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Hairy Ban Jhankri

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Everything posted by Hairy Ban Jhankri

  1. Not that you should do that, but, huh, that is an interesting way of thinking.
  2. OOooohh, shardmind, that was one my buddy and DM said I might like at first. Hmm, alright. So, I probably need a pretty good magical weapon or something crazy to do some good damage if I happen to be caught solo? Like, an artifact or something? Are there like tomes or items that allow me to learn new powers/feats? Or are those something I can only get from leveling up/ DM kindness?
  3. Devil's Advocate: How about, no? *Why would the CE not be demoted, if the situation is handled safely? The CE is the head of that department, and that is like the main duty they have, which is to make sure it is not tampered with. They have underlings to boss around, but they need to be on top of their department. *Hard to enforce, rarely is, but why get rid of it? It is more for heads to enforce in their own departments, and the captain to enforce on heads. It is meant to prevent harm, and to enforce them staying where they belong. *They don't bother because they either don't know they are supposed to, or are ordered otherwise. IE, new to the job. *Why would crew be allowed out of the department freely enjoying a drink when there is a station wide threat? Some staff should be ignored, like you said, paramedic, but only at the discretion of the CMO/captain/hos. *Lore wise, AIs are not meant to leave the station unless the integrity of the station is compromised. *SOP states if there are at least two heads dead, then a shuttle call is warranted. This should also be done with a body census, which should be discussed amongst the CMO, who would tally up the bodies, and determine the cause of death, the HOS, which would assess the situation in terms of if security can handle it all, and the captain, who should keep the wellbeing of his crew and the company in mind. So, threat passed? Good! "CMO, give me a body census, ASAP!" "We have 8 recovered bodies, captain! 3 burned in the freak fire accident, 2 died of carp bites, one because of the depressurization due to the carp, and two with blunt trauma to the heads. Scanners show at least two other bodies we could not recover due to suit sensors being offline! One died of toxins overdose, the other died of a combination of burns, blunt trauma, and oxygen loss!" "Good, HOS, give me your assessment, how is security handling things?" "Captain, we brigged 10 people. 3 were simple petty criminals, one case of minor theft of medical supplies, one case of minor assault, and one vandal. We captured and dealt with 4 rogue elements that seem to have infiltrated the corporation. We ascertained what they were here to do, and punished them accordingly. The remaining 3 we have dealt with thus far were employees needing to be demoted, one of which included an officer of mine. Starting with a force of myself, a warden, a detective, and two officers, I hired 3 more officers, one was killed in action and was never recovered, two went to cryo, and one was poor at following instruction . With all of this in mind, it is in my professional opinion that security will not be able to handle much of anything more than escorting the crew to a shuttle, should you ascertain a shuttle is needed." "Good, thank you, HOS, keep up the good work. All other heads, give me a sitrep on your department, ASAP." The captain needs to be on top of the heads, and make sure everything is run smoothly. If people are dead, then things are not okay. Clone or borg them. Still that means something has happened, and the captain needs to make the call for saving lives. Crew should be thought of as people, and not just statistics for the company. Maybe MAYBE the rep would think that way, but they shouldn't, otherwise lawsuits. So, example? Here: Syndis invade station, blow holes in places, a whole department dies within minutes due to depressurization. Those who attempt to save the wounded, dying, and dead, also perish to the lack of air, and the syndis. Let us agree on at least 10 dead WITH station integrity compromised. HOWEVER, most of the boarding team has been killed. As a competent captain or head in general, the shuttle call should be heavily weighed and considered. Bear in mind, you are not just weighing in on IC factors, OOC factors should perhaps be considered too. 10 crew dead, let us agree on 3 antags down, and nobody wants to deal with station damage, even though it COULD be dealt with.
  4. They shall forever be scattered across the stars and sands of time, only to be recovered by those brave adventurers who have chosen to believe the rumors of their existence.
