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Posts posted by FoS

  1. 7 minutes ago, Rebel0 said:

    Vulps are supposed to be carnivores only.

    That and making chocolate poisonous to vulps would be GREAT.

    No they're not.

    And they're not supposed to be earth doggos. 🙂


    Also, not sure why you think the diet mechanics are not on? As far as I am aware there has never been a PR to remove/disable them. You can still eat things that are not within your diet, you just dont gain nutrition from it.

  2. I wish you would've included an option in the poll to outright remove x-ray. It honestly just ruins rounds and makes them dull. It's not fun to go out of your way to be stealthy to do something only to be seen by someone with x-ray who you cant have known was there, cant protect yourself from and have no way to counter. Even if x-ray had weaknesses i still think the benefits of x-ray are far too powerful and far too detrimental to the overall spirit of the game that it should really not be something players can obtain.


    Remove x-ray entirely. Make people have to actually pay attention/be observant ?

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Fursamie said:

    Look at this this way. Armalis are superior to them in everyway. They could do their job a million times better, faster, stronger.  With any species, this would lead to obvious harassment. Being a workforce doesn't really make you entitled to anything. Construction workers aren't praised like Christ because they do labour, and primalis wouldn't be either. IC I've asked vox about Armalis and they said they're big, and bullies.

    Also, Armalis are literal walking weapons.

    Yes, Armalis are bigger, stronger and capable of things Primalis are not. But that's the entire point of a species having a caste system. You have different members of the species that are specialized for their roles. It benefits no one and makes little sense for a species whos entire race revolves around the importance of its members and their roles to be truly hostile to one another. Being realistic here, most vox have never ICly even met an Armalis since it's admin-only and the handful of times I've personally been present during an Armalis visitation it has always been something that station vox were flocking to attend to. You also have to consider that information you get ICly from vox is likely to be not 100% accurate since secrecy about their culture is expected and required. Vox are not supposed to be revealing their secrets to outsiders. You're basically encouraged to confuse outsiders with false information.

    I know a lot of the actual in-depth vox information got stripped from our wiki (maybe that's why a lot of new vox players dont play vox true to their lore?) but there still isn't anything on the wiki that even remotely suggests that Armalis pick on, bully or look down on Primalis.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Fursamie said:


    You don't have a homeplanet, and so saying you want to go home is you going back to a ship where you are inferior in everyway(Armalis are buff as fuck, Apex rule society, those


    I just wanna point out that while vox may not have a 'homeplanet' they do have Arkships and those are VERY important to vox. Vox who are away from the arkships for too long will die. Vox wanting to return to the arkship is only natural but the reason many vox are even on the station is because they're either exiled, working off debt or maybe just doing a side-job before heading back home.

    Primalis are not inferior. Different types of vox have different purposes. Primalis are basically the workforce.

  5. I used to play a sassy witch-hat wearing cargo vox. It was pretty much my main thing for a long time. While you may not be able to force other people to play the way you want you can change how you play. There are a few things you as a cargo tech/quartermaster can do to make your job more interesting and more enjoyable/streamlined.


    The Filing Cabinet is your friend:

    Create folders for each department and store them in the filing cabinet. (store approved orders in the folder of the department that ordered them)

    Create one folder for declined requests and throw all the declined ones in it.


    You have a warehouse. Use it.:

    Keep emergency supplies and commonly requested supplies on hand in the warehouse. It'll cut down on wait times if you have the points to spare on stocking it.


    Restock Tool Storages/Vending Machines:

    Your job is to keep the station well-supplied after all.


    Pay attention to comms aka Be Proactive instead of Reactive:

    You don't have to wait for someone to order something. If you hear there's vamps maybe order some extra bloodbags for medical. If there's a lot of injury and not many medical staff then more first aid kits are probably a good idea. Take initiative and order things before everything is exploding. You can also periodically contact the heads of departments and ask if they require any crates. Often some departments are too busy to come order things but they may be short of supplies. Initiate the contact with departments. :p


    • Like 2
  6. Honestly this probably will just make officers ignore prisoners even more than already happens since then they don't have to be responsible for the people they've arrested. It just feels like it would encourage officers to neglect/ignore prisoners because "the cells will let them out automatically anyways"

    • Like 1

    • People who know literally every antag power/item/etc and use that knowledge to basically ruin a round as quickly as possible.
    • The same people who then whine that the round is boring and the crew is greytiding because they are so bored since antags got destroyed asap.
    • People who abuse antag item knowledge but then pretend like they don't know those same traitor items can be found in maint, on the asteroid, in the gateway etc.
    • How much of the crew consists of vigilantes who screech about anything and everything.
    • Crew who blindly trust command/sec/the ai/borgs because " x cant be an antag, lol"
    • Officers who assume the first one to scream over comms/report something is the victim.
    • Officers taking one persons word as evidence even when conflicting actual evidence is apparent.
    • Officers who forget that tresspassing doesn't apply if the person was let in or given access.

