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Fox McCloud

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Everything posted by Fox McCloud

  1. I'll likely be implementing a number of TG's makeshift weapons over the next few days--the bola were the first start of that; more to come.
  2. Invariably it's also going to lead to perfectly valid arrests suddenly turning into lethal ones because the Great Dice in the Sky said "fuck you". I'd also rather not hear someone screaming over comms about "Shitcurity, taser! Dying, heart attack!" just because it procced the heart attack. People already have enough of an excuse to be shit to security (whether they deserve it or not), I'd rather not give *actual* legitimacy to this attitude when sec does otherwise legitimate takedowns.
  3. This isn't completely true; flashbangs were used far more heavily when we had halloss tasers than they are currently. For those who don't know how halloss worked, here's a quick rundown: Old halloss was insanely more powerful than a disabler beam. One shot did 60 damage (if you hit the head), and it took 100 to down someone. That said, halloss had 2x the pain, so, once you got shot once, you moved at the speed of being in softcrit (like if you had 120 damage on your person), meaning you were ultra slow. In addition to that it also had secondary independent slow tacked onto *that*.....anddd because your pain damage was so high you'd also start going into shock ("the pain" "just end it all!", "you feel like you're about to die" messages) which had the chance to weaken you, give you blurry eyes, etc. Once you hit 100 total halloss, you were fully paralyzed---ie: blacked out (not weakened) for 20 cycles (40 seconds). So yes, they required multiple hits, but they were toxic as hell because once you were shot once, you were pretty much done, with no way to recover from it (unlike instatun), because of how tied into the damage+pain system it was. Vamp/changeling/traitor anti-stun mechanics were 100% useless against old halloss.
  4. More big square open room syndrome -1
  5. TG tried this for detective--it didn't work out too well for a lot of the reasons Soth and Neca brought up---not only that, but it also made everyone second guess the detective if he was really trying to solve a crime or just being an ass trying to frame people or cause trouble for security because he was an antag. It sounds nice, in theory, but in practice, it works out terribly. Even on no-RP servers (like Goon), sec is blacklisted from being antag. I also suspect you'll see a lot more people who go sec purely in the hopes of getting antag because it would be ultra easy mode.
  6. I support this. Their literal only function is to validsalad everyone and can do so more efficiently than any officer could hope to accomplish. They only have two weaknesses (flash and EMP) and the latter is really only used by a single antag (changeling). +1 for peacekeeper borgs
  7. We're not high RP and never will be. This isn't "metagaming" by any stretch of the imagination as its defined on Paradise. This is very well stated. Essentially, when you have rules that limit knowledge based on your current job, it leads to a lot of scenarios of "welp, you're screwed because server rules says 'lulz, no helps for you.' despite the fact that you know how to perform the actions necessary to save the person's life and you're literally 4 tiles away from cryo/the cloner/a defib. Literally the only person who benefits from a situation like that is the antag , so he can do a quick cheese-kill and laugh as "I KEN NO DO SURGERY I BE MIME NA MEDIKAL IS DEDZ I 2 DUMM". It doesn't generate any particularly interesting roleplay scenarios and it doesn't really make the game any more fun (except for those who like to lord it over with things like: ">>>I<<< am a well educated >>medical doctor<< and >>>I<<< save people with my >>>GENIUS<<< skills"). This goes hand in hand with blatant antag coddling of lack of antag knowledge---whereby a single changeling and kill off the entirety of security, he's the only "security officer" left, lacks an implant, but you're not allowed to act against him because "whut uz uh chunglyng?! THEY NO REAL!". It doesn't make things more interesting, it just coddles the antag and allows him to play really stupidly and obviously but still get away with it. It makes everything really forced and, even worse, scripted. Roleplay is best when it's dynamic and voluntarily engaged in by two individuals--it allows for far more creativity and diversity in situations and scenarios that can and better allows those with similar RP styles to engage in that roleplay manner with each other rather than being shoved into a die-cast mold and forced to act like a moron purely because the server rules say so.