  5. Oh, mention of Psions in 31a, I think? Psions have colours? As for hitting targets, yeah, alright, I see what you mean. So, you mentioned controller? I saw stuff about leaders, too. Does it mean anything beyond what the abilities and all are meant for? Or, is there really only one leader in a party, and we have to follow them around? Lol, sorry, I am so nooby with this
  6. (Dawned on me halfway through there needs at least some back story, sorta. Planet: Etos. Start of Story: Northern Wastes. Governments: Baval, Snim, those are the big two. Nuclear war is on the line between the two of them. Other powers: The Corporation, basically a heavily militarized oil company, backed by the Bavalian government.) The first and only campaign dealio I have ever played (short-ish version (True 20): Start as a tribal adept, get hired by a small military expedition force to scout out my native lands, in search of rebel bases. Commander guy tells my char to go with my buddies char to search a small outpost while the main force pushes up the mountain/hill thing. We encounter dogs. (this is one of the best parts) Dogs attack my buddy. Buddy attacks dogs. GM says if I roll a natural 20, I can make one dog friendly. NATURAL 20 BITCHES. Meanwhile, my other buddy is running all over the small map and getting eaten by this level one dog (We swear they were really level 9000 dogs) I continue to try to tame this one as my buddy continues to shoot and miss. He goes down, like, dieing down. Insert: For real, only one shot. GM, myself, and my buddy are all nervous. Nobody wants me to do this, they need me to use my healing feat. I roll anyway. . . .TRUE 20. I GET ME TWO DOGS. They didn't like my buddy after that, though. Anyway, I healed my buddy, (actually right in here we meet up with two rebels, and my diplomacy check failed, so they got angry. We killed them, and then I raised them as skeletons.) we marched back up the mountain, meet up with the force, when the force gets ambushed. We tried fighting and all, but we failed. Black out. Wake up in the back of a van, captured by rebels. Thankfully, my buddies char was just mercenary, and the guy that captured us was a fellow tribesmen, although a rebel. We all make peace, right before our truck busts up, and a corporation truck pulls up behind us. Three people, a shotgun, a machine pistol and . . . Rope. That is all we have. So, a red coat hops out of the other truck, (redcoats are a decently high rank for the corp, they lead search and destroy parties, looking for rebels and stolen corp goods.) Because we are in a corp truck, the red coat may think it is just another party, so it is just him. This part of the story is going to end with my diplomacy check failing, the red coat being blown in half with a point blank shotgun blast, and three guys armed with I forget what charging us. All but one are obliterated, and offered peace. So, now we have a nice new truck, whatever was looted from the dead guys, and a new member. The rebel, Niltohk, brings us to the main compound to meet the main leader guy, Raphiel, not that he matters much. Anyway, we work for this dude now, and makes peace with my tribe. A few other minor bits happen throughout the story, including a prophecy bestowed upon me from good 70 foot tall storm crow that spat a ring at us, saying I will slaughter countless lives or some shit like that. The main thing my char did, though, was push for independence of the tribes fighting each other, being oppressed by the corporation, and being neglected by Baval, since the Northern Wastes were owned by Baval. Anyway, to do that took a lot, lead to a lot of chars being met, which most joined the rebels and tribes side. I was able to unite like 4 or so of the 6 to 8 tribes, and secured the main two fighting royal classes as allies, one in Baval, one in Snim. Unfortunately, we just called the campaign quits this summer, after keeping it going for . . . 4 years . . .? Pretty much, the end.
  7. If you look around, there are all sorts of nifty cool things hidden that have to do with space law/SOP. Previously, only engineers were permitted to have insulated gloves. However, that was changed yesterday. I'm sure there are plenty of other things hidden around, that may or may not require attention, some day, perhaps.
  8. Oooohhhhh, so, it is only chance to hit? 9 damage at most . . . how do I increase the damage dealt? Also, what are most NPCs like for health, anyway? And that reminds me . . . orphan stories . . . are common. I need to come up with something else . . .
  9. For standard weapons, suppose a crossbow, mace, and dagger would do, supported by a few psychic attacks? I looked back at the attacks/feats/powers/whatever I have, they all seem to do damage. What does a +4 attack bonus, 1d6+3 psychic damage attack do? Is that good, not so good? Both attacks do that for damage, but both I have some cool effects that go with them. I haven't done the lvl 2 or 3 stuff, yet, I don't think. I think that is only for lvl 1. What do you all have for back stories and stuff? I am tinkering with a few concepts for my own char, now. I think I will settle on this ling psion for now. Perhaps if I am ever in another campaign, I will possess more knowledge on a possibly more suitable race or class.
