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Posts posted by Taaketa


    So for those of you who don't know.


    We used to have face huggers strewn across Gateway missions and randomly spawning on the mining asteroid. They were removed because people would essentially self-antag by running into the gateway mission, letting themselves get infected and spawning in aliens. In some of the most worst examples of it happening. People would take monkey cubes and make a small monkey cube army before succumbing to a xeno infestation.


    I would like to see them come back, but not to the gateway mission. Ideally what I would like to see is their re-appearance on the mining asteroid in the asteroid rooms. They never seemed hostile anyway there, anytime I came across one they never attacked and I could put it in a locker.


    Also I'd like to see them appear on the random Z level zones like this one.


    I'm not even suggesting anything like the scale the gateway was. Which I think at one time had like 20 face huggers on it. Just 1 face hugger in a random room on the asteroid and 1 face hugger in the above location (or the abandoned station beside it, same Z level)



    Self Antaging: Antagonizing without being an Antag - Self Antaging refers to players who decide to do actions that normally only a Antagonist would do, i.e; Murdering other players, heavily damaging the station or causing chaos on a mass scale.



    Murdering someone because of a minor transgression is considered Self-Antagging and will result in a ban.


    The rules are pretty clear on the matter already.



    I realize I'm a little late to the discussion here, but the current map isn't too small, it just has large, useless areas: Engineering workroom, Vacant office, Dormitories, Science station, Labor camp, Medbay Exam and break rooms, Engineering office(s), Arrivals lounge/checkpoint, oversized locker room, the large rmaint rooms... get the picture?


    They aren't useless though. They provide an area for crew to mess around in. For Antags to build their plans in and grow in strength. They have a purpose and why they are so vast and big is to provide some breathing room for an antag.


    For example, I've been showing Asteroid station as a good example of what we could do with a unified Z level (a massive Z level with all external structures on it). But it's also a bad example of how to do maint, of which there is very little and it's mostly straight corridors.



    Doesn't asteroid make it ridiculously hard for nukes and vox to get on the station since they don't start with picks and shit so it's super easy to tell if they are around?


    Again I don't think we should copy Asteroid exactly. My point being I'd like to see something similar with the majority of, of station things on the one Z level.


    So Mining Asteroid, Engineering Outpost, Science all within the station Z level. That would alleviate any problems with nuke and vox entrance since you could simply allow Nukes to Emag shuttle consoles to allow control of them.


    But I'd very much like everything to be on the same station Z level and then all of space to be randomly generated like Z-7 or whatever zone it is that is generated right now.



    Only problem I can see with asteroid is there's almost 0 maintenance.


    Oh I know yeah. But I believe asteroid station is the same map size as Box. So they've exaggerated department sizes massively. But I'm not putting forward asteroid as a map we should use, just as a suggestion of a map that paradise could design around with everything one map and making more the space sectors randomly generated.



    I agree that a new map is best.


    Meta is a good stand in if it was ready. But it's not and I think we'd be better putting resources into a map built from scratch than fixing a map that wasn't designed around the paramix that we have.


    I also believe Neca was in favour of a bigger map which included more "off" station things that are currently on Z levels with Box.


    For example, mining asteroid being a part of the station map, prison camp, engi outpost. Which for me, all make sense.


    Something like Asteroid Station would be a good basis for what we should do.



    I think Plasmamen should remain where they are and that's not because I already own one and have another 86 Karma banked at the moment.


    The frequency of the other races is just a little too *common* for my liking. For a long time I was the only Plasmaman, for a long time it was me and another IPC on the station.


    Now there is Vox Club that I can justified dedicating an entire room to their atmosphere. Don't get me started on Vulkins. They are my mortal enemy.



    Not to mention that the Cargo shuttle notifications would be nice as well. It could lead to less gibbed miners. It will also give CT's more of a heads up as to where the cargo shuttle is (Anyone that plays cargo will constantly ask themselves "Huh, did I not send the shuttle back?").


    How are miners gibbing on the mining shuttle?


  9. Much in the same vein that the cryo pod announcement was shot down on the github. This is actually a a nerf to antags. It can prevent the ability for any degree of stealth. For example if it's known there is cult on station and off station travel is banned or limited to certain people. Shuttle departures and announcements makes it fasr to easy for the AI to monitor it. The only sat without AI vision is the Engi sat and even then the pod entrance has cameras. Also I can imagine some jerkwad spamming the console to spam comms to alert crew members if they've lost their headset. Plus I'd find it super irritating.

