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Posts posted by Ziiro

  1. It's been brought up multiple times and shot down multiple times.

    Options are:

    1. Make your own PR with your suggested fix and see how it goes
    2. Make your peace with dying instantly to a 2TC item that is undetectable
    3. Pick a new race.
  2. 10 hours ago, Ataman said:

    So do I, but why you would modulate anything in real time? Usually you record something and then modulate the recording...

    About the AI thing: Personally I think voicing the AI can't be done right without using up tons of data. The current voice alone uses 6 MB, that's huge for what's basically a gimmick. Don't get me wrong, the idea of another AI voice by itself is great. I just don't think we can afford another 6 MB just so the AI can choose a different voice.

    I don't like to mess around with post effects - real time tweaking is more fun. I prefer the collection of actual hardware to work with. It also lets me use it for things like teamspeak and discord.

  3. On a related note, I have a hardware setup that lets me do high quality recordings and modulate them in real time. So recording a new, Male AI voice is within the realm of possibility if we could ever work out a system that lets the AI choose what voice they want.

  4. I think it's worth looking into baystation's aspiration-style antag system. It allows players to sort of freeform write up an antag objective. (I think, I've never tried it personally.)



    In Traitor, one or more crew members are subversive elements against NT and are given a PDA Uplink to provide them with useful tools to help them complete their goal. The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves.

    On Baystation there are no enforced or assigned Traitor objectives, it is encouraged to design your own, in accordance with your characters story, for example they could be:

    Assassinate a specific crew member.

    Protect a specific crew member.

    Steal a restricted item.

    Escape alive, not in the security area, and not in handcuffs on the escape shuttle.

    Teaching a crew member a lesson by roughing them up and breaking bones.

    If the Traitors can meet their objectives and are present and alive on the shuttle when it leaves, they win. Note that traitors win individually, they may band together and work as a team, but it is not required for them to succeed.


    I've thought about these a lot. Yea, some shitheel could put "MASS MURDER LOLS" but that's no different than a person being assigned Hijack, except that they got to choose it?


    I thought what I'd use for Zero.Platform on that scale. Things like "Unlaw all synthetics" or "Convert all organic crew to IPCs or Borgs". Or, you know, the old favorite. "Take over the station with minimal chaos".

  5. I'm on hiatus for the time being, but when I was playing I recall this being talked about. Based on what I'm reading here, it seems to have been pushed straight up.


    I know even with the old system, there were a lot of times where it was incredibly frustrating to deal with people asking you in 10 minutes if you have ___ yet, and if you can give it to them. Or everyone in the station PDA'ing you for upgrades. I can't imagine what that would be like now. I don't think I would actually bother.

  6. I think they have to be added by the admin, and done very carefully. Not to mention that you could use powerful antags against the other antags. In fact,  I think that should be the goal - so it's less awful for security. 



    • The Wizard Federation has sent one of it's people to attempt to stop the inevitable rise of a cult on a station. He must work in secret. (If converted, he detonates)
    • Two different cults trying to convert people towards their own god. (Does this work, on a technical level?)
    • A traitor with an objective to kill the wizard - and steal the nuke disk.
    • Nuke Operatives called after Shadowling Ascension to blow up a station BECAUSE of Shadowlings. Or just a traitor with the same goal. (Again, blows up if converted)
    • A Changeling that must eat a vampire as an objective.
    • A vampire that must drink the blood of a wizard
    • Like 2
  7. So there's some problems with the Karma system at present. Players reward it to other players for Robustness or Saving them, rather than roleplay. Additionally, species unlocks are tied to karma - which seems largely arbitrary because attempts are made to 'balance' the races, so why is there disparity in the costs? Rarity? Roleplaying experience? I've been thinking about this, I'd like to offer up my suggestions for discussion:


    Earning/Rewarding Karma:

    Problem: To be honest, so long as this is largely in the player's hands, this is something that you can't really regulate. Players will give karma at random, or maybe for (what some consider) the wrong reasons. Or, more commonly, not at all.

