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Posts posted by Taaketa


    Looks great! Too many atmos techs ruins the capability for gas mixing when trying to optimize gas flow, I love how you didn't remove one of the things atmosia shines at: Mixing gases. I'd still prefer a system which doesn't rely on canisters, but at least it's possible.


    Glad to see someone make good use of the passive gates.


    Only thing I would change is to connect the yellow mixing pipes to the waste loop as an alternative to the space loop.


    Ask and thou shalt receive.






    Never use non-airmix lines with even connector ports. Anyone that wants to sabotage should have to work for it!


    Actually I use N2O and CO2 for various things hence the connectors. Also you missed the part where I said my setup is perfect for traitoring. Importantly the setup I have here is still legit.


    Not really sure why you are using passive valves...


    Normal pumps are only used for getting certain kPa's of gas, you should always be using volume pumps on the distro and waste loop.


    Completely disagree with anyone who thinks pumping gas as fast as possible is the best solution. The space loop only works if gas is left in it to radiate heat. Also do not tell me it doesn't work because it does. Just morons keep pumping gas out of it too fast for it to work.


    You have a really complex setup for filling canisters and heating/cooling gas, just seems like a waste of potential cooling.


    This a very simple setup. I fail to see how it's complicated. 1 connector for pumping gas in. 1 connector for gas going out after heating or cooling. Then a volume pump to dump gas left over. Which goes direct into space loop, coolers and the filters.



    Try to use very little pipes hidden under the floor, it makes it hard to workout your setup and a bitch to work with.


    T-ray scanner all the under floor pipes are coloured coded for clarity. Don't understand it? Ask. Also I always message the AI about the setup. The one in the screenshot requires you to flick a single valve to activate cooling in the event of fire.



    Waste should always be going past the coolers, you can never have waste too cold.


    Lazy atmos tech who don't monitor atmos are the ones who divert flow directly to coolers.


    Not really sure why you would need the extra mixer for airmix, after one point more gas in the distro is really just more gas in the distro.


    N2/O2 tanks output at 5600.25 kpa. Gas mixers process at 4500 kpa. I max out the air mix. Then the passive valves control the flow rate do that the ststion gets a maximum flow of 2000kpa. The remaining gas is stored in the air mix tank. Which I can released to boost the flow into distribution and fill rooms fast or the entire ststion. In the event of a hull breach.


    Biggest thing you could change? Trim down the fat, keep it simple and clean.


    I think we can disagree on what is qualified as fat.



    Then, following that logic - why spawn with any equipment at all?


    Why not have everyone show up in just their uniforms?


    Believe it or not in early version of SS13 everyone spawned on the shuttle in Civilian clothes and you had to make your way to your locker in your department to get loaded up. Now THAT was frustrating.



    I'd like an easy way to create vents into space.


    At the moment you need to seal an area to make it "indoors" get the CE's blueprints, create an air alarm and then unseal the entire lot. If I want to create an emergency blowout vent for instance that's a lot of work for placing 1 vent.



    Little known fact, you can mix anaesthetic that works on vox, but aside from me playing as atmos tech, I've never seen anyone do it or use it.


    See, you try to do that but the doctors never give you a tank to use. So you give em a big ole canister. And you know what bloody happens? Twelve goddamn atmos alarms in medbay and one extremely pissed off atmos tech.


    Ditto. Once made Vox/Human anaesthetic and ask the CMO to come with thanks for refill. Never came tank just lay in the engineering office. Vowed never to waste my time again.


    Bone I'f suggest instead of making vox tanks give atmos empty blue and red portable tanks. That they can fill with an appropriate mixture.


    Surgery tips - broken bones damaged more than 25 cannot be reset. You will need to fix the damage to below 20 with a trauma kit. Do this before you commence surgery.


    If a patient is waiting for surgery and isn't bleeding but do have internal damage. Dose them as high as possible with the appropriate drug treatment. It will slow down the damage they are taking but it will have diminishing results.



    There is just such a nice statisfaction of getting to see jerkwads and whiny players get their asses handed to them. Sometimes I feel I push the boat out in game but I don't think I've had a serious warning yet. (Admin team feel free to correct me)


    Also it's super nice to see what a great admin team we have. Huzzah from them. I see lots of reddit threads on /r/ss13. It doesn't take much for me to defend paradise station when I can link directly to the appropriate forums AND related ban appeals when someone tries to act all high and mighty when people complain about admin abuse. It barely exists here and when it does itmgets handled.


