    Do you admins feels you are liberal in granting such requests, contrary to what i think is the common perception? If so, how do we communicate this to the playerbase?

    It depends on the round but I'd say in general admins tend to stick to the normal rules and only grant permission to break them in special circumstances. That shouldn't really be surprised, the rules are the rules for a reason. 

    That said, no one has ever been punished for asking.

  15. Steal objectives aren't just off limits for non-antagonists for the benefit of antagonists. They are off limited because stealing is normally allowed, and if you were allowed to steal antag objectives then you could basically be an antag every round by just deciding you feel like stealing the compact defib this shift. Part of the self-antaging rules is preventing non-antags from basically acting like antags when they aren't.

    Also, even though on paper the idea of conducting an investigation and tracking down the item sounds good, he reality is in the majority of cases if someone else steals it and you don't have an advanced pinpointer, you aren't finding it.  If you do find it, it will be because you got lucky.  It's actually very easy to grab a random traitor objective and then head out into space and just leave it somewhere no one is ever going to find it.

  16. Captain Hudson,

    As I stated when I replied to your fax during the shift in question, the firing of Heads of staff is at the discretion of the Captain, providing there is a legitimate reason for demotion. Further, the actions as described would certainly be a legitimate reason for demotion.  Therefore, there was no reason to question the legitimacy of your decision to demote Head of Security.

    As to the long term consequences for their behavior, the incident has been noted in the appropriate personnel files. A decision regarding punishment, if any, will be determined by Human Resources.  I will add your recommendations to the incident report. Although I have no direct authority in this incident, I can say that in general isolated incidents like this usually are not held against the employee in question, unless there is a clear pattern of misconduct.  That should not be taken as an authoritative answer, merely my personal opinion based on my experience with such matters.


    Padraig Callahan

    Special Operations Officer, NAS Trurl, Epsilon Eridani

  17. So upon further testing:

    You can use a 60/60 atropine/Cryox mix in your cryotubes. It won't save everyone but with how much RNG there is in the system, nothing will.  The only caveat is that you have to make sure their heart doesn't stop, so if damage is below -100 or so, eject them every so often to check. It'll be pretty rare anyone that hurt makes it to medical alive, though.

    The other option is atropine and then use a sleeper to inject salgu, salb, and epine. This will eventually stabilize them.

    Or in the field, atropine and treat the damage like you'd normally do. 

    I hope a pattern is developing here.  Carry syringes of Atropine round.

    Although patients don't instantly die at -100, much beyond that they die so fast that they might as well.  I wasn't able to save anyone with more than -200 HP even giving them immediate treatment with defibs and atropine, they still just randomly die, even without cardiac arrest hitting stage 3.


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  18. As a test, I used an admin spawned human and used admin tools to deal 200 burn damage, then timed how long it took for them to die.  These times aren't precise as I don't have a stopwatch and had to alt tab back and forth, but are generally accurate within 1-2s.

    Test 1: 2:28.  Subject started taking brain damage after 1:47.  Died with 664 respiration damage and 75 brain damage

    Test 2:  0:56. Subject started taking brain damage after 0:35. Died with 297 respsiration damage and 36 brain damage.

    Test 3 0:18. Subject started taking brain damage after 0:08. Died with 139 respiration damage and 18 brain damage.

    Test 4: 1:33. Byond bugged and didn't update the scanner so I don't know when brain damage started.  Died with 818 respiration damage and 102 brain damage.

    Test 5: 1:43. Subject started taking brain damage after 1:05. Died with 530 respiration damage and 60 brain damage.

    I'd hazard a guess that in a real scenario the odds any of those test dummies could have been saved by medical, even if it was staffed by the best medical players in existence is practically zero, simply because none of them would likely have made it to medical before dying.  Keep in mind, these numbers are withn me using  admin tools to deal 200 burn damage. In a realistic scenario where someone is taking brute by an antag or atmos death blender, it's probably going to be a lot worse.

    There definitely needs to be some adjustments made on the time til death, and there certainly needs to be a floor so patients can't just randomly die in 20 seconds.

    Edit: For some practical advice to anyone playing medical.

    At round start acquire a bucket.

    Go to the mendvend.   Vend a bottle of Epi, Sal-Glu, Atropine, and Salylic Acid.  Then vend 1 pill of Mannitol and 1 pill of Salbumtol.  Add 20 of each bottle to the bucket, then disolve both pills in it.  Grab a syringe and fill it.  Inject literally everyone who comes into medical in crit with that. If you're the CMO, use your hypo instead of a syringe, it's faster.  Normal hypos won't take atropine sadly, and if you have to give it separately it kind of defeats the point of the hypo being faster. 

    Edit 2: Actually, forget all that.  Just carry Atropine, it's all you need.  They can't die unless they suffer cardiac arrest, and they can't suffer cardiac arrest if they have Atropine in them.  Defib if their heart is already stopped.  Once atropine is in them, treat as normal to get them out of critical.  In fact, it should generally be safe to just inject 15u of atropine from a syringe and then dump them into cryo as long as their heart isn't already stopped.

    Edit 3: Theoretically, you should be able to just add atropine to the cryomix and just cryo everyone.  Will require testing.

    Once that's done, your biggest issue will be your fellow doctors trying to drag your patients away and throw them into cryo.  I would recommend murdering them with a hatchet. 

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