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Posts posted by Kluys


    not to mention the fact that locking away sec huds doesnt give security any more power, it just keeps the security records from being messed with to much

    sec records are what a -good- security force needs to function and making sec huds available to tons of people would mean destabalizing their entire system.



    Like I already said it doesnt matter if the engineers fix the cameras or not because the broken cameras are known by said warden or the AI, say we have 6 rooms and room 1 and 2 have a broken camera at round start, if the AI or warden have begged for this to be fixed they know for a FACT that room 1 and 2 have a broken camera since round start. If 15 minutes into the shift, room 5 has a broken camera its immidiately known that this camera is in fact cut by a person, not a random event.


    your arguments of it causing validhunting to stop is a bit strange as well seeing how you say that noone ever checks the camera monitor.... this means that any antag doing their work properly (IE disabling a camera withouth setting of the alarm) should remain hidden for quite some time. you could then proceed to fix the validhunting problem by only greying out cameras on the camera monitor which HAVE a set alarm that way the only thing you can do to find out about a non alerted disabled camera is to either see the camera itself, attempt to access the camera via the monitor console which should just show you static or something OR by the AI suddenly noticing one of the areas has gone dark


    Not to mention the thing I already said about the current implementation of this feature causing major issues like certain areas which should have absolute visibility having a chance of suddenly being dark from round start.


    I'd say either remove it or disable it until it functions properly and doesn't cause major issues for the AI.



    Without the cover of other cameras malfunctioning naturally or by random chance, a single cut camera is a dead give away that someone doesn't want attention in an area, making it a lightning rod for attention and valid hunting.


    Yes but currently this is not helped in any way since like I said most AI players who have played AI enough to know about the broken cameras will immidiately search all of those cameras.

    it doesn't matter if they are repaired or not the player playing the AI at that point KNOWS what cameras are broken and what cameras are hacked later on in the round.



    As I've stated I play engineer a lot as well and I can't speak for every single person but walking down a bunch of corridors to repair one camera (which takes no effort mind you since you can just cut and mend everything) isn't fun.

    Antags can disable cameras where they are by first hacking a camera and seeing what triggers the alarm. following that up by cutting a camera withouth triggering said alarm in the first place, the fact that the AI does or doesn't have broken cameras doesn't play into that.



    Like I said mark and alex, I understand that the validhunting problem is there but this is not the way to fix it.

    validhunting AI's will just find all the cameras immidiately and then report cameras that broke during the round as they did before, it hasn't changed at all it still happens.


    whitelisting the cameras on the AI sattalite will just add more snowflake code for a feature that doesn't really acomplish what it says on the box.


    The only way I see this work is if we had a small chance of a camera turning off temporarily DURING the round.




    This pull went in a long time ago and this feature has basically annoyed me ever since it went in, I already adressed it in a list of other things in a previous post but I think it deserves its own suggestion seeing how much issues it can cause.


    at round start there is a 3% chance any of the cameras on the station is broken down, this goes from cameras in the clown office all the way up to the camera in the captains office and even cameras on the AI sattalite.


    The argument made in the pull that it keeps things from getting to meta when the AI spots a broken camera is voided by the fact that any good AI player will usually search and report all of the broken cameras in the first 5 minutes of the game. Not to mention the fact that cameras being down SHOULD be seen as something fishy.


    Right now the broken camera mechanic only serves to be annoying to the AI especially when its on their own sattalite. (today an AI couldn't turn their own core turrets off which are set to lethal at round start)

    And as busywork for the engineers, Someone has said that "it adds something for the engineers to do" but I doubt any of the engineers enjoys being yelled at to go somewhere to fix one random camera.


    I've also heared people say "change it so it doesn't happen on the sattalite" but that would mean we would still be stuck with a useless annoying feature that doesn't really do anything.



    - Annoying

    - Doesn't accomplish the reason it was added

    - Serves no real purpose

    - not fun (AT ALL)



    I've seen bad cases of idiotic behavior in the whole internet, and this is maybe the worst of them all.

    I can think of something more idiotic which will now follow


    so in summary, you come on with a name that translates to violent penis, get banned for subverting the AI as a captain and later on releasing the sing as an AI. you then get permabanned because your previous ckey means "violent penis" and you named a gun faggot destroyer while having a conversation about shoving it up a guys as that you were interrogating as a detective.