  10. What if . . . the beaver ate all of the spare wood left laying around, sort of like how grumpy goats break tables.
  11. Just looked up kenders . . . they are close enough to filthy vox that I think I will have to give my best attempt to choke out as politely as possible: no, thanks. Plus, I don't think my DM has that in his char builder. Odd that some races, classes and abilities are slightly different from version to version of builder. It took me 5ever to find one that was half way close enough to his. Also, Fj, while it may be a little out there for a noob, I am also banking on the fact that the DM has said that they have never had a player do something like this before, meaning the whole absolute RP route vs combat. So, while I will be new at it, so will the DM, and I think that might lead to some humorous antics. What do all of you play as, like what are your playstyles, and how does that all turn out for each of you?
  12. . . . borgis that bite at IPCs . . . or leak motor oil on them . . .
  13. What exactly is the danger of being some guy? I am not sure what you mean. And damn, yeah, so illithids are out. What would a useless class be that I can easily pass off as? I figured RP wise, I only have to carry around a silly guitar or something, but then mind blast the shit out of anyone who wants to start shit, if I must. The DM and I thought that might be funny to explain to my party members after the battle is done, about what happened to the enemies without me uttering a word. Also, I guess I can read minds, and speak telepathically? So that might be fun for antics, an unknown voice coming from nowhere suggesting ideas to my party members and enemies alike.
  14. Dammit, I made a post but got logged out, and it didn't post. Alright, so, I am new to DnD, and I need some help from the collective minds of all of you who are into this sort of thing. I got introduced to DnD late Friday night and will be in a campaign soon. So, first, holy shit there is so much stuff. Like, races, classes, feats, powers, abilities, skills. I have only ever played True 20 before, and that is just three classes, and we only played as humans. So, I am at a bit of an impasse, because I have very few ideas of what would best fit my playstyle and all. My DM and I worked on a draft character that we think might be a good match, a changeling psion. The stats are 10 str, 12 con, 13 dex, 16 int, 14 wis, 16 cha. I don't like to fight unless I absolutely have to, and I try to make my enemies into my allies. So, I was thinking that because I can change into anybody I wish, I would rarely have enemies anyway, and if I do, I can just use a psion ability or roll for diplomacy to aid in making them my ally. However, I was wondering if there would be better options better suited to my play style, or if the stats could be better? The only two races that I have found that might be viable are doppelgangers and illithids. As far as classes go, I haven't really found anything else that might work. Artificer and shaman are kind of similiar, I guess, but that is more of creating allies, than turning enemies into neutral or allies. The only other info I can think of that might help is that my other party members are all combat based, except for a bard, which my DM tells me is basically useless garbage. I know we have one paladin. Also, because I will not be around as much as all of the other players, I will be in and out of the story. My DM and I thought it would be a cool idea if the other players didn't know I was a ling, and I could pass as an utterly useless human bard until something revealed otherwise. I will be doing solo missions when I break from the main party and doing scouting stuff, like finding connections, creating allies, and gathering info long before my party arrives at intended destinations. This is also an effort to keep things flowing smoothly, because I won't be doing a lot of combat (which they will be) and I will be doing a lot of sneaky diplomacy and RP based things, (which they will likely not be taking too much part in). It was also discussed that should my party members encounter my character when I am not around, they wouldn't recognize me, as I am only in the human bard form when I am with them, and that I have the option to relay info or items as an ominous stranger via my DM. Anyway, again, I am very new to this, so if something needs clarification please let me know, and let me know what you think of everything. Is it a good concept, a cool concept, are the stats good, can they be better, all of that jazz. To reiterate, I think my playstyle would benefit from something sneaky, that relies on diplomacy, good with history, insight, perception, bluffing, and streetwise stuff. Any and all tips would be cool, too.
  15. Abuse of comms, I feel, is more for crying wolf. While the clown can and will do it, a normal crew member doing it in a non sarcastic manner takes away from actual patrolling or whatever. I mean, there is a difference in intents. I do this when people get on my nerves or whatever and they don't get the hint to get out of my face. For example when somebody is in my department and they won't leave, "Help there is a guy here with a weapon and he keeps following me and other staff in cargo! AI, security, help!" That will make people fly away faster than you can imagine. Be it, it should really only be done when they have weapons of some sort, and they won't leave. I don't know, get creative, just don't make shit up entirely. On the other hand, there is a difference between that and "oh god I filled xenobio with xenos, fuck, lord help us all!" Over, and over, and over again. Also, "singularity is loose, good god we are all going to die, call the shuttle, call the shuttle!"