  10. Everyone is a bad idea. Wizaed could just sit back on his base and let the station destroy itself. Give half the station a target they must kill the other half a target they must protect. All randomly assigned.


    So here's the situation. I see an SSD player within my department for example let's say Engineering.


    They're wearing a hardsuit, insulated gloves, measons, gas mask for instance. I know note they've been SSD for at least 20 minutes from when I first saw them to 20 minutes later.


    So since I know the person has been SSD for significant period of time. I take off their non-starting gear to return it to it's proper place. The logic being, the gear goes into cryodorms and sometimes gets lost forever and things like, hardsuits are hard to replace. Also my understanding is only a command person with appropriate access can retrieve the items as well. Also if the person hasn't ghosted they are in the cryodorm for 30 minutes before any gear they have is assigned to the retrieval system, locking that gear for 30 minutes as well.


    Anyway, if we lack the appropriate command person or they are the ones going SSD I tend to rescue their gear and return it to it's proper place or the appropriate person. Too many times I've seen a CE arrive to replace another to find their hardsuit has vanished to cryodorms, irreterivable AND at least once I've seen Station Blueprints never come back.


    Over the last couple of days I've had some wanna be admins in LOOC complain that I'm doing this because it's in breach of rule 3.

    Looking at rule 3 and ignoring the clarifing points. I would be in breach of the rules. But the clarifing points it seems rule 3 is targetted at Antags interaction and SSD.


    So by rescuing unqiue, non-starting gear - examples being, hardsuits, measons, insulated gloves, medical belts, medical HUDs. Am I breaking the rules when I know the person who is SSD has been in that state for some time? The key thing is I'm not stealing the gear. It gets returned to it's place and I ONLY ever do it with someone in my department.


    3. You may not touch or interact with people under the influence of 'Sudden Sleep Disorder' except to pull them to Cryodorms and place them in a cryo sleeper.


    Even if the person in question who goes SSD is wanted, you may not arrest them. Likewise, you may not kill them if they are your assassination target.

    If the person is going SSD in a convenient manner for themselves to avoid the situation, please report it to an admin for them to assess the situation.

    If the person in question goes SSD and they are your assassination target, or a key player in the round(IE: A Captain who has a disk on a Nukie round) you may ask administration if you may kill/loot their body.

    You may check if a person is SSD by examining their unconscious body and the text of “They have suddenly fallen asleep!” will appear.



    Regard service borgs. They ARE the most useless to be honest. They can't really mix drinks, they can barely do any paperwork and they are totally useless to the AI.


    Anytime I play borg I will always differ my module to the AI's desire. If an AI lets me pick then I generally go Mining. But my preference when given a choice is Engineering module if the AI doesn't want me mining.



    I don't really get the problem here.


    The summary I'm picking up here, is that some Sec borgs are valid hunting and therefore should be removed? That seems like a terrible reason to remove an entire aspect of gameplay because of player action rather than it's something caused by the module itself. I'd like to see / hear examples of the valid hunting they do though. I've seen it mentioned several times but no real reasons provided.


    I play BOT||tek regularly and generally I follow a simple pattern for arresting people.


    1: Do they have a warrant? If yes, arrest, detain and take to sec.


    2: If no, are they currently commiting a crime. Did someone state they commited a crime? If, yes. Request detainment. Is it gree? Don't pursue, other alerts, pursue, detain. Note resistance.


    3: Nothing happening, no outstanding arrests? Patrol maint, inspect everything. Record notes constantly.


    Plenty of people have addressed the weakness of borgs. It's not just EMP or flashes. High-cap cell borgs can maybe stun someone 10 times before their battery runs try and that's if they are fresh from the charger, which is rare. They are MUCH slower until they get VTECH, if they get it. Laser pointers (blinding), even laser tag guns (Fogging), screw driver opening a door are obsecticals against a sec borg.



    iirc when you mine out an asteroid tile when the turfs next to it have air, that turf will 101.4 kPa of air. Plus putting gulag where the Research outpost wouldn't make escaping much harder- you'd have to tunnel down half of the map in to get the hardsuit and then just retrace your steps and grab the pod.


    What hardsuit is on the mining asteroid on the eastern half?


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