    You wait a few weeks and sucesfully appeal this and the FIRST thing you do when you come on is greet someone using a salute to nazi extremism.


    Do you know how many red flags that raises







    The 50 some members of the medbay crew have started to go mad.

    The only medbay members of medbay who are still aware of their own actions are the chemists and the geneticists, together with their ally "the glorious nation of scitopia" they have created a massive cloning array.

    The chemists only function to create more clonexadone necessary for the constant flow of synthfless the array needs.


    Any non medical member who enters the medbay with damage is immidiately brought to cloning and scanned after which they are executed and used for their blood while a new clone is being created.


    Actual treatments are a thing of the past since it simply takes to much time to handle the constant flow of people coming in from all other departments, harmed by the rabid civilians waging guerilla warfare with the other departments for a chance at a job.



    You have not stated (here or on your unban request) the actual conversation that went down, questions elysian asked OR the ban reason. I would like for you to post these before making any aquisitions of the ban being bad

    EDIT: I looked up the ban reason.


    "As the warden, set an officer to detain for a murder that they were 'testing for'." for the 3 day ban

    as well as

    "Setting an officer to arrest 'for a test', then logging off in the middle of being messaged by an admin"


    Randomly acusing someone of murder to test metagaming instead of calling the admins and letting them handle it is horrible behavior and indeed something we ban for, logging out in the middle of talking to an admin is as well.



    Your name is obviously meant to refer to the words "nigger" and "dick".

    Digger isn't a normal first name and Nick is not a very common surname either, the coincidental combination of both is nearly impossible in my opinion withouth knowing beforehand what you were doing.

    So your complaint here is on getting banned for obviously breaking the rules.

    And not explicitly stating the forum url which is mentioned all over the server including the message you get after being banned.


    Unless you have logs or reasons to believe that the conversation itself was hostile, (Insults, messages in allcaps, etc.)

    I deem this complaint invalid.



    Choco splosion - "its like you feel the chocolate bars form in your mouth"

    flavor: chocolate.

    Referencing: the self replicating chocolate, and after I made a few the spree of people creating chocolate bombs


    one man army - "you're the one"

    flavor: vodka

    referencing: basically every round where all but one of the nukeops are new to the gamemode

    (Should be heavy on the alchohol)


    Dramatic wolf - "you'll turn into a right diva when you drink it."

    flavor: salty (get it)

    remember the vulpkanin reddit drama. Yes.


    Unhelpfull brother - "so alchoholic you will feel like someone else is in control."

    Flavor: probably a multitude of alchoholic beverages.

    referencing: I got banned but my brother did it


    Panda slam - "thinking about not drinking this drink uncovers a deep fear in you for some reason"

    Flavor: cheese and ambrosia

    referencing:... AHEM *cough*



    Station announcements would be good.

    A really important thing gameplay wise would be a way of sorting the list of npc bots though. It becomes really hard to handle situations when you have a lot of them



    So I had some ideas that would improve upon the current AI.



    • Add a few missing words, This is already planned. I have been playing AI a lot lately for the purpose of listing missing important words including "hull" and "online".

    • Remove the "there are a few broken cameras at roundstart" mechanic, it is to random the way it is currently implemented and the camera locations can reach from unnoticable. to absolutely infuriating like not seeing part of your core room.

    Add a small doorless storage room with a plastic flap opening and single camera. It wouldn't have to be large, in fact there is an open 3x3 space in the center of the station that would fit this perfectly, the flaps obviously pointing southward into the main hallway (open the spoiler for a picture of this space)

    The purpose of this room would be a small storage location for bots in the center of the station.




    There is also one big thing that is often used but can be really bad when there are to many bots

    Flesh out the "access robot controls"


    • Split the menu up in tabs for Security bots, Medical bots and Station utility bots.

    • Add the call function from this menu into the bot interface menu.

    Make it possible to synchronise settings across all bots of the same type.

    Make it possible to rename bots

    Add a map like the atmos and crew monitoring computers showing the location of the difrent bots.




    I personally was for the rule as it stands.

    The thing with fictional names is that its really hard to draw a line.

    I am ok with names like bulma briefs and fox mccloud to an extent because they can be considered actual names.

    I am not however entirely ok with names like groot or starlord or scruffy the janitor ooooooooor mr anderson.

    those aren't names, those are single words or titles.


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