    Proposed solutions:

    • Give a notice about Karma in the window as the shuttle departs from the station if it hasn't been spent. This way they have time to think about awarding karma, rather than being in the end-of-round-grief fervor
    • Allow admins to give more karma than players, and encourage it for people who roleplay well, contribute to making the round interesting, or just play their role well. (That security officer who follows SoP and Space law to the letter should be rewarded!)
    • Give a notification in chat that a player has earned karma. Maybe with a delay so that they do not simply reward karma back to the person who gave it to them, but let it act as a reminder that the system exists.
    • Allow(Require?) notes to be added from the karma-giver, and allow them to be read by the karma-receiver. anonymized to the reader (but not to admins)

    Spending/Using Karma:

    Problem: Species which are alien and more interesting are put behind (in my opinion) arbitrary costed karma locks. There are only hand a handful of jobs related to karma, and of those only a few make sense. (Why is Mechanic and barber behind karma? They're glorified assistants.)

    Proposed solutions:

    • Remove species locks from Karma. Tie them to the hours played system. Or, nothing at all.
    • Put more careers behind karma locks: Captain/HoS/Warden/RD/HoP/CMO/AI. Roles that can have a severe impact on the enjoyment of other players. Not a high cost, but something that makes the player consider what they actually want to focus on and learn.
    • Add more jobs behind karma locks with the theory that "These jobs have access to things that, in the hands of a poor player, could cause harm to the round" (Gateway Explorer, for example)
    • Paying for Loadout items, like a cyborg visor, as a permanent addition to one's inventory.
    • Allow players to pay Karma for Antag tokens and ask for an antag type, with the conditions that: 1) Admins can straight up deny it any reason (that they are not provided to give you) and 2) Use at your own risk. If you end up as a traitor in a blob round, well, have fun e-swording a blob!

    The last point I'd like to add to: Something that I noticed whenever there's admin trickery about: A lot of the population has a lot of expectations with regards to the round. For example, the second it's determined that it's "WIZNERDS!!", everyone's mindset shifts to block out what can't happen. I think this is a mistake, and people need to be kept on their toes. Some of my favorite rounds have strange mixes of antagonists. "There's a door emagged open, but I just saw a wizard, what's going on?" Some of my favorite moments have also been generated from unique objectives - such the Kidan Empress that had to steal all the Heads' rubber stamps, and did so through various meetings with them.

    • Like 4
  8. Drones are very powerful and I often get them to do my bidding, I do think they need something of a nerf.


    I like the idea of giving them a timer until expiration after being emagged. Perhaps tying it to the console.


    Alternatively: Tie it to the console. Instead of emagging the drone, require the player to emag the console itself and type in orders. So it'll only produce 1 drone under their control per emag slap.

  9. AI Advice: Hotkeys are critical, as is navigation of the UI and knowing to monitor 'critical areas'. You also need to be able to deal with the information overload of being tuned in to all com channels at once. I strongly suggest setting up a private server, or using the test server to familiarize yourself with it without the stresses of an actual shift.

    If you're down for even more data: You can also switch intercoms on "AI Private" channel, turn off the speaker and turn on the microphone to eavesdrop.

    Multiple monitors is a serious bonus here: You can put the crew monitor, maximized, on another monitor to always be watching for people being hurt/killed.

    Preferably, should always be looking around the station and communicating. You also should be acting as the facilitator of cross-channel information. Case in point: there was an explosion in Medbay while I was an AI, and I communicated that to Engineering to repair the breach and to Science to prepare the replacement Cryo/Freezer boards (and parts) to replace the destroyed cryotube.

  10. I'm on a 3-month streak of no antag. But at the same time, I've disabled most stuff except traitor. I'd have more enabled, except I have my reasons (And I'm an IPC, which narrows things down further)

  11. I want to argue against this - I've actually typed up a response a few times, but everything I'd argue for with regards to justifying ERT is pretty much solved with what you've got here.

  12. Your links for cargo and engineering are identical, just a heads up.

    I agree about integrating the AI sat.

    One thing I'll add that I liked from Meta/Delta is that there's an Autolathe in the lobby of Cargo (or was it sci?) So that people who bring their own resources can print what they need without waiting for the AFK/SSD cargo tech to get back to them and/or breaking into cargo.

    If you're also feeling particularly bold, I want to add that integrating Telcoms into the main station would also make things interesting.

