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Everything posted by Cobradude

  1. People got real angry about that, I thought it was great. Finally a hijack that isn't just "emag doors, emag console xddddd". It did lag the server for like 3 minutes, though.
  2. That first one explains the whole purple episode. I like the half scared half angry look. Second one is a straight up lie, Araneus would have gone on a rampage by now.
  3. Was a fun round, wizard rounds are just good in general. Wish I got to play as one more often.
  4. This happened a while ago, but I got some screenshots so y'know. Also, hope you like the punny title, took me an entire two seconds to come up with it. I was a sec officer, everything was going great in life. Then a door spawning wand appeared next to me, and I knew we were all fucked. The wizard insisted they were friendly (pffffttt) but I still requested permission to shoot them. Captain (Nova, I think) said to go for it. I shot them a few times before they bolted, shot and missed as they left the med bay lobby, then chased them down the hall. They had a ton of civvies behind them, screaming not to kill them, so I couldn't shoot without hitting one of them. Chase went on a bit longer before I managed to use my last shots to down them, I grabbed my baton and began smacking him before the greyshirt army attacked me. I got pushed over, some more sec arrived and began being attacked too, as I got up I used the commotion to cuff the wizard and sprint off with them to brig, punching all the way. When there, they body swapped with me, sec saw it however and buckled them in processing. Then they body swapped again, and again, and again etc. etc. We then had a room filled with people and nobody knew who was the wizard. I almost killed an innocent person we were so convinced it was them, and ended that round with I think three wiznerd kills, may have been 2 not sure if I finished the third off. Oh, and I never got my body back.
  5. The runtime one could be a fun gimmick, but I don't really get the Pun Pun one. Just let me space that annoying monkey and be done with it.
  6. They kinda look like kangaroos. Genetics hop ability?
  7. I saw that, decided I wasn't going to weigh in seeing as I've never played on that server. I'd argue that fighting pirates who board the station isn't valid hunting, after all, you don't exactly get people complaining when sec shoot nukies. To be honest, Vox raiders are pretty much nukies with worse gear and harder objectives.
  8. We all know Vox raider rounds aren't really that great, usually because it plays out something along the lines of: "Yaya is trade" "So why did your crew try to steal the nuke?" "Is trade" Then sec takes in the vox and we all sit around doing bugger all. I think that Vox raiders need more incentive to raid, rather than trade. Maybe even remove the trade option, other people think the round type needs to go as a whole but I reckon we can salvage the good bits. In terms of incentive to raid, I can think of two obvious options. First, remove the option of trading, simple enough. Second would be to make a Vox victory by trading minor, or even a draw where as a win from raiding would be major. Thoughts?
  9. Fair enough, was pretty funny, though if the Blueshield had a fax machine I would have written a strongly worded letter to CC.
  10. I am 80% sure the NT Rep forged it for memes.
  11. That smirk sums it up, A*. Kate looks just as moody as I thought she'd look.
  12. That shift was so stressful, I had, what, two officers who understood the job? Some prat was running around with a taser out and kept doing so after I disarmed him and took it to prove a point, I kept shouting "DISABLERS!" when I was downed but no-one seemed to understand basic English, then to top it off in the shuttle all the prisoners were saying shit like "sec suck in this game" which is always nice to hear. Y'know, fun to know everyone hates you for trying to teach some new players the game AND run security. (Rant over) Gud antag play, 10/10. Was funny to watch the newbies get frustrated when they kept missing.
  13. Top Ten Pranks Of 2016! [GONE WRONG]
  14. My mind goes "Vietnam flashback" sorry if that offends you. Also, I like the face of the person in the purple shirt, that look is pretty sp00ky.
  15. I will be very upset if I'm not given a viking burial. All that snowflake would be lost otherwise.
  16. I've never seen anyone but you wearing that beret, there's probably a reason for that.
  17. You treat my corpse with respect or I'll give out screenshots of our PDA conversation. You have been blackmailed, sir!
  18. Changed the story to be more snowflakey and way too long winded, added a cool little sketch of Rynnt.
  19. Cheers! Trying to convince them to play the game, maybe even have their own art thread here but they're scared of getting addicted.
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