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Posts posted by andrewmeythaler


    Not sure if I'm speaking nonsense or not, but would the pods be easier to code like mechs? Really big mechs? That'd add the extra awesome factor of being able to swap out weapons and such, and having a limited air supply (though still pretty sizeable).


    If I remember correctly this was the initial intent, it just never happened. Hence mechanic.



    don't facepalm me, I'm just repeating what i was told


    by ...someone


    a while ago


    It has nothing to do with you, it's just astounding to hear.


    Literally the number one draw of security pod pilot, was the pod weapons. It is why people were excited for it. Months go by and we are told it doesn't have em still, and no one is sure why.


    It is worrying to hear they were there the whole time, and not put in because... Reasons?



    My understanding of converting Assistants to Civilians is that Civilians aren't crew.


    Civilians are: Tourists, Customers, Smugglers, Refugees etc.

    They aren't crew until they have been employed by the Nanotrasen Recruiter.


    This means that Civilians do not report to anybody and do not have any jobs. This is mostly important when it comes to the AI, who has multiple crew-specific laws.


    However, I had a conversation with DavetheButtcrab and he said "Civilians are on the crew manifest, so they are crew." which is... fair enough.


    So what's everyone else's take on this?


    I have had just about every other admin tell me they are NOT crew. I think Dave is mistaken on this one.


    You know now that this crew stuff has been brought up.. Nowhere in the laws of an AI is the crew's definition specified.

    And given the amount of disambiguations it has (which is like, one that can be sort of practically applied), what's preventing the AI from freely interpreting the crew as whatever it wants? The Crew Manifest has been considered a part of "status quo" for those lawsets, but if you were to take the laws literally or as Satan - as all AIs should, nowhere does it ever specify what crew is or should be, or could be, just what must be done about or with them. This means you can just tell the crew that they are not rowers and therefore you are not obliged to obey their orders.



    Or maybe I'm setting up a synthetic ban for myself in the coming days. Either way, I'm not technically wrong.


    This is where I asked the admins way back when the change was first made. They all said they are not crew and that I do not need to help them in any way. That I am totally allowed to tell them to fuck off, because I'm busy.



    Security, with huge toolbelts


    So it was you.


    Yes, it was; not going to deny that--my PRs will usually detail most of the changes,---nerfs and buffs made; I do my best not to obscure things


    It's just when I first noticed it I set the OOC abuzz with "Who the fuck nerfs a belt?!?"



    Security, with huge toolbelts


    So it was you.


    That said, I will say this about customs: It's a very toxic job that serves no purpose, with, literally, the only goal to be to irritate, annoy, and piss off other people. The role boils down to "I get to essentially sentence you to a 5-10+ minute wait time, to play the game, merely because I spent 15 karma". That's not healthy, in the slightest, especially for a role that contributes literally zero to the real security of the station---again, no one wants to wait to play the game because someone spent 15 karma (put another way, how would you like to click "join game" and you literally have to wait 10 minutes before your character spawns?). Even if people are perfectly patient and don't shove/go through the x-ray machine, players are still going to have to wait, particularly when busy, 5-10+ minutes (a 10 minute wait is nearly 10% of a 2 hour round). Furthermore, even if you, yourself never go through the x-ray---someone inevitably will---and the customs officer will then have to deal with them and delay all the other who wait patiently--So "by the book" players/characters are still punished with even more waiting because of someone else's actions.


    While customs is essentially useless, I think that isn't really the fault of those who play it. If it served a purpose (i.e. the proposed smuggler gamemode), then it would be cool. But it, and most other karma roles, were put in with little to no thought on their larger purpose. But if it is decided that it will be removed we need to have a talk about refunds. Because if you remove and keep your current stance on refunds people will not be happy.



    I think we need to communicate more with the community before changing things/ adding new things. We need to see if the community (The ones playing the game.) actually want the change. It's a problem that happened on /tg/station, and still happens.

    We'd have less of these threads if we just communicated.


    I agree. A lot of changes have been happening lately, all decided behind closed doors. Much to the chagrin of the community.



    My main problem right now with what we do code wise is all the damn nerfs recently.

    Stop nerfing stuff, please.

    In terms of karma, the only thing I'm not happy about is us removing Customs.

    If people bothered to have a little patience (Which can go VERY far in this game.), it wouldn't be an issue.

    If you REALLY hate Customs, go bug Cargo via PDA to let you through the back door.


    Yes! Really the only time I have seen customs be even remotely dickish is when people jump through the x-ray, and frankly they have it coming.



    I have seen otherwise. I've had to get half of engineering geared up and heavily armed as two lings were picking off people coming out of customs (no admins on), I've seen a single officer hold back three security officers ON A NUKE ROUND AFTER EVERYONE WAS SCREAMING ABOUT NUKIES. Customs sucks.


    That is pretty rare though. Mostly it's just grey tide assholes who are to impatient to just wait in line.



