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Hairy Ban Jhankri

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Everything posted by Hairy Ban Jhankri

  1. In essence: Yes. You can never have too many people on cameras. I started writing this up for this thread to demonstrate, but I just made a new thread. Here it is viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3418
  2. I started writing this out for the discussion on the dispatch job thread, by the end of it, it just warranted a new thread. Here goes. I wrote this in 5 minutes. Quick crash course to a smoothly run security department, in essence, a smoothly run station. HOS: Gather your useless shits right at shift start, all of them. Who reports first and how quickly will tell you right off the bat who is the least useless, like those ones the most. Your speech should tell them to put suit sensors to max, and ascertain who is good at what for departmental work. There are 5 departments to be patrolled: civilian, medical, science, engineering, and cargo. A some what knowledgeable officer should be assigned to the department they are most knowledgeable about. There should be like 6 or so officer slots for people to fill in game. 5 departments to patrol. that means there is one non synthetic officer to patrol the public halls. Also, note, tell your useless shits to mostly stay out of the tunnels, that part comes later. As HOS, you will not be super cop, you are mostly just a leader to keep your useless shits in line, be friendly to other heads so they cough up useful info, and are more open to you more or less forcing your officers into their department. You yourself patrol the bridge area, and mostly stick your self at the bridge monitors. Warden: So, the HOS did that whole thing, that is macro manage. You take care of the brig, and delegate work to specific officers. Get a report of a violent act in progress? Check the scene, scour it, make sure it is safe for the officer assigned to the department to proceed. You are mostly a desk job, also, don't be a dick, you will be dealing with inmates, that probably had to deal with less than useless shits that harm batoned them for dropping a candy wrapper. (This actually happened once) (I wish I was kidding) (I shortly after started playing HOS for a week, and a week only to prove the clown is a far better HOS in all regards) (It worked). Anyway, patrol brig, pretty much be on cameras at all times, spy on the guard. They will be high value targets to be killed, if there is a hostile there. (Yes, they are being used as bait.) Brig phys: do what you are meant to, but also patrol the brig so the warden doesn't have to. Not like you are probably really busy anyway. you aren't a cop, but patrolling the inner area is directly conducive to your own safety, anyway, so go for it. Also, assist on cameras. Really, you can not have too many people on cameras, especially if your job is useless or has some down time for a moment. Detective: NOT A COP. But,you are the friendly person who can never get drunk and has a lot of free time on your hands. YOU GET A BUDDY! YAY! That left over cop from before? You get paired with them, buddy system, to patrol public space. When a scene or something is called in, you are the ones to be called for backup. The officer for actual officer stuff, you to do your scanning and all. That means there are 3 non synthetics right on the scene, at every scene. The departmental officer will let you in, and show you all that needs to be shown. AI: The HOS should alert you at shift start to patrol as much as you can, and any borg, no matter the model, should patrol the tunnels as much as they can. If they have a security model, that is the only thing they will do, patrol the tunnels. Officers can have a slip up and die easily in a tunnel, a borg, less so. Pilot: Patrol the outer areas, call in breaches/ break ins. A lot of the tunnels have windows, always check in on those places. Blueshield: Don't be a cop, but at least you can assist the cops. If there is something going down, and a head is in danger, call it in, if you are in a department, well, you are set. That means you will have 3 people as back up, when the detective and other officer arrive. Dispatch: So, it goes HOS with the macro, Warden with the micro, and you, even more micro. Do what you do, you are payed to only be on cameras. you can never have too many people on cameras, really.
  3. >I accidently my fedora off with le meme arrows. >2lazy2makegreen
  4. http://explosm.net/rcg/ImpossibleTigerThrone 2lazy2dothistheproperway
  5. bananas, screwdrivers, nettles, needles, injectors, pills, fake mustaches, real mustaches, ban hammers, candy bars, paper, matches.
  6. I make wine. It is an art form. My other odd hobbies I used to have I had to go to rehab for. Those were not as much of art forms. I wrote some pretty cool stuff though, I felt. EDIT: like short parables, short stories, fables and bits of philosophy.