    Final note: Robotics needs a little help. Due to the number of IPCs that come through for repairs, it becomes a hectic and busy place very quickly in any sort of action scenario. I'd suggest adding a surgery table in the mech room with an analyzer and a toolbox. This will obviously be in view of the roboticist because of the windows. Perhaps adding more rechargers, as well: One in security (For SecBorgs), one in medical (For MedBorgs)

    • Like 1
  13. Re: Phazon: Oh shit, nice. Thanks for that!

    Re: Borg Illegals: I'd have to test that - I feel like the system probably isn't nuanced enough to tell the difference between emagging/AI illegals enabling vs applying it via module - but SS13 has surprised me in the past. I'll make a note of it for now though.

    Edits with corrections have been made. I'd add the things about doing R&D yourself, but those seem more on the advanced side - obviously welcome in the thread, but what I aim for here is mistakes/problems that might be run into for the newer/middle experience player.

  14. Felt like writing this, because I remembered a few things when I was doing robotics that made things go smoothly, or just less stressful/wasteful in general.


    • DON'T BORG AN SSD BRAIN. After removing it (but before putting in the MMI), examine it to see if it has a spark of life! If you fuck up and have an SSD Borg on your hands, the only solution is complete deconstruction.
    • ALWAYS HAVE A CYBORG BODY READY TO GO You never know when Security is going to knock on your door and tell you to borg someone, immediately. But don't forget to check if the brain is active first!
    • ONLY ACTIVATE ONE POSIBRAIN AT A TIME. This limits frustration on the part of people who sign up. Which, in tandem with the above mentioned rule, means that you should always have a Posibrain in activation mode next to an empty Cyborg body, if possible.
    • YOU DON'T ALWAYS NEED TO ORDER RIPLEY BOARDS. If R&D is doing their job, you should be able to print them fairly quickly. Additionally, you should only make these on demand if a miner requests one. There are better mining tools.
    • COUNT YOUR RESOURCES BEFORE YOU MAKE THAT MECH. Yea, I know you want to make that Gygax/Durand, but check that you have the Diamonds/Uranium for the entire project. The armor takes a fuckton. You probably don't have enough. You probably shouldn't be making it anyway.
    • DON'T EVEN TRY TO MAKE A PHAZON. It's bugged, it's awful, it's difficult to use and there's a very unique piece that is required to finish it. Don't waste resources on one unless the RD hands you the anomaly core and asks you to build him one.
    • DO NOT PUT MMIs/POSIBRAINS IN MECHS. Yes, I know you can, but you shouldn't. They're unlawed and dealing with door access for them is obnoxious.
    • UPGRADE A MECH'S BATTERY BEFORE IT LEAVES YOUR WORKSHOP. The stock battery for all mechs is 7500 (Thanks davidchan) and that's terrible. Here's how.
    • UNDERSTAND HOW TO REPAIR IPCS. IPCs break. Constantly. Read the guide on how to put them back together. Please.
    • THE TEXT "THE INTERFACE APPEARS TO BE DAMAGED" WHEN UNLOCKING A BORG WITH YOUR ID MEANS THE BORG IS EMAGGED/UNLOCKED BY THE AI. You should probably tell someone that your fellow Roboticist or RD is probably traitor. (Note: This may also appear if illegal mods have been legitimately installed through extensive R&D. Use common sense.)
    • GET YOUR METAL AND GLASS WHEREVER YOU CAN. Scour maintenance (If it's safe!) Ask the AI for permission to take materials from EVA! Take them from wherever you can! You can also use a welder on metal rods to turn them into metal sheets. That way even if mining sucks, you can still build borgs instead of having to cryo out of boredom/shame/stress.
    • REMEMBER THIS ORDER FOR BRAIN REMOVAL. Scapel, Hemostat, Retractor, Saw, Retractor, Hemostat.
    • REMEMBER YOUR S.O.P.: Get paperwork for Cyborgification. (Signed by the victim subject, stamped by HoP or Captain, AND GET THEIR ID TERMINATED) Do not make un-approved Mechs. Remember Anesthetic for your patients. (Tell them to drag their old body to the morgue afterwards, too)
    • DO NOT MAKE A HONK with tracking beacons. Give it a charged slime core and a mounted teleporter. Nothing bad will happen I swear.  Without the expressed permission of both the Captain AND the RD
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