  8. printing off mindless Vox/Slime People/etc. is a no go. These species are meant to be uncloneable and meant to be a major downside of the race; Vox and Slime people really don't have a weakeness outside of their ability to not be cloned.
  9. Absolutely not. Honestly this is a horrendous idea. Para had "lack of antag" knowledge for all of two months--and in that two months, it was barely enforced and plenty of people "knew it all" anyway. It's now 2.5 years later and everyone and their brother is used to operating in this manner. This would create a a huge new burden on administration, and it invariably leads to accusations of "he couldn't know" every time an antag gets caught (similar to how some individuals cry validhunting after throwing a syndicate minibomb at sec and then getting arrested and permabrigged/executed for it). It's also madly frustrating when it's painfully obvious someone is an antag (because they're bad at it or are actively abusing the fact that players aren't allowed to know), and you're not allowed to act on it because "huuurrrr durrr whuz a chunglung, dey don't exist!" It's not roleplay, as far as I'm concerned, it's a scripted situation with pre-generated responses and pre-set reactions to everything. It's not especially fun, gets old quick, and is, in my opinion, one of the absolute worst forms of antag-coddling out there. If you get caught, you should lose, fair and square. If you act like an obvious antag, then you should get treated like one. As Earthdivine said, this has been tried before--it failed miserably, let's not try it again. We're not high roleplay, have never been, and (should) never be--let's not enforce some of the worst aspects of high RP on Paradise.
  10. I just want to say that, after having played librarian off-and-on, for a week straight, I really can't blame them. You fill every single one of your bookshelves (well, at least according to the book-shelf sprite), re-arrange things, put out snacks, even maybe order a pizza crate, announce it over radio, and you're lucky to get even two people to show up. Once in a blue moon you will get someone who shows up, reads a book or two, but...that's really about it. A decent amount of people would come and actually be disappointed you did your job, because they couldn't deconstruct the shelves for wood planks. So, I really can't blame most players to treating it like assistant+, to be honest.
  11. This is already covered under vandalism and trespass (if the Chaplain tells him to leave and not come back for what he's done)---potentially petty theft too (since the individual is taking something from you with the intent that you're never getting it back). Animal Cruelty law was kinda dumb and led to a lot of officers arresting for no other reason than they could when players weren't generally impacted. "CE killed Poly; arrest him for animal cruelty" (yes, stuff like this happened, a lot). The only law worse than the animal cruelty law was insulting an officer/head of staff.
  12. Half the time I see bees get let out, it has nothing to do with the botanist, but uptight do-gooders who think they know best for the situation and bust in, letting the bees out (andddd the other half the time it's the Botanist doing silly things that they probably shouldn't). A lot of individuals who are in the "do gooder" position will bitch and whine so much (or they're sec themselves) that the botanist ends up getting arrested anyway, all because someone is mad that the situation didn't go their way. Uh, they are allowed to have drugs in their backpack; they're not allowed to distribute them, but they're most certainly allowed to have it on their person.
  13. It also led to a lot of situations where the Vampire would play peaceful and be legitimately peaceful for a long time---all the while blatantly accruing power via blood--even blatantly (which you couldn't do anything about). Finally, after 1.5 they ended up with thousands of units of blood, then they would turn hostile, at which point, there wasn't much you could do to stop them.
  14. I think you're missin' the point. Person A has all access, but hid it under his job title. Officer McValuhs sees Person A and notices that he has a weapons permit->stun->arrest->jailed. This doesn't just apply to those who directly gets assigned all access, but those who also steal it---as with agent ID cards.
