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Posts posted by Kluys


    Took it upon myself to find out what happened and who did this, gathered the logs, currently in discussion in the senior staff chat.

    I can confirm it indeed wasn't darkis who did this.



    You're not supposed to talk to it.

    It doesn't do your bidding and has only two goals.

    Kill you and kill everyone else.

    Talking to it would be very one sided while it tries to murder you and using a slaughter demon is a danger to others as much as it is a danger to you on purpose.



    Sorry to break everyones hopes here but the karma system isn't going to be changed, this has been said multiple times.


    If you feel like you want more karma than you should work at making things memorable for others.

    There are people who have unlocked everything so it's not impossible.


    Furthermore it is possible to add to your karma through large scale wiki work or other big services for the server. A compensation can be given there in the form of karma the amount of which will depend on the amount of work.



    I think there should be a way to bring rotten brains back.

    Heck it could be a machine in genetics that takes a rather hefty amount of a certain resource or something to derot a brain (I can already see a little glass container with a brain inside bubbling away)



    Except for point 1

    - Nutrition already helps you heal in certain cases.

    - Point 3 is void by the fact that it wouldn't change anything. Eating to become faster than others is the same as eating to not become slower than others.


    And trust me I know we don't go for realism but I don't think drinking should become a healthy thing to do. Besides, drinks like tea do do beneficial stuff.



    Its like when a 7 year old calls you a poopy head. You're not offended, you just think they're immature.


    Plus it makes banning a lot easier if they start being racist a-holes over the adminhelps.


    Anyhow I think the main issue here is puts on his menacing voice the line!!!¡!!¿!

    There is no way to decide wheter saying lel or kek is any different from saying xD or rofl.

    We'd have to compile a list with every single slang term known to man...



    Thats why the pda is a matter of personal opinion and will only be reacted to icly if my character sees it by reacting to it as if the sender is a toddler.

    However the netspeak in ic chat is just not going to happen.

    Even if it was considered it would prove much to difficult to draw a line anywhere.



    This won't happen I'm just going to say that outright here. Even if it gets a million plusses or minusses or upside down questionmarks ¿


    We are medium RP and communication is done in galactic common. Which isn't even english ICly.

    It's annoying enough when people still use these things on their pda.




    I think the argument here Tiger is that the option to do so literally provides no function in any sense whatsoever aside from letting people who tick the disability fat (who by all means are not playing seriously and are probably there to stir the pot/greytide) have an extra method of needlessly screwing with people.


    Did you even read the thread, earthdivine gave a perfectly fine example where this stuff is usefull.


    If people are abusing this feature like you say then ahelp it.



    Because there is nothing wrong here regarding how tully acted as an admin.


    If you start breaking the looc rules you're going to get banned. Especially with the notes you have on you.

    There is nothing wrong here.


    Tully shooting another player into crit if anything is something he did as a player. No matter who does it if a HoS shoots a clown into crit justified or not it goes into the player complaints.


    Im not fighting your clown story here but you should write it in the player complaints section. Not here.



    What does my LOOC notes have to do with an admin ignoring his own abuse??? He literally emptied his laser gun into an innocent clown standing behind me. EMPTIED a full gun. That's not 'stress'.


    Yet that has litterally nothing to do with tully as an admin. You wrote a player complaint not an admin complaint.



    So, meaty ores happened.

    Went around the station as the good littke drone that I am fixing holes. I noticed how difficult it can be from the starboard side to get back into the station.


    I think the addition of 2 airlocks, one port and one starboard sided one would be a good idea.



    Maybe make it so science doesn't turn out completed products but frames requiring one or two non science items to complete it

    Acompanied by a small storage of these exotic items somewhere in science to create a few completed items withouth requiring help.

    Some examples could include


    A wormhole generator requiring a non artaficial bluespace crystal to focus its energy.


    The temperature gun requiring a basilisk core (I am aware this item doesn't exsist yet)


    And other kinds of items could need medical or engineering assistance.


    -Make the medbay harvest organs.


    -Engineering could be given an radiation container that requires some time inside a rad collector (instead of the plasma tank) before it can generate the x-rays needed for he x-ray laser.





    I would not want to change the current process of how the engine is set up, doubeling the power in the smes units wont last long at all if you want to power the entire station and on low pop rounds this would force a single or maybe 2 or rarely 3 people to work soley on the engine for their entire shift each time.


    Summarizing all that. I think its not a good idea to force engineers to do work.




    I am all for making it more possible for engineers to mess around themselves.

    A CE locked crate with a super matter shard.

    Extra solar or turbine equipment.

    The assembly line being emptied, the wooden bars removed and just turning it into an empty unpowered room withouth obstructions so the engineers can work.

    All of those things can work



    Mapped in telescience will not come back. Its to much off a balance issue and the current situation was made because people liked it while others were discussing completely nuking the entire thing. The impact on gameplay it has is simply to great no matter how you twist it.


    This is made progressively worse by the fact that its completely possible and quite easy for some to create your own calculator. In fact I have my own calculator that I made in excell.


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