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Posts posted by Purpose2

  1. I think I'd like it to be restricted to what you can wear while fat. And have it tear off if you get fat while wearing it.


    I just like the idea of someone stuffing his face in the hop queue and suddenly being naked and arrested for nudity....

  2. I was pointed at this thread, I won't normally check it tbh.


    Maintainence could be dirtier - thats interesting feedback, I thought it was, but I'm very happy to do more of it!

    I'm planning to PR magboots being available in the storage unit. RE: only 3 suits... this is sort of intended, to reduce the amount that Engineers sit in void suits. There are however 5, not 3. Two of them are in Secure Storage (just like on Cyberiad). (Atmos was also just given an extra one)

    Public autolathe I find an interesting design decision. I'm happy to remove this - but not without several weeks/months of testing how it works out in practice.

    No psych office, whoops I think I missed that. I'll need to find a way to map that in.... RE: the second operating room... I agree - normally - a second OR is considered /REQUIRED/ however all tests I've seen so far have been absolutely fine with only one. THERE IS HOWEVER, a second operating room that is derelict in the maint next to it. Engineering/MEdical/Janitorial can fix this up and add it to the main body of medbay if they like. They did this one round, and it was fantastic. NOT ALL ROUNDS SHOULD BE THE SAME!

    Map: 28164238-675d2108-67c6-11e7-910b-b8910b8


    This is MOSTLY - up to date, there are differences though, but it should give you a good idea.

    Tech storage -should- have the RND stuff at the back? I can double check later, or you can and confirm...




    I will take a second to say, this took me over 500 hours to get this far. I placed everything manually by hand. I super super super welcome constructive feedback and bug reports, but trolls looking to shittalk can go sit and spin.

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  3. 12 hours ago, tzo said:

    I dislike Metastation, and skip any rounds that use it.

    Every time we play Meta, lots of things seem to be missing, or just don't work.

    Despite doing a lot of fixes to Metastation, every round we play on it seems to reveal new things about it that don't work.


    To be fair, we've had over 10 tests now where nobody has reported any new issues on the GitHub. As you well know, if people don't report it, its not going to get fixed :/

  4. The officer in question needs to be issued with a warning and if time permits, tested on his knowledge of SOP and Space law.

    The individual, depends upon the crime - but ultimately - NT Sec is a -private security force- due process isn't a thing. If there is a reason to lock them up, they get locked up. Its not 'oh you have an open uplink but we searched you on green, go on go.. but we're watching you'.

  5. I'm real impatient, particularly with those that aren't keeping up.

    Willful ignorance, or a complacent personality does not mesh well with me.

    I piss most people off, especially if I'm not intending to do so, those I'm closest with, I'm more free with my language and jokes, and those are the ones I manage to upset most often.

    I've comedically inflated my own ego to compensate from the crushing feeling of inadequacy, which used to result in my pushing away anyone that I was friends with because "they'd do it eventually anyway"

    I can sometimes take my wife for granted, but I'm really working hard to fix that.

  6. 1) When will the final decision on Fastmos / Alffdmospherics be made, constituting a permanent swap to the system?


    2) When will the final decision be made on Metastation's station name?


    3) When should I expect feedback on Delta Station which is currently on Github, it has been there for nearly two months now - without any feedback.


    4) What are the plans for map rotations, and when will be likely to see them setup? Player vote at round end? Based on population size? Map changes every few days? Weighted random? True random?

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