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Posts posted by Cyiko

  1. 5 minutes ago, LittleBigKid2000 said:

    Does it matter how long it takes to act? If you've got a bunch of ether in you, you're going to pass out with there being nothing you can do about it. Well, I guess you could quickly rush and get some coffee or pentetic acid if possible, but still.

    Yes. It would first have to be subverted in some way for its laws to let it do that to you, unless it was a troll doing it for the lulz. It notifies you that you've been injected with what starts at 5u per injection, so it'd be obvious to see "You feel a tiny prick" "You feel a tiny prick" "You feel a tiny prick".

    Afterwards it would take 36 cycles IIRC to finally knock you out, plenty of time for you to experience the initial effects and then yell over commons "Hey X Mediborg is trying to knock me out with ether!"

  2. On 9/27/2017 at 8:17 AM, LittleBigKid2000 said:

    Ether would be OP since it can be used to make people sleep. An emagged or otherwise rogue borg could quickly give a victim a whole bunch of ether, with no way for the victim to do anything about it short of having a hardsuit on. Though, having a delay with it like normal syringes might work.

    Morphine or hydrocodone might work, though it's important to note that pain isn't just an RP mechanic.

    I think you don't understand just how long it takes for ether to work.

  3. On 6/20/2017 at 9:16 AM, Enginseer-42 said:

    Do you WANT Borer hosts to get purged with fire? Conversion antags are kind of high priority kills.

    Difference is cultists want to destroy the station, shadowlings want to enslave everyone and in both those ways everyone gets fucked

    Borers don't, there's no greentext for infesting everyone, no murder X person and then summon an eldritch god... Only a little bit of text that basically says "No you can't be an asshole who instantly chugs all the sugar they can because memeslug"

  4. Borers have the potential to be entertaining semi-antags but a few mechanics make them a bit boring. So far how it goes is borers show up and people go either "EWW SLUGS" and instantly kill them, or someone accepts them and they get a slug buddy... aaaaand that's it.

    I had an entertaining round where I decided to be more aggressive as a host, working with my borer to capture and forcefully infect people with borers, noticing how entertaining it could be if this was more like the crew being taken over by a hivemind with just one little thing added, it would still leave them as a secondary antag


    "You feel like you're no longer alone and the station seems like a brighter place now you're a symbiotic host. You feel the urge to protect and spread this gift to everyone!"

    (This does not overwrite your objectives if you are an antag, but you must protect your borer and if possible help them infect others.) Basically it means you can't just casually walk up to medical and ask them to remove the slug or chug sugar to do it, it'd be equivalent to walking up to medical and asking them to dethrall you. Again this doesn't mean you're enslaved to it and have to do EVERYTHING it says, it just means it's done something to your brain that makes you character like it and potentially want to give everyone else the "gift"

    This is a very W.I.P thing but idea is it will stop people going HALP BORERS and chugging sugar to get them out and will give them more of an impact on the round


    TL:DR Borer hosts gonn kidnap ya and shove slugs in your ears and you can't just decide "no" anymore

  5. Really the only reason I play Vox is because I find them adorable in the same way a pug is adorable... You feel sorry for it... Oh also I just want to be a special snowflake and they're the most alien of the bunch. I bought Vox without even knowing they can go into space, so that's either something good or bad about me...

    Oh also the stack means that even though you speak like a dumbass... and act like a dumbass... You're pretty damn smart in the field you were made for. Act like a dopey smug asshole as much as you can! 


    Oh and depending on who you ask/who draws them! They either look like adorable spacebirds... Ooooor kinda disturbing spacebirdraptorthings


  6. An equivalent of the eradicator turret from prey that isn't a portable flash.

    Some fragile and weak turret with a weak disabler and/or laser depending on the setting that security can place in important areas during red alert. They have basically no health and the gun is pretty weak but the benefit comes from the fact they can be carried around. Two hands to carry, they require an ID with security clearance to deploy and edit. About 25 health. The laser would probably only do about 10 damage. They have an internal power cell which must be recharged or upgraded. Wirecutters will hook the turret into the grid and let it power itself from it and a screwdriver + crowbar can let you take the power cell out.

    Can be set up to shoot a disabler or laser beam at unknowns and criminals, giving an alert over the security channel at the one firing. "Enaging target at Central Hallway"

    E-magging them won't make them go nuts like a beepsky, instead it lets the e-magger access a targeting list based on IDs. A sneaky person could set all the turrets to fire at security but ignore everyone else, keeping it secret that they've been hacked/e-magged

  7. 13 hours ago, Tayswift said:

    Humans can also install a xenobio cell into their stun batons, and then eventually get self-recharging AEGs from research as well. The spammability of disablers isn't that big of deal, especially because they're not instastun. Also, you'd be removing secborgs' only way to not drift off into the void of space.

    This recent wave of hatred against sec borgs is so weird. Why now, all of a sudden, people want to neuter secborgs to the point of uselessness?

    The difference is a self recharging aeg takes a while to recharge.

    Give the sec borgs disabler gun a certain amount of shots and then it needs to recharge each one over time. Chalk it up to the capacitors charging it something and refilling the disabler "Magazine" is what drains the power

  8. 2 hours ago, Allfd said:

    They have cortical stacks which houses "them".  Perhaps it has a radio?

    Auralis are psionic and I'm 90% sure that Primalis are built of their genes, albeit heavily modified. I don't think it'd be too far to assume that the capabilities for a short ranged telepathic communication between other Vox, though probably touching distance

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  9. I'd prefer people slow down slightly, at the moment if someone just drags off someone you're dragging if they're downed, you'll never catch up to them because we all move at the same speed. Maybe slowing someone down about as much as clown shoes do, basically assuring that someone will catch up to you if you don't stop them, which also eliminates someone suddenly dragging off your victim and sprinting away at the speed of light

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