    Anyway just had to say it. Sometimes reading the complaints are more entertaining than playing the game.


  7. Afriad the only reason I can't think off is that byond is blocked by your firewall. Can you join any other servers? You seem to be the only one having this issue so I'd say the lroblem is with your network settings. That requires investigation by you.


    Insuborination. It's becoming quite a problem whenever I play Head roles. It's also the reason why I've delisted head roles from my selection.


    I'll give a recent example. I was playing atmospheric tech in a round, I spawn in. I'm the only one in the engineering department. So I leg it to the HOP's ask for engineering access. HOP makes me CE.


    I run back to engineering and because it's just me I don't want to online the Sing or Supermatter. I won't be able to monitor either to ensure they remain safe. So a borg appears, carl 9000. He has a small battery cell but will help me online the Solar arrays.

    In the mean time I make the sing and SM safe by removing the EM emitter and placing it in sec storage and the emitters around the SM into sec storage too. (And fill it with N2).


    During all this another engineer appears on station. I ask him to go out and online the other solar arrays so we can have power. He ignores me and proceeds to start disassembling all the APCs in and engineering and disconnects the wire that charges the engineering APCs.


    I ask him what he is doing (keep in mind I am ranked CE) to which his response is "If you don't know, you are bad."


    He takes apart all the APCs, I call the HOS telling him that I have an insuborinate engineer. HOS arrives and roleplays how he is a lazy so and so. Engineer keeps being rude to me when all I asked him is what is he doing. So because I did not online the sing he continues going on this crap about how I was a bad player and that engineering gets bugged with too many APCs.


    At this point I'm tired of his lack of roleplay and the HOS not backing me up. (I wanted him removed from engineering) So I leave and ask the HOP to remove me from the engineering team. Rest of the round I spent praying in the chapel, nearly got murdered by the Chaplin whilst I was afk too.



    So, although this was regarded as black-magic for a time, I alerted the admins to the bug, and what SHOULD happen now is that Vox are permanently uncloneable, please double check that you can still clone them, if you can, we have a problem.


    That doesn't sound like a solution at all.



    Injector are essentially volume pumps that inject at 50 litres per second that's around 2500kpa. However injectors, like volume pumps, will ignore pressure already in the tank. (For example gas pumps can only pressure a pipe to a maximum of 4500kpa.) this means the gas tank can store several 10's of thousands of gas pressure.


    Regarding your setup. The easiest thing to do is to pump heated gas into the heat exchangers fors and then into the mixing tank. This setup you will not experience and back pressure issues as the gas will cool in the heat exchangers first.


    Refarding uranry vents. They can do both but I think it's bugged at the moment has you have to change the pressure reading from internal to external and then from blow to suck. But vents won't respond to those commands if you try to use them.



    To keep you updated I figured I'd put this thread out there.


    My recent changes to Atmospherics


    • New items: reversed versions of all the non-rotational symmetrical pipe pieces, e.g. gas filters and mixers, for easier configuration of pipework. - This is likely to be code intensive, so I may not do this.



    Moving forward, I want to make additional changes to atmospherics, but I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts first.


    Looking good. Check bay code for the quoted bullet point. They already have pipes that are what you've said and are in different angles/direction.


    Edit: I mean BestRP code. They have already modified the pipe system for this.



    I think this is the best setup I've done yet.




    Only thing missing here that I can see are two valves on two of the connector ports to completely empty/fill canisters. Looks smart.


    Actually, conector to the left of the connector does that and each dedicate gas flow can completely fill containers. To be honest with the setup I have there I can completely remove the connectors ports completely to open that area up to something else. What, I'm not sure.


    Maybe I could really fancy remove the direct connection to the coolers and have a connector for each type of gas.


  13. The Fire was in arrivals, spread to the port corridor and part of the central corridor. Drained all the systems and the tank hit a peak of 4000kpa as I was venting it at 1000kpa/s and injecting at 50 l/s. So if I wasn't emptying it it probably would've hit a peak of around 10000 kpa. The worst part of the whole section was the heat exchangers which built up a pressure of 4800 kpa at 200 degrees. The coolers were easily able to lower to normal temperture and I pumped out of them at 500kpa with no impact on normal atmos.

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