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Posts posted by SkyPing


    I don't know if I'd handle the stress of being any of the Heads (specially security in case of an emergency), although I'm pretty curious to see how everything works when playing as a Mechanic, but I'll probably not do it because I don't want people angry at me for not knowing what to do.


    Yeeeeeep, I was in the exact same situation about like, 3 months ago. To be completely honest, all you need to have is the attitude to learn. Chances are people will teach you/correct you if you stay positive and don't outright insult anyone.


    I managed to learn genetics, chemistry, medical, botany, rnd, and a bit of engineering, all from information passed down from more experienced players. In all situations I had no idea what I was doing starting out. Now I'm writing job guides.


    So don't be afraid to fuck up! Annnnnd welcome!



    perhaps the Syndicate needs disguises.

    That's what that jumpsuit camouflage traitor item does, though.

    I guess what I'm saying is that I didn't like any of those gimmick objectives at all. Just kind of obnoxious and doesn't really make sense to me, to be honest.

    How do you think they make the chameleon jumpsuits?


    By hunting live chameleons of course.



    Righto, let's fill shit up!


    Isaac Lifof for CE

    BuzzPing for CMO

    Cid Squishings for RD

    QooQuu for HoP [spoiler2]Best Average HoP[/spoiler2]

    Seconding SHIP for Sec Officer

    Changing Nina K. from Nurse to Brig Physician[spoiler2]Soooorry Alex[/spoiler2]

    RISSA for Engineer

    Eli Randolph for MD

    Harmon for MD

    Heng Su Park for MD

    Von Bon for Surgeon

    Gregiore Mess for Paramedic (Cant remember if I spelled that right)

    Seconding Yuki Frost for Nurse

    Villia Von Illdenburg for Geneticist (Still misspelling crap)

    A decapitated cardboard cutout of a feminine Xavier Trasen wearing cat ears f Frank the Killer Tomato for Psychiatrist

    Jack Price for Scientist

    Mason Barr for Roboticist

    Elliot Campbell for Civilian

    Jack Edwardson for NanoRep

    Maxwell Edison for.... what the fuck, I dunno, he does everything uh...Engineer


    Yeah, I don't leave medical too much. No idea who the hell the IAA's gonna be.



    What if, 30 minutes after roundstart, every head got a fax from a non-NT corporation. "We understand you have a situation and we're willing to rescue you if you do something for us. We have several requests but have sent the requests we want from each department to their appropriate head..."


    ...but instead of that happening, i.e the RD getting Science's request, they might get Security's. Everyone gets a random fax. All of the faxes together need to be fulfilled which will unlock a shuttle call home. This would require every department to work together. Maybe the faxes get redistributed every 15 minutes thereafter in case one department doesn't want to play ball, there's a chance a peaceful department might get their list.


    That's basically where I was getting at. Right now the game mode sort of just says "Ayo, we're leaving you kids alone, have fun." If people were more inclined to kill at random, this might be more exciting.


    But save the random one or two greytides that go on a rampage, not much seems to...HAPPEN. Everyone tends to play a character that is somewhat sane, so things tend to work out like a standard extended shift.


    I'm not exactly sure what's happening with the nation rounds NOW though, mostly cause I tend to just cryo out of them when I see they're in progress.





    Uh... for my obvious ones.

    Jacob Ryals seconded for Geneticist

    Cecilia Fleming for HoS

    Nina Kurilyochov for Nurse

    Squishika Sirius for Chemist (There can be twooo)

    Theodore Mann for Quartermaster

    Zeke Varloss for Bartender

    Gloria Leos for Botanist

    Elizabeth Hartman for Chemical Researcher

    G.R.A.N.D.M.A. for AI


    A lot of people play multiple roles and I have a lotta contenders for my favorite CMO AND NanoRep.



    Each nation leader gets a set of objectives, just like a traitor or other antag.


    Not sure what those objectives would entail.


    Might give the game mode a bit more structure.


    Feel free to bash on the idea, I literally just thought of it about 2 minutes ago.