     (example: Bob is let into science by Science Nerd George who has access. Science Nerd Urist doesnt like it and calls sec and sec arrests Bob despite him doing nothing wrong and George verifying this)

    Players who do these sorts of things:
    "Bob is a vampire he glared at me! Only vamps can glare!"
    "Bob murdered me in maintenance with an esword, he had an emag too, he was wearing black, his favorite color is purple and he likes long walks on the beach" - some person right after being cloned

    • Like 4
  8. I've been playing vox pretty much since paradise started. The way they speak has definitely evolved over time. The wiki used to be a bit more in depth about vox language before the lore team removed a lot of information into what it is now so sadly there really isn't a whole lot for new players to go off of. You kinda just pick it up as you go.

    Miraviel already covered the same sort of thing I do for my vox speech. Though personally I find the addition of "ies" to words to be something to avoid. It seems more like babytalk and I think it detracts from what is being said. I try to avoid using 'you' for the most part and generally use the persons name or title to refer to them but sometimes 'yous' is acceptable if the alternative looks odd.

    If you can shorten what you're saying. Try to do so. Make it simple. I also tend to make my vox speak worse the more angry/upset they are much to the frustration of security. You certainly don't get anywhere by increasing in volume and yelling at a bird - you're just going to agitate them and probably make them be louder and less cooperative.

    As for vox being on the station? I'm not sure what the wiki currently says but it used to be that either vox on the station were prisoners working off debts, working a temporary job for whatever reason or they were exiled and sent away from their arkship which is basically a death sentence for a vox. Vox get sick and die when they are away from the arkships for too long. I tend to assume any vox character who doesn't follow the inviolate or act like a vox is an exile.

    • Like 2
  9. Civilian slots should always be an option. Why? Because otherwise people are going to take up job slots that they have no intention of doing and leave those jobs unfilled. People in general seem to be really displeased with the number of players who do not do the jobs they sign up for.

    From what I understand about the current system is that civilians scale with the number of security officers. I feel that should be reversed. Civilian should always be an option so players are not forced to sit at the lobby screen and wait for the HoP to remember to open more job slots or for crew to remember to put SSD in cryo so new players can join. As far as I know getting a demotion/job change to civilian does not open up the job slot for others automatically.

    At peak population it is very possible for new players to not be able to join at all shortly into the round so having Civilian always be an option will allow those new players to join and visit the HoP for a job change or just hang out if that is what they're keen on doing.

    Obviously a huge wave of civilians poses its own problems which is why I'd suggest having Security and Medical scale up with the number of civilians. Automatically have more security officer and medical doctor positions open.


    Tl;DR - Civilian should always be an option so players can actually play the game and not take up jobs they have no intention of doing.


  10. 10 minutes ago, Regen said:

    I'm so glad these art doodles are still a thing.

    I just never post anything! See, here's v-day Teas


    Here's the start/wip of a tea model


    She doesn't even have leafy wings yet >:(


  11. 11 hours ago, Brobotnick said:


    All access RFID chip too with a max sensor implant tied to the CMO's PDA.

    You already can give Runtime/Any Pet who can wear a collar access of any type if you put and ID with whatever access you want them to have into a collar and then on the pet. Having a collar on will also give an alert when they have been vandalized/killed.

    The problem with doing hats for pets is you'd need to re-position/edit hats for each pet and you'd need sprites for their normal sprite, sitting and dead sprite. I'm not sure if there's a better way to do it (Can you reposition sprites via code?) but I could re-position some sprites if someone was willing to code it. If someone is willing to code it then it'd probably be nice to have a list of hats that people would be most interested in having.

  12. Contraband is so frustrating since quite a lot of it can be found in maintenance and while I've had plenty of security officers choose to not restrict their meta-knowledge of every single syndicate related weapon/its tells/how it is used and all that they seem strangely willing to pretend they have no idea that those things can be found in maintenance and thus I've been brigged/perma'd for turning in contraband before.

    A lot of contraband is harmless and honestly shouldn't be a problem so long as it isn't being used for committing a crime. Even stranger is the fact that some contraband items pale in comparison to things you can legally obtain around the station.

