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Posts posted by Ziiro

  1. Remove the Secborg, keep the Peacekeepers.

    I notice the cookie thing doesn't actually count down - it just always reads 10/10. No need to reload or recharge. Probably a bug?

    Harm alarm spam is obnoxious but the AI just needs to tell them to cut that shit out or ahelp it if they don't.


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  2. 6 hours ago, Bxil said:
    • Never mindslave just to order them to suicide.

    Fun options with the same end result include:

    • Planting contraband on them and telling them to kill Security
    • Ordering them to complete some insane objective (Go become the captain by force.)
    • Telling them to believe something delusional and dangerous. (Did you know that if you eat a human heart, you will gain their power?)
    • Using them as an accomplice to your other objective(s), and mule your items. If you both get caught, have them claim to be the one that mindslaved you and to let you go.
    • Like 2
    • Don't kill unnecessarily (As a vampire, I once left every member of security I could find half-drained of blood and buckle-cuffed in maint, fully stripped). That said, if there is a someone who won't stop following you/interfering, don't be afraid to end them.
    • Monologue like a supervillian on :c or ; when it safe and suits you.
    • Use a surplus, or try something really off the wall to complete your objectives. Yea, you can just get a .357 and gun down your target in the hallway. but be creative. i.e: Build a recycler in maint. Emag it. Slip your target. Throw them into the recycler.
    • If possible, try to get more people involved in your antagging. (Subvert the AI, emag drones/borgs, Wololo, mindslaving, thralling). Plus, the less you have to fight, the better!
    • Increase the general chaos level. For example: If you have an emag, emag the door to the teleporter. Greytide (or other antags) will wander in, leading to shenanigans. (Also do stuff like.. Give the clown space lube.)
    • Use your codewords/keys to get in contact with and help other antags - some of the most memorable/insane rounds I can recall involved antag team ups.
    • Like 1
  3. Paradise already has a reputation for trying to reign in antags too much. I think to go further would be asinine.

    Additionally, in order to survive you have to space the bodies of people. Because they will revived or cloned via prescan, and the first thing they will do is shout your name. And then all of sec will come down on your head.

    I have been repeatedly screwed over whenever I attempt to engage in roleplay, or do more with my target rather than kill-and-space. One time I tried to remove the brain of the IPC I meant to kill, because I know EMP as IPC is a shitty way to die. Because I took the time to do that, some sec patrolled by and found me with a body on a table removing the brain.

    Other times I have left one of the victims in a locker, or somewhere they will probably be found - just to be fair on their chances of revival. Bzzt. Wrong. Hunted and destroyed.

    My point is the removal of the body isn't even for greentext, but it's for the sake of one's own survival. With the level that most of security/station is at, it's understandable that this escalation of violence is where it is.


    (P.s. I do support the removal of greentext)

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  4. On 8/27/2017 at 8:01 AM, ZN23X said:

    Security isnt allowed to force fees everyone who comes into professing. I've gotten bwoinked for it in the past. There has to be proof they are a vampire, minimum proof being someone seeing them use powers or having a means to restrain people on them i.e. cable cuffs. If someone is force feeding every single person that comes into processing then that needs to be ahelped. Illegal executions should be getting ahelped as well. Sec should be held accountable when they aren't following proper procedure even if only to correct it in the future.

    So in theory this is true, but with how many people join and leave security (as well as Chaplains that just stand in processing to force feed water), the simple truth is it's going to keep happening. And when it happens and that person gets ahelped/bwoinked (and learns their lesson for next time), the vampire's round is still ruined even if they were careful in not using their powers or being discovered.


    On 8/27/2017 at 2:34 PM, DarkPyrolord said:

    I find it strange how no one has bought this up yet... but when it comes to cult rounds it would mean you pretty much have to kill cultists as holy water would damage them and charcoal would only hinder the deconversion process as it has a 50% chance to remove 1u of reagents in the cultists system per cycle, as on average it requires around 30u to 40u of holy water to actually cure one of them. In other words it would only cause salt in another way unless the deconversion amount was drastically lowered. Or the whole brain damage thing could come back, I think that would personally be much better as that can be fixed without halting things for too long.

    First thought: I'm totally on board for brain damage, if it's high enough to cause some of my favorite hilarious effects. (I will never forget the first time I saw someone bucklecuffed in processing being forcefed holy water and screaming "CAN U GIVE ME HALK?!")


    Secondly: I was thinking on this, and I feel like it should be a numbers adjustment, so that using holywater should be a careful process, as opposed to CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG.