    Voting looks over, and it looks like Botany wins!


    Thank you to everyone that voted!


    I'll begin writing up the guide when I get an unnatural amount of time. In other news, I have no idea when that is, but chances are I'll finish the entire thing within a day again.


    If anyone wants to help me edit when I start writing it up, PM me and I'll share the google doc with you (When I make the google doc)



    Oh, found this on the CMO wiki page.


    Here's the link: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Chi ... al_Officer


    And here's the excerpt.


    Specialised Staff

    When the round starts, review your medical staff and assign jobs. Remember, Emergency Physicians, Surgeons, and regular Doctors are all the same job, and they're all required to treat patients. Their specific title just indicates a specialization. They can and should be able to be given assignments outside of that, so long as it still falls within the description of Medical Doctor work. If they're unable or unwilling to do basic medical work because "they're a surgeon, not a doctor", then they need reeducating about what their job actually entails.


    I feel like it's relevant to the SoP and also the... like, 3 replies above me. I do think that separate SoP's for MDs, Surgeons, Coroners, and Nurses are good overall by the way, it's just that I think that the quote I placed should be put into consideration.



    If you were previously on the chem synth thread you'll know what this is about if not: The idea is that it's an addon/upgrade possibly that allows for automation of mixing for some more complex chemical compounds in chem


    Coding: Honestly, To me it sounds like it could be a bit of a pain but it sounds really useful in practice.


    Balance: Well that'd depend on what is allowed in the automixer function i.e. making more simple chems immediately would be very op so A timer could be necessary


    I actually sort of like this and if it was implemented correct it would be nice. I'm comparing this idea to the already existing Blue-Space Beakers.


    In chemistry, you generally want to finish the meds within 30-45 minutes of the shift starting; 20 minutes if you do chemistry way too much. By the time you finish the meds, patients would start building up needing the meds.


    However, if you're starting meds late, let's say an hour into the shift, then you're expected to make a TON of different meds in a short period of time to compensate for a possible patient overflow (which appear to be more common later in the round.) To make things easier, you can run over to RnD and get a bluespace beaker to triple your productivity at the cost of using up all your energy in like, 4 minutes.


    If an automixer upgrade had to be researched and wasn't available until about 30 minutes into the round, it would allow late joining chemists to catch up (If implemented properly of course)


    I gotta get to class and I can elaborate more on this later, sorry if I'm missing parts of my argument here or if overall I sound stupid.



    I have 2 different R&D lists as well as a link to the R&D tool saved on my computer at home. I'll hit you up on Skype when I'm off work.


    Oh, Cid already gave me one. The main problem right now is that I know there are a LOT of different ways to do RnD, but I can't find any that are public or easily accessible for new players. I had to hunt REALLY hard to find a list, and throughout that hunting a lot of people had to wait a long time for their research and upgrades.


    No fixed timeline yet, but hopefully I'll get at least some of them by the end of the month.


    Some of the bigger things I want to do might take longer, but don't be discouraged from trying to learn what we have now. When the time comes for the new stuff to be added, I'll make sure to explain the changes and new stuff as best I can.


    I can tell you right now that some of the things I want to look into messing with are reagents (I somewhat recently redid how that's all handled to be more readable), xenobotany machines (I'd like to make them more usable, though the extent of the changes to this is still in the air), and obviously some new plants.


    Your basic stuff like how to grow wheat, how to handle pests/weeds, and a basic overview of what the mutations are shouldn't be adjusted much if at all.


    *Sings endlessly and infinitely into the sun*





    Literally the response every single time someone realizes that I'm Valkyr. Every time all the time. Without fail.


    I've got some new stuff and changes in the works for botany, so I'd hate to render your guide out-of-date so quickly.


    *Screams endlessly and infinitely into the sun*


    I'm just gonna write up what plants to grow, how the machines work, and how to get reharvest and wheat attributes goin'. Also some mutations. Nothing TOO complicated; I wanna set it up so that someone completely new to the game can read it during their bus ride home and say "Yep, I can play Botany now." Will that interfere with any of the new changes?


