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Posts posted by andrewmeythaler


    Crazy idea for a new game mode. Not to be taken seriously.


    The entire station is converted into a prison, and the majority of the crew are prisoners. They would be like antags, with specific goals. Either they are in a gang, or a standard prisoner. The normal prisoners will have one objective: Get off station. The gang members would have a series of kill objectives, asking them to kill rival gang members. The other half of the players would become security, who would perform their normal duties, with the added task of keeping anyone from leaving. The command staff would be taken out, and the HoS and Warden would become the only two command staff. The AI would have a new set of laws: 1) Protect security 2) Keep prisoners from leaving 3) Keep prisoners alive.


    Naturally the station would need minor adjustments. The bar would lose the bar, and keep only the kitchen area. The wooden tables would become all metal and drab. The escape corridor would be off limits to prisoners, and would contain security checkpoints to get near. Science would become a second staging area for security. The brig would act like maximum security prison. The dorms would need to be much larger and work like cells. Engineering would contain only a few well behaved prisoners. Medical would be comprised of real doctors, who would need guarding from dangerous prisoners. As such access to the medbay would be off limits without security escort. Maintenance would become a quick way for security to get from one place to another, and would be off limits to prisoners.


    It would be rad.



    Wow, I actually learned a lot from you guys!


    Things I need to do:

    -Obviously hack lots of APC's out of sight.

    -Use borgs and telescience to move to telecomms

    -Let no one into my core, but make them believe I am still there.

    -Have borgs steal all AI core chips (this became a problem last time)

    -Take out chem

    -Make sure atmos is populated by weak idiots


    -Call Delta

    -Shut down telecomms

    -Flood station with CO2

    -Declare Delta

    -Use borgs to take out anyone that could harm me

    -Use telescience to relocate humans to space

    -In the event of an extreme emergency, learn to shunt


  3. Playing as a malf AI is nearly impossible. I have seen the AI win only twice in the six months I have played. Giving the borgs under their control the ability to use fire arms would make the malf AI winnable. Because currently you are just waiting until you are spotted, which is often not long as there are only so many remote APCs to hack. Then you send your borgs, equiped with only non-lethal weapons going up against a station of pissed off, angry, and well armed humans.


    It will be written in the form of a 4chan green text story. Because why not.


    >Be me playing as AI

    >Get weird new law. All others go away. "Tunnel snakes rule"

    >Electrocute and lock escape doors to keep my snake crew members from leaving the tunnels

    >Admins chew me out

    >"Come back when you learn how laws work"

    >Feel strange mix of remorse and offense

    >Get job banned

    >Appeal ban, explain the open nature of the shitty law and my remorse

    >Admin less than satisfied

    >Give up on ever playing my favorite role again

    >Fast forward a few weeks

    >Setting job preferences

    >See AI is open

    >Think it is a bug and inform admins about it

    >No reply

    >Check appeal


    >Necalcum forgave me

    >Necalcum is love. Necalcum is life.


  5. Ponies is too damn good at his job! If I'm gone for more than a few days I am slapped with an 80Mb download before I can join. And you all know how Byond is. 0.1Mb/s download speeds. There are times where whole rounds pass by before I finish. You guys should find a way for players to download the patch files externally.


    Konrad. Mother. Fucking. Konrad.


    It's the first traitor round I have had in a very long time, and all is going well. I have a pretty simple goal, and have already met two allies to help me. I get the magboots I was tasked with stealing and prepare to just survive. Then the diseases started. They were trivial at first, but began getting deadly. So I hoarded air tanks and biosuits to wait it out. As it became clear that there was no end in sight, many called for a shuttle. The heads refused, and there was some push back. But as time went on the descenting voices stopped. We were getting battered with deadly virus after deadly virus, ion storms, power outages, radiation storms, meaty ores, meteors, you name it, it was trying to kill us. The AI gave in and called it. Then he showed. Konrad, the CE, refused to allow it. He immediately recalled it. We all wondered why, and groaned. We tried explaining that people were dying, but he wouldn't hear it. He kept saying "We can fix it". Then started saying "Are you all retarded?!?! Nothing is wrong!!!1!1" Despite the growing pile of bodies at escape. We tried for a half hour to get it called, but he would recall it every time. I was getting fed up, and was getting ready to Grey Tide his ass. I tried everything, shutting off power to the bridge, detomax cartridge, but nothing stopped him! Finally a meteor hits the singularity containment, and the AI gets fed up enough to lock him in and keep him there. The shuttle is called and we all wait anxiously. By now 75% of the crew has died, mostly due to sickness. We hear cries for help, and screaming as the singularity eats the station. However, fuck face CE keeps reassuring us that "Nothing is wrong with the singularity!!!1! Everything is fine!!!11 No ReasOm for shuttle are you all retarded!11" The admins speed the call, but to no avail, the singularity reaches escape. All except me die. The door between me and freedom is without power. I am trapped in the airlock corridor, as the only survivor. Just as I thought I was doomed to spent eternity on that debris alone, I see one more figure in the dark. Out of the darkness that ASSHOLE emerges, strutting towards the corridor opposite mine. He looks at me and says, "You wanted a shuttle call and couldn't even make it to the shuttle? How retarded!" And saunters in. The only survivor.


    Every traitor failed their missions, as not one survived. No bans were issued, and he never admitted what he did. But I know. And I will never forgive him.


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