  15. Too easy to meta; if you manage to acquire all access, this makes it painfully obvious that you have. You can hide your all access, easily, by changing your job title, but yet you can't do it with this, making it a superrrr easy meta-tool. It means if you manage to steal an ID and get ahold of all access, you have to forego weapons permits, specifically, and end up getting screwed by beepsky/ED-209's---it also means that when you managed to sneak in an ID change from a guest pass or with an agent ID, you still ultimately have the same problem. It's an interesting idea, but is just far too easy to meta.
  16. This has been brought up before and...IIRC, there's no easy way to do it, unfortunately. I can't recall for sure though.
  17. No. This is entirely deliberate; the camera monitors are meant to be a bit clunky so warden (and anyone else monitoring cams) can't sweep the entire station in a very short time frame. Supercopping AI's are already irritating and a large problem; this will exacerbate that issue even more.
  18. This isn't a good idea, at all. Hunger is already a system that is, at best, annoying, at worst, at worst, down right annoying for the sake of being annoying. Thirst, showering, going to the bathroom, and other such things are going to be no different---in fact worse. It's using the game's code for force roleplay onto people for no reason than for the reason of forcing it into them. That's just poor design. This isn't the Sims. Such as system brings nothing in terms of new gameplay to the table; it's just a ritual that players are forced to go through because the code deems it as such. Most mechanics have explicit reason for and against them---adhering to them has benefits, while not adhering to them does nothing or has negatives. Having to shower each shift does nothing for gameplay---having to drink does nothing for gameplay---having to use the bathroom doesn't do much for gameplay (other than create slipping hazards). This system was created purely as a joke to and a jab at high roleplay---not shockingly, Bay did like aspects of it because they like roleplay purely for the sense of roleplay. We're most definitely not high roleplay and never will be. Systems like this only generate annoyances with no inherent gameplay reason for them to exist; it's complexity for complexity's sake (and that's badddd).
  19. This system was made as a joke, for April Fools on Goon, and was intentionally designed to be annoying and irritating. It totally wrecked Goon's population when it was up---at that time they had a solid 50-60+ population, and while this was run, they were in the low 30's. It's just not fun, long term, even when it's toned down. You end up having to spend a decent portion of your shift taking care of your "needs" and balancing+juggling them while still attempting to do your job.
  20. - Farting actually produces a real sound ;p
  21. You're not meant to be a walking armory, by any stretch, at least not without a little inventory juggling or storage upgrades (bag of holding or dufflebag for instance), nor are you meant to be out in the field 24/7/365 without re-filling. They have more then enough inventory space for them to be able to do their job. You can keep all these things on you, at once: - armor - gas mask (you can push it down if you don't want to look like shitcurity) - taser (with seclite) - sec belt (with baton+flash+flashbang+pepper-spray+handcuffs) - two spare handcuffs (each pocket) - emergency internals box (with only 2/5 slots used) - energy gun/hos gun/etc. - telebaton - never used police tape - evidence box (which has more than a few bags in it) - two spare flashbangs - Another seclite - a flask - pai card That's a lot of equipment, including spare equipment and a couple of so-called RP-oriented items--not to mention you still have another 5 slots available in your emergency equipment box (albeit these can't just be accessed on the fly). Sec has more than enough inventory space to do their jobs, day to day--and still have spare slots available for personal items.
  22. Yeah, this was never a thing----could be potentially added, butttt...it certainly encourages...things. plastic surgery is pretty cool, too.
  23. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/4360 Fixed
  24. I could look into implementing this, like on Goon, but...keep in mind, that's mostly for gimmicks and not really as *actual* punishment. ie: "Fox McCloud has been officially told off by Nanotrasen security for being fuzzy" "Honk McFartington was fined $1000 for farting on the Bible."
  25. This. Also, abductors are very new--once optimal strategies are developed, I seriously doubt the majority of players would want that, especially with the sheer amount of chaos a team can cause. They're the perfectly equipped team for completing their objectives in a non-lethal way while causing chaos---they're a 'fun" antag that generally doesn't wind up with lots of crew dead--I don't personally believe that they need unique rules to protect them from antag knowledge.
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