  16. So why not remove the uplinks and all, and call it a day? Join or die, seems to me like that gives enough fuel to NOT join the revs. Much like a shtty captain going to each head in mutiny spamming them with join me, and shooting at those who do not join (this actually happened) nobody in their right mind would (or should) join a shitty captain like that.
  17. So why not remove the uplinks and all, and call it a day? Join or die, seems to me like that gives enough fuel to NOT join the revs. Much like a shtty captain going to each head in mutiny spamming them with join me, and shooting at those who do not join (this actually happened) nobody in their right mind would (or should) join a shitty captain like that.
  18. I had a splinter thought earlier that has dwindled even further, and I only now just remembered to post it. So, rev is still lol flash, right? What if it was more of, flash, which gives a message along the lines of: "Your eyes are blinded for a moment, but as they physically clear, they clear metaphorically as well. You now see that the heads of staff may not care about you, and there is a movement on board the station. The choice is yours, do you fight for yourself and fellow crewmembers, or for the greedy heads?" And then a prompt box thing shows up with yes or no, sort of like mutiny. Edit: oh wait shit, is this how RP rev is? I haven't played or seen RP rev in 9ever. That is way longer than 4ever or 5ever. IF it is, then why is rev still a thing?
  19. Special type of spider? OR . . .how about a xeno . . .? Something cool I can talk to when I am hos and a player respawns as it . . .
  20. really quick, your argument of the implant could be forcefully removed by a fellow syndicate is kind of meh. Rounds are rarely long enough to do that, and most sec teams that are actually good will move quick enough to utilise the data from the first implanted threat to asses and apprehend any remaining threats. Secondly, an implanted individual knowing full well their own teammates or whatever would fight tooth and nail against them, for the corp, and also would probs suicide before letting them fall back into the hands of a lesser corp. Probs the only time a suicide would be encouraged by the implant. If a player dies from legit reasons like virus or something, sec should be on that, (probs the hos should be checking in on implanted antags regularly anyway) then good for them, what a rarity. Catch them again, quick, if you even notice.
  21. Which wiki was this found in? That screenshot? I looked for it on the baystation and ours, didn't see it. EDIT: What I am getting at is; it should be. It should also be made rather clear, and space law should make it the go to, instead of putting execution as all of them on any code 300
  22. Nah, I am just messin'. I just wanted to necro the thread so others saw it, more players who might be interested, you feel?
  23. Let's get this show on the road man. I am itching for some scheming with my possible traitors, or crew member comrades. A witch hunt is what it will be, and a witchhunt is what I want. Burn all of the wrong people at the stake!
  24. Also, not sure where it is, but I am sure it exists and I didn't make it up, but it is probably somewhere really obscure and out of place like a job guide or SOP, instead of space law, but it explains the major punishments and how they compare, and what should be done. If I remember correctly, implant if the player would actually be useful, if not, then prison rock, if not, cyborg, if not, exile, if not, perma, if not, execution. Something like that. I will high five somebody who can finds it, if it exists. Might be a bay/tg/vg something specific, not sure where I got the idea from, but I am pretty sure I have seen something like that. Also, the player being punished has the choice of how they are to be executed if they are not being a useless sack of shit, but a useless sack of shit enough to get executed.
  25. Loyalty implants? Great. Gives all the more reason to do some heavy investigation covertly, and having all the evidence needed to implant (which by the way is the same as the death sentence, a pretty big deal) and it is icing on the cake when you have a concrete debate and literally everything proved, and then implantation. Shitcurity that implants or executes for finding a piece of synditech on somebody with no evidence of use or where it came from, or just general states of heightened paranoia? Shitcurity. Loyalty implants goes for some pretty interesting RP, shitcurity or executions do not. Loyalty implants are not broken, shitcurity is. Removing an implant from your body? What would be the point of implantation, then? Also, neural implants? Wouldn't ripping into your head and brain deal massive amounts of brain damage/sight, hearing loss/ coma?
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