    Mel did what he could to restore characters and karma, but couldn't do it.

    It's not like he did this casually.


    I understand the roll back. Not really anything that can be helped. But the adding and removing of karma roles should be taken more seriously.



    My main problem right now with what we do code wise is all the damn nerfs recently.

    Stop nerfing stuff, please.

    In terms of karma, the only thing I'm not happy about is us removing Customs.

    If people bothered to have a little patience (Which can go VERY far in this game.), it wouldn't be an issue.

    If you REALLY hate Customs, go bug Cargo via PDA to let you through the back door.


    Yes! Really the only time I have seen customs be even remotely dickish is when people jump through the x-ray, and frankly they have it coming.




    When you get disconnected/have to go SSD as an antag



    What it feels like to be on the receiving end of an e-sword






    I'll only play one more round



    When you kill someone trying to murder you






    If nuke ops could see the spectators



    Additionally, the roll backs are understandable. These things happen and aren't really anyone's fault. But the removal of roles, and roles not being finished is something that ought to be addressed.


    Many of them were rather ambitious, Ponies had a tendency to do that. And his absence is also no one's fault. But the you should either stop taking karma for these jobs, offer refunds, or stop removing them.



    Roll backs happen, If you don't want them to happen then we can move to a subscription service to pay for it.


    That's not going to happen, so you'll just have to accept the occasional losses.


    My advice is - don't play for karma, play for fun.


    And I do. Tis but a bitter gripe of a man who longs for RP heavy roles.



    I believe a proper autopsy should point out pretty clearly that a vampire is most likely.


    That is absolutely true. But they were so convinced by my "accident" narrative they didn't bother to follow through.


    Hell there was one round I had recently where I openly admitted to being a vampire after being caught WHILE sucking a dude dry. They took me to prison where I cooperated fully with the officer. They were so shocked by my kindness and cooperation they just let me go. The detective even went on to help me later on.



    From what I know, the Centcomm fax doesnt actually print CC faxes, but the admins just directly get a message that allows them to read and reply to it, so the person would need to use an admin as a medium, unless you actually CAN reply via fax and the admin command is just a shortcut, in which case that would be fun buns to see.


    It would be rad if there was an admin willing to be a medium and even more rad if we didn't need one. Maybe I will ghost a round and stare at the CC fax.



    Admin Key: All of ya!


    Complaint: You bloody bastards are fuckin' the karma system! I am a simple man. I do an honest days work for an honest days pay. I toil day in and day out in the RP mines for my karma, just like everyone else. I work hard! And I don't appreciate you lot takin' me pay!


    For the second time I lost karma in an SQL roll back. 8 karma! It may not seem like a lot to you karmatic fat cats, high off your ill gotten funds. You bourgeoiRP don't understand the plight of us proles. 8 karma is hard to get! It can take months!


    Not to mention all your failed promises you made while gladly pocketing OUR karma! The ambassadors. The customs officer. The mechanic. The security pod pilot. The magistrate. All either never started, never finished, or planned to be removed. Most are functionally useless, and the few that aren't are on the way out.


    And you do all this while touting your no refund policy. So boo I say! Boo! BOOOO!



    This sounds amazing.

    I can see it now, Dan Deisel as the stand-in:


    "Hey uh... can you dudes like, call the shuttle and fill uhm... like, all of the escape pods with pizza? I'll totally fire you if you don't, bruh."


    "Uuum, why-y-y y-y-es sir. We will begin producing the pizzas now. We have begun construction on an additonal kitchen in the labor colony to produce pizza full time. We have also created fifteen new culinary positions to help fill the large order. When we feel we are close we will call the shuttle and begin to move the pizzas on board."



    The round started like most; I awoke in my office wearing my QM uniform. I felt a sudden craving for blood... I walked into the cargo office and found my cargo tech asleep at his desk. Perfect. I grabbed him by his lapel and dragged him back to my office, where I proceeded to drain his veins of fluid.


    I was feeling good and satisfied when I heard the call over the radio, "A cargo tech has died in the Quarter Master's office". Ah shit. Before I could even run the blue shield, detective, and HoS stormed in. I was cuffed and questioned by the blue shield as the others inspected the body.


    "So what the hell happened?" He chided, assuming he already knew the answer.


    "I caught him trying to break into my office, and in trying to stop him I went to far." I hissed through my slitted smile. Anyone paying attention would have questioned the lack of any signs of forced entry or struggle, but my answer seemed to satisfy the authorities.


    "Toxin damage..." The detective muttered.


    "I drugged him to try and subdue him, but accidently used to much." I cleverly snapped back.


    "But 150 units of toxin?" The detective inquired.


    "I didn't mean to use so much officer. I am truly sorry." I replied calmly.


    They search my bags for anything illegal (I claimed to have thrown the drugs out), cleaned up the body, uncuffed me, and let me go with a warning.


    I literally got away with murder.


    I would go on to kill 5 more.


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