    Holy Water should be just toxic enough that 50u kills someone. 30u/40u should deconvert and put them at death's door, but not kill them. I mean this also gives the opportunity for smart security to keep carefully measured stock of 40u holy water pills on hand.

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  5. 20 minutes ago, MarsMond said:

    Well, manually mixed holy water does use mercury in the recipe, so it should probably toxic. But on the other hand, holy water created by the chaplain is water smacked with a book, doesn't make much sense if that is toxic.


    Holy water is, chemically, Holy water. The way it gets there (synthetically or magically) is irrelevant in my opinion.

    Alternatively: It should absolutely be harmful for the non-religious to imbibe it. After all, it isn't holy to them. Even if they aren't Unholy


    1 minute ago, Rurik said:

    As someone whose been force fed Holy Water as a vamp on code blue for a petty crime without using any powers, I wholeheartedly support this.

    I believe this has happened to me two (maybe 3?) times in the last week alone.

  6. I've rolled vampire a decent amount in the past few days, so take this with my entire shaker of salt:


    Currently, there is no downside to force-feeding every single person who comes through processing an entire flask of holywater if anyone so much as mentions vampires on coms. They don't even have to use powers, or be suspected in any way for security/chaplain to say "Well make them chug anyway"


    Suggestion: Make holy water toxic. Enough so that force-feeding a chug that would kill a vampire actually kills normal people as well. (The only difference is they don't burst into flames.) If you want a test for a vampire, you have to be careful. A dropper or syringe, and that's it.

    Bonuses: Chaplain is discouraged from being an idiot with holy water, because it's dangerous. Additionally, antag chaplain has a way to produce a toxin to use on people. It would hopefully cut down on illegal executions as well.

    Other notes: This doesn't actually help vampires a whole lot, because the testing will still occur - but at least there will be some reason not to metagame and just forcefeed everyone who gets arrested an entire flask.

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    • Salt 2
  7. The combo pack is totally a nukie thing, now that I think about it. I figure that the pure Esword one would be incredibly costly. Since it actually has the damage of a chainsaw (I think). combined with an emag. So 13+6, without even factoring in the fact it can't be taken away from you short of cutting off your arm.

    I mean it's probably a 20 on that alone, but it's still a melee weapon and an emag. So maybe 18. (Enough to get a syndicate key!)

    Then again. Still just stunbaton or taser to take you down. Henk.

  8. I saw some roboticist begging a recently reset or repaired POOT to go mediborg to defib someone who had literally died on their table seconds before.


    POOT gave them a 5 minute schpiel about logging in and confirming user and would they like to confirm their subscription or something. It was unreal. It was a masterpiece.

  9. I know the admins have talked about this in the past, so I figured I would throw out my own thoughts: With the advent of augmentations being added to the game after already being overburdened as the medbay for a portion of the crew (See: IPCs, Silicons and people with prosthetic.) It's time for a division:


    • Bots like Beepskys and Cleanbots
    • Mechs
    • Silicons Management, repair. (Borging)


    • Prosthetic limb installation and Maintenance
    • Augmentation Installation
    • All Implant management
    • IPC Maintenance and recovery

    With these in mind, here's what a cyberneticist needs:

    • A Protolathe with research console to print implants. (Robotics can have access to this one, instead of having to build their own or requiring extra access for R&D's)
    • An Exosuit Fabricator to print limbs and implants (Remove one of them from robotics)
    • A Cyborg Analyzer and Medical Scanner
    • A Surgery Table with computer, anesthetic, spray cleaner, gloves.
    • A bag of surgery tools
    • A standard stocked toolbelt
    • A welding fuel tank and lots of cable coil

    Standard Operating Procedure:

    • Repair IPCs that are placed before you. Triage based on damage if overwhelmed. "Do they actually need my help (Component damage?), or are they just being lazy?"
    • Give prosthetic replacements for anyone missing a limb that needs one. If it's an optional surgery (CUT MY ARM OFF AND REPLACE IT) then take stock of resources first.
    • Use anesthetic for anything more in depth than prosthetic application. Augmentations and implants are serious.
    • Augmented Limbs for Security, Command, and Mining only.
    • Implants are doled out based on appropriate usage. Engineers get Welding Shield and Toolset arms. Security gets SecHud and Xray.
    • Assistants have no appropriate usage for anything. Do not give implants or augmentations to Assistants.