  7. Hey Eldrin, I have never actually played DnD. Do you still have a spot open? I am starting a one session campaign sometime soon, 4th edition, but I figure a trial run will be fun.
  8. Give the psych a few bottles of psych meds at shift start, nothing big at all. Maybe a bottle of Citalopram, bottle of Methylphenidate, and then a limited amount of the following due to possible abuse by those who have no idea what they are/ what they do: Some amount of Paroxetine, Synaptizine, and possibly sleep toxin maybe even some chloral. Heres the descriptions of each: Citalopram Formula 1 parts MindBreaker Toxin, 1 parts Carbon Effects Stabilizes the mind a little. Overdose No overdose. Methylphenidate Formula 1 parts MindBreaker Toxin, 1 parts Hydrogen Effects Improves the ability to concentrate. Overdose No overdose. Paroxetine Formula 1 parts MindBreaker Toxin, 1 parts Oxygen, 1 Inaprovaline Effects Stabilizes the mind greatly, but has a chance of adverse effects. Overdose No overdose. Synaptizine Formula 1 part Lithium, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Water Effects Treats hallucinagenic related phenomena and perks the patient up. Also reduces the duration of stuns. Overdose 90 units - Tox Chloral Hydrate Formula 1 part Ethanol, 3 parts Chlorine, 1 part Water Effects A powerful sedative which causes death in doses around 30 units (Results in 1 units instead of 5). Overdose Undefined. Soporofic (Sleep Toxin) Formula 1 part Chloral Hydrate, 4 parts sugar Effects A less powerful sedative that takes a while to work. Is safe in large quantities. Can be counteracted with anti-toxin (Dylovene). Overdose 40 units - Tox/Oxy
  9. Read the FAQ, didn't see the guide until I read your post. Cool game and all, but I wish I could increase the req income, I really want a battle barge so I don't get steamrolled every time a fleet comes near. What did some of your chapters look like, if anybody made custom chapters? I gave mine the cannibal, odd coloured skin, and blood rage defects, I forget the actual names, though. Oh, also, anybody know what shitty luck actually does, or if that is just trolling in the description?
  10. so uh, I have been playing this game since I read this post, but uh, anybody know how to like, play the game?
  11. So, I have a question: Just exactly how similar is DnD to True 20, if anybody knows? I am told True 20, if anybody doesn't know what that is, it is just simply a less rule-y and less complex version of DnD. The last and only True 20 campaign that I played was pretty cool, it spanned over 4 years, before finally we just sort of went story mode to conclude what everybody had in mind. I played an adept, one of the only adepts in the game, and I basically broke the game with poking holes in everything everybody wanted to do. For example: Slaughter a whole tribe? Nah, diplomacy with the leaders, now a whole tribe is willing to join my characters cause. I never had the time to join the second campaign, but the GM and I spoke about making it "anti-me" proof, lol.
  12. http://gyazo.com/eaad88284976d14b299f8c3ee3184d2c
  13. Coin press would be cool, I feel. Not half bad for RP. Coins can be used for research, and I think just about any of the vending machines, save for food vendors. So, that is 2 cigars per smoke shop machine, if I recall correctly, three or more items from the clothes vendor, an item from each suit/shoe/hatlord 9000, and then insulated gloves from the tool machine. My buddy and I thought about the idea of bananium coins giving off something different, too, which would not be far off from your idea, Svej.
  14. Lol, do it up. Also, nil sweat, it is just how the char interacts. A lot will be first impressions, and will have effects on things later.