    Thermal Imaging Glasses are contraband yet having xray via genetics/implants is fine.

    Voice Changer is contraband yet Tcomm scripts ruin and invalidate it on its own.

    Military Belt is just a belt, if there are dangerous contents then THOSE should be the things you worry about.

    Chameleon Stamp - cool you can imitate any stamp but if whatever is stamped sounds too good to be true it doesn't take long to verify or require a signature as well.

    Chameleon Jumpsuit - you can copy clothes but nothing else. Unless you're reaaaaally lucky or have other items too you're gonna get caught.


  13. Tea's current costumes. Dear lord why.

    Bee.gif?raw=1  Bee

    Box.gif?raw=1 Box

    Bunny.gif?raw=1 Bunny

    Cat.gif?raw=1 Cat

    Hardsuit.gif?raw=1 Hardsuit

    kitsune.gif?raw=1 Kitsune

    parrot.gif?raw=1 Parrot/Poly

    Pikachu.gif?raw=1 Pikachu

    Syndie.gif?raw=1 Syndteacate

    Tea.gif?raw=1 Tea

    Wizard.gif?raw=1 Wizard

    Xeno.gif?raw=1 Xeno






    Nymph Hats

    Blob.gif?raw=1 Blob Hat

    Bucket.gif?raw=1 Bucket Hat

    Hat_Clown.gif?raw=1Clown Mask

    Hat_Nurse.gif?raw=1Nurse Hat

    Hat_Tophat.gif?raw=1 Top Hat

    Hat_Witch.gif?raw=1 Witch Hat


    Nymph Mods/Variants

    Greater.gif?raw=1 Greater Nymph

    Smallest.gif?raw=1 Smallest Nymph

    Fluffy.gif?raw=1 Leafy Nymph

    Flowerfo.gif?raw=1 Fireflower Nymph

    Deathnettle.gif?raw=1Deathnettle Nymph

    666.gif?raw=1 Nymph #666 (aka Demon Nymph)

    Crystale.gif?raw=1 Crystal Nymph

    Fire.gif?raw=1 Fire Nymph




    • Like 3
  14. People should be able to give out karma for any reason they want. They should not be punished for not giving out karma or forced to do so if they feel that no one in the round really did anything worthy of their karma. I also disagree with karma prices being reduced, if anything some karma prices should be increased since the server is far more populated and it is much much easier to get karma now with such a high population than it was when the karma shop was implemented and paradise was still a tiny community.

    There isn't a problem with the karma system, there is a problem with people's playstyles. Karma isn't about playing only antags and being robust, it isn't about only giving karma to friends, it also isn't about playing certain jobs. Karma in general is rewarded for adopting a certain playstyle.

    If the only thing you're concerned about as a player is getting karma you likely are not playing in a way that will get a lot of it. If your focus is karma then your focus is probably on yourself and your personal enjoyment of the round and that is not what gets you karma. Karma is a currency that other players reward individuals who make their experience more enjoyable so you need to stop and think about how your actions will impact other people.

    It's also worth noting that even if you do adopt a playstyle where you actually interact with people and make their rounds enjoyable that there is still no guarantee you'll get karma. Each person only gets ONE to give out a round and the server is highly populated so you're competing with everyone else on the server and you probably wont be able to interact with literally everyone. Stop focusing on karma. Focus on having fun and going out of your way to help other people and make sure they have fun too.

    A small list of things I recently have given people karma for:

    • Security officers who actually did proper arrests, spoke to people and listened to their side and tried to figure out what actually happened in a situation.
    • People who see someone laying somewhere and take the time to check on them and help them to medbay instead of ignoring them.
    • Antags that actually roleplay with their victims and make their deaths enjoyable instead of a silent execution.
    • Crew who step in to do a job that NEEDS to be done that everyone else is neglecting to do.(example: mining isn't mining and research is halted, switching to miner and rushing to help)
    • People who go out of their way to help new players ICly and answer their questions and let them learn instead of just taking over their job for them and insulting them.
    • Helpful pAIs.
    • Antags who give people the opportunity/option to leave before just murdering them.
    • Crew who take that opportunity to leave and don't squeal instantly about the antag or come back to murder them.
    • Crew in general that dont just scream about who/what killed them or about the round type when it's only a little ways into the round.


    Don't focus on getting karma and get obsessive about checking it. Ignore karma and enjoy the game since that's what it is supposed to be about anyways. You'll get there eventually.

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