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Posts posted by Taaketa

  1. On 04/11/2018 at 12:50 PM, Cyba said:

    Well that's definitely interesting. Seems as though the reason they would combust is due to the boron/boranes in their bodies, not the plasma.

    I asked originally because as neat and challenging as Plasmaman are, they are a nightmare if they end up in Medbay, and was looking for some form of science to justify a R&D product that could stabilize them for a short moment. But if its Boranes causing it I don't really know how you could pull that besides supercooling them to prevent reaction.

    The lame way to clone plasmamen is to install a shower over the cloning machine. The awesome way is to make an oxygen free room with dedicated cloning.

  2. 31 minutes ago, MestreToquijha said:

    How?If it is by clicking on the button above the description, does nothing either.

    I'm actually with this problem right now, if I could find a way to fix it, it would be great.

    What browser are you using?

  3. On 4/24/2017 at 2:31 PM, ZN23X said:

    Janitors already have this. It's to the right of thier door in thier closet. It can be used to refill both cleaner bottles and the backpack tank. Can even be used to fill a bucket to transfer space cleaner in virtually anything that holds liquid.

    Also...janitors...have sci-chem make you some smoke based cleaner grenades. They do the same job as foam ones, minus the slipping.

    You can empty this dispenser in two fills of the Janitor backpack.

  4. I was playing as NT Rep on a particular round were the IAAs were over bearing and constantly harassing sec demanding nonsense requests like the signature for a warrant for someone's arrest when one isn't issued.

    I ended making them fill in forms to submit their complaints to me about Security, reviewed them and concluded that they were in the wrong. Especially considering one of the reports were "Security was disrespectful" to me. To which I wrote in my reply that "disrespectful security" is to be expected when you are challenging them to constantly submit reports and evidence and witness statements on recorded tape. That also as an IAA they should expect receive hostile responses from other staff members due to the nature of their job and finally (on the wiki) it even states the job challenges people's personal relationships.

    I don't believe I ever heard from them again towards the end of the shift. But I did end up giving the Warden Carte Blanche to remove their headsets/security access since for the first hour of the round they were just being pure shitlers about people's arrests.

  5. On 3/5/2017 at 11:56 AM, Anticept said:

    That said, it may be useful that scrubbers would also have a pressure check, and would slowly drain overpressures until they hit their target setting if at atmospheric alert is triggered (not a caution, an ALERT). In this manner, an area can be kept in a safe zone, but not cause a huge amount of fluctuation.

    From a resource usage perspective you're doubling the calculations for every vent on the station. You have one vent checking that it can output air and then you have one scrubber checking if it should take in air. To be honest any good atmosian knows to not rely 100% on their vents to refill a room and nor should they anyway. Lazy atmosians know they can over charge the distro network and set the vent to blast 1000 kpa into a tile to fill a room within a few minutes.


    So I think basically what I'm saying is git gud at atmos.

  6. I've previously mentioned this on another map thread. I forget what or when it was, I know it was just sometime ago.

    But here are my cliff notes for new map...


    • Everything on one map. I don't care if we have Outposts or not. But keep them all on the same Z level, including mining. Have the station part built into an asteroid or have a travel tube link to a small mining outpost. By small I mean like the one on the western part of the mining asteroid. If needs be extend mining from the station into another Z level but always have the 2 Z levels connected so it's still "one asteroid" so to speak.


    • Make space more interesting, have more it, keep the random spawning of space on every map load. As a mechanic. I can navigate all sectors of space easily as I've learnt their exact locations from the station and what direction to fly in.
    1. To the above point my advice would be, get rid of big sprawling structures like the construction site. (You mentioned this)
    2. Make the derelict station even more derelict by basically breaking it in half and moving one half of it from side of the Z level and the other side.
    3. Move the DJ Listening post/Clown crashed ships/Syndicate base/Abandoned and Derelict Teleporter to another Z level and somewhere off the centre of it (trust me it's harder to find stuff in the middle)
    4. Add a few additional small asteroid base/space station type structures. Such as an 'Botany Bay', 'Bluespace Research Station', 'Lifeform Research' with LIVE xeno facehuggers.


    • Make maintenance, more, maintenancy. I don't mind the secret rooms or the unused areas. What I do mind is that sometimes maintenance doesn't make all that much sense and some others have said this before.
    1. Maintenance would benefit better from having the unused spaces scattered around it more. Don't have maintenance unused spaces be in just two sections of the station (See Cyberaid Science and Chapel Maintenance compared to Cargo / Arrivals maint)
    2. Have Maintenance be a near continuous loop around the station. There can be gaps like primary corridors and departmental division access (such as Toxins and Xenobio access areas)
    3. Actually use Maintenance, have primary power station wires, atmospherics go through maintenance. There is tonnes of examples in Cyberaid where supply pipes go through departments and ESPECIALLY disposals which is my biggest bug bear of the station design.
    4. Allow room in maintenance for people to make modifications to the above as well. So room for another set of disposal pipes for instance.
    5. Avoid 1 tile wide maintenance tunnels. I actually don't mind straight tunnels, but I do mind 1 tile wide tunnels. Bends and curves can be 1 tile wide.


    • IF the station is huge. Could we have a couple of permanent teleporters on the station from round start? All the really need to do is Teleport someone from one end of the station to the other, or if not that, a fast transit system of some kind to get from side to the other?


    • Touching on Atmospherics, disposals and power. please please please. Make all wires, atmos pipes etc come from primary corridors inside departments. For example, looking at Cyberaid's RnD Divison. There really should be a supply pipe, scrubber pipe all coming from the maintenance between Xenobio and the main RnD area. Up into RnD and down into xenobio where it can branch off from there into vents for rooms and the main corridor. If people are repairing it, it is more intuitive to repair it that way.


    • Finally do not put pipes through walls or windows. Always have them come under doors and especially under maintenance doors.
  7. No, dropping rules for limited times (in this case a day or a weekend) will only generate confusion and mean people will just use excuses after the event to continue have meme names. Doing so will just create more work for admins I'd rather see they didn't have.


    Or you could just memorize the location of the shuttles and watch where you're flying. That big of a rod frame will look ugly.


    Because this shuttle landing zone is easy to remember if you miss the only piece of station structure to be seen before you end up being in it.




    That's not a solution. "Just remember it." It's freaking space and it's very easy to fly into a zone without realising you've done it. Cargo shuttle for instance has zero distinctive markers to show it's maximum boundaries and is the largest shuttle too. As I said before, which you didn't address, before you notice you're in the shuttle zone. It can be too late. I've seen and have been obliterated by a shuttle in my pod. No body, no pod, no items. I think it's very unfair to say "Remember" when a lapse of attention or memory OR just been NEW to pod piloting. Will result in your permanent removal from the round.



    It's too easy as a pod pilot to encounter the shuttle landing zones before realising you're in one.


    For example the cargo shuttle takes up half the screen and before you realise you're in it's landing zone it can land and completely obliterate, you, your pod and all your items with no chance of return.


    The RnD Shuttle landing area already has a landing zone layout with rods in space around it providing sufficient warning. I'd like to see similar rods added to prison, cargo and mining shuttle landing zones.



    people would 'accidentally' get hugged every other round


    Well yes, I did mention that was the reason it was removed.


    I've only suggested two locations they would spawn, both of them are random spawns, so will not always be there on the server. So by it's nature there cannot be a "every other round someone gets infected" because people won't know for a fact if the facehuggers are there or not.


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