  15. My First Shift I don't recall much . . . I woke up in a medical bay of some form .. .good thing none of those fuckin crack pot doctors knew my bank account info. I made it big, don't bother me with what I did, or how I did it. I showed up at this shitty joint, that tyrant captain didn't offer me a job, told me to sell my kidneys. I said to myself, alright, fuck you, buddy. I am going to make more in a shift than you make in 100, so I set out. I checked my bank, I guess after all the medical expenses, I was left with 28k. I started with not even 2k. That's what's up. As soon as I get out of this place, I am heading back, I got more plans on making it big out here, making a name. Yeah, man, I got plans. Big plans. My Second Shift So, I got out of there, loaded up on the shuttle with a few late people like myself, shipped out to the main station.Figured I'd pull of the same thing my last gig got me, because like, fuck work if you can just get cash. I stashed all my money elsewhere, don't ask me where, but I only showed at the station with $3400 this time. Not long in, I felt like cryo was a good option, so I checked my account, right before I left. $13775. Fuck you, captain. Fuck you, Earth. I'll buy myself a whole station AND a planet by the time I peace out of here.
  16. So . . . got debrained by a syndi . . . but my brain made it to the shuttle . . . not really sure what that should mean . . .
  17. I am making an iron man char, following the rules to the best of my ability. I figured I'd start them at age 20 as a civilian, and learn everything IC, and progress from there. I'm modding bits and pieces of the rules here and there, such as the char is only motivated by cold cash, so loyalty stuff could go either way, will start as neutral, but have traitor enabled. Not too sure about the others. For example, being motivated by cash may make sense to have rev head enabled, but it equally makes just as much sense not to. Name: Leo Mors Age: 20 Gender: male Race: human Blood Type: A+ General Occupational Role(s): Nothing as of yet Biography: Not much is known about his early life, but he escaped Earth to be in space at 18. Hangs around with hooligans, dresses like a hooligan, smells like a hooligan. Qualifications: Nothing, as of yet. Employment Records: Small time laborer and kitchen staff back on Earth from age 14 to 17. Security Records: Got caught spray painting "Fuck the police" on an overpass back on Earth at the age of 18. Medical Records: [EARTH RECORDS EXPUNGED/ NON-EXISTENT, PLEASE TRY AGAIN.] Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
  18. Share some music, I am looking to possibly expand what I listen to. I guess in the spirit, I will share some of the stuff I have been listening to in the past week or so. Some cool stuff I stumbled upon, didgeridoo: Drinking song: Some trance stuff: And then just some agalloch, crim3s, and crystal castles. Oh, and the neighborhood. The first album, and this: But totally share. If you don't . . .YOOOOUUUURRRREEEEEE AAAAAA LLLLLLOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
  19. Oh, shit, quick, warp in a few pink horrors! The old versions
  20. Not sure if this is a joke or not. For the sake of all of you, I hope it is.
  21. Love the idea, in theory. However, do you really trust the RP skills, and just basic understanding of SOP by all involved enough for this to work? I mean, I have high hopes that these things will happen, eventually, but for now . . . PS Oh, but maybe, after enough of these round types happening, it might condition the player base in a better direction . . . Perhaps . . .?
  22. It has been a long while since I have heard about some good, thought out clowning. A honk of gratitude to you, fellow human.
  23. Alright, now, what if we stepped away from making every antag a killing machine, and look at what we can come up with. I was wondering, what if there was a game mode with mentally ill patients? I'll get the explanation of how this is tied in out of the way later. So, you take a few handfuls of different disorders and all, and you make it an "antag" "job". So, like, perhaps a schizophrenic, some how they would have constant hallucinations, and/or some how voices in their heads telling them to steal or harm somebody, or perhaps "save" somebody, from "something". Or, perhaps, like a socio/psychopath, tasked with killing all of the animals, or perhaps trying to climb the ladder of success (some people might say that one is lame). So, to tie it in, pyro could work, too. But, keep in mind, it is a mental disorder, pyro isn't about killing, or anything, it is simply for enjoyment. For a pyro, as far as I understand, fire has a very calming effect, or perhaps fills one with energy. I never really asked. So, perhaps an "objective" would be not to stray to far away from any source of fire or flame for too long. Here is part of the catch, though, these aren't agents, or anything. They have not committed crimes like an agent would. So, what this means, is, security needs to steer clear of them, and at most, assist medical staff in treating them. I would mention or think out thoughts for other disorders and all, but I fear my knowledge outside a select few are fairly lacking, or, you know, just boring and dark. Anyway, kind of derailed, but also gave your thread a little more "oomph" I guess.
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