    Additional notes:

    • Though the shop would, like most other science departments, benefit from an Autolathe and chem boards, they can build that themselves.
    • A YouTool machine would probably do some good to be added in Robotics or Cybernetics.
    • In times of crisis, Robotics and Cybernetics obviously have some cross pollination. Are there a bunch of borgs needing repair and replacement components? Are there a lot of dead IPCs? Distribute the work.
    • Access between the roles would be identical.
    • There is one item I'd like to be made available to traitor cyberneticists, and that would be the cyber-implanted E-sword or Combat Module (that contains Esword, stunbaton, flash, and Medibeam.). The problem with this however is you would have to have someone else implant it. Which is.. questionable. The hardlight blade can also acts as an emag and can break down non-reinforced walls. 
    • Like 4
  10. I just wanted to bump this. I was thinking about this the other day and how cool it would be to have a Prisoner or two at start (based on the number of Sec Officers, of course)


    What I ponder more about is if they should start as legit antags with no equipment or TC, or if they should just have to roll it like every other job.


    On the one hand, it would be an interesting dynamic to have known antagonists in permabrig for both Security to deal with, and for other antags to exploit. (Wizard teleports into prison and gives them a gun.)

    On the other, it would be a hard start with potentially no payoff if Security is good about keeping your ass under control.

  11. Name of Event: Syndicate Station

    One Sentence Description: The Syndicate has taken control of the station and 90% of it's employees, but some NT loyalists hold out to retake it.


    Map Changes: No (Will work on any map.)

    Code Changes: No (But it would make things easier in the future)

    Suggested Number of Players: 50+.

    What type of population level would this be best for? 50-100. The NT Loyalists require chaos to function.


    Full Description of Event:


    The Syndicate has taken control of the station, one way or another. Everyone (save for a select few) have become Syndicate Agents. The remaining NT Loyalists are aware of who the other loyalists are, but start with no equipment. Their goal is to use the Syndicate's gear against them and weaken the station so that an NT Strike team can re-take the station shortly.


    Syndicate Goal: Capture the Loyalists and mindslave them. Defend the station when the recovery team shows up, and kill all remaining loyalists.

    NT Loyalist Goal: Put the Station is a weaker position, extract back to CentCom or another outpost (Repurposed nuke op base), and gear up to retake control.



    The general idea is that the Syndicate/NT for the first part of the shift would have to use a lot of social interaction/subterfuge to figure out who the Loyalists and who the Syndicates are. The Loyalists abuse this confusion to steal things, break things, remove key players, or the AI.

    After 20-40 minutes, they need to meet up with the ERT  team (On CentCom, Science Outpost, Engineering Outpost, etc.), and then make a push to secure the station.

    Syndicate Victory Condition: CentralCommand (or the other launch base for the loyalists) must be nuked and/or destroyed. All Loyalists must be converted or killed.

    NT Victory Condition: Secure the NAD, and extract it on the shuttle (That has to be called by them).

    Draw: The Station is destroyed.



    Note: To double down on the insanity, consider the following:

    • There are no starting NT Loyalists.
    • There is no ERT/Link up team
    • There are other antagonists in play. (Xenos, Spiders, Changelings, Cult)



    We played a round that was basically this (less concrete goals), and it very much reminded me of the party game Mafia (sometimes called werewolf). The idea is that an informed minority within certain parameters can defeat an uninformed majority. While the syndicates have some tools to figure out who's who, it's not perfect. Codewords can be accidentally spoken - Gear can fall into the wrong hands. The only surefire way would be to catalogue everyone and have them pull up their uplink, but even then, how do you handle the logistics of doing that in such a short time? Well played misdirection is a great tool as well.

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  12. 21 minutes ago, GutTC said:

    Use your advantages while knowing your great one and simple weakness. Git gud.

    I want you to think about this.

    Any one person in could have an EMP implant in them. The EMP implant has a range of roughly 4 or 5 tiles, I think? You cannot stop them from triggering that implant unless they are dead. Better not stand that close to anyone. Ever.

    An EMP flashlight requires someone to be on the tile next to you. Which, it is smart to never stand next to anyone, but you can't stop them from drive-by blinking you with it. As I've said before, I've even been killed in a crowded room using this method and my murderer walked away; no one saved me, or even noticed.

    There is no counter-play. There is no gitting gud. That's the problem.

  13. 8 minutes ago, shazbot194 said:

    That was kinda the point was to see how the community on the forums would react before the community at github.

    IPC Players: Instant Death is really unfun and annoying.

    Non-IPC Players: IPCs can repair themselves anywhere and are reasonably hard to kill permanently, so instant death is balanced.



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