    Genetics doesn't really need a guide, since it's pretty much "press button, receive tourettes".


    Yeah, pretty much, but I find that a LOT of people mess up the job since either they don't understand it or they do it in a really inefficient way. The guide would explain how to use the Hexadecimal number system to your advantage and research everything quicker, what's nice to distribute, blah blah blah.


    Basically I want more Jacob Ryals's on the station but we only have one.


    R&D already has a number of guides... though perhaps a better guide on buildables and upgrades would be nice in a R&D guide since most guides tend to revolve around the research levels and how to maximize them fastest.





    Ooooone more day of voting.


    In a surprise take over, Botany actually seems to be winning! I'm starting to play more botany shifts and do extra research into the job now in preparation.


    For now, get your votes in while you still can. All of these guides are things that I'll probably publish in the future, by the way.



    Medical Doctors are not permitted to carry defibrillators on their person unless urgently required. Defibrillators are to be kept in their storage closets until such a situation where they are needed, after which they must be placed back in the closet after use, or at least somewhere safe and accessible


    This is stupid. They're a slot-back item for a reason; if they weren't meant to be carried around, they wouldn't fit on someone's back. if doctor wants to forego his own backpack over having a defib, that should be his own personal choice; it's not a negative impact to anyone if he chooses to have one on him 24/7.


    Objection! Well, for the negative impact thing at least.


    The number one question always asked in medbay is "Where the fuck are the chemi-" Wait, wrong one.


    The number two question always asked in medbay is "Where the fuck are the doctors manning the de-" It's SOMEWHERE, I swear.


    The number six-sevenish question always asked in medbay is "Where the fuck are the defibs?" There we go!


    Out of experience, people possessing their own defibs tends to cause problems. The main reason for this is because if defibs are missing, doctors have to spend extra time running around trying to find either A. A new defib somewhere in the surgery rooms or B. Someone that HAS the defib. On two separate occasions, that extra time meant that I couldn't revive the patients within 10 minutes.


    This was mostly a problem back in Nov/Dec of last year, and it got to the point where CMO's were actually firing people that had a defib in situations where they didn't immediately need it. It seems to have worked somewhat, since this problem really hasn't come up at all [spoiler2]for me personally[/spoiler2] in 2016.


    To summarize, there is a very prominent negative impact to carrying around defibs when you don't need them: that negative impact being that other doctors won't be able to find defib's when they do need them. The issue should probably be discussed further before any changes are made.


    Quiiiick edit: This is mostly cause of trolls, but they should probably be something that we should be aware of anyhow.



    Righto, so about 3 weeks ago I wrote up a complete guide for chemistry, in an attempt to get the job a bit more popular. It.... SORTA worked for like, a week before people lost interest? Well, regardless, as it turns out I REALLY like writing up guides [spoiler2]cause I'm insane[/spoiler2], so I'll be writing up another one. I have three ideas in mind.


    Genetics: Infamous as hell and monotonous, but I find that a LOT of people don't do it right. This is either because they don't understand the Hexadecimal number system or... well, they don't understand the Hexadecimal number system. I'd have assistance from the player who is Jacob Ryals on writing this one.


    Botany: Advertised as a newbie job, I never really managed to fully understand it when I first joined ss13. In fact, I only really got the gist of it a week ago thanks to Keroman. The guide skims over modifying plants and what plants are generally good to grow for the chef, so new players (such as myself back in the day) easily get overwhelmed.


    Science (RnD): Teach about RnD so that it's done more often. The problem is similar to chemistry, sometimes RnD is just NEVER done (granted RnD gets finished more often than chemistry). Out of personal experience, the entire station is used to getting RnD done within the first 20-30 minutes of the shift, while it took ME an hour thirty on my first attempt. As a base, I'll be using an RnD list given to me by Cid77.


    I wanna keep watching this community grow and develop. The learning curve is extreme however, and tons of people get scared off because of how unforgiving the players can be sometimes. I would of been one of those people that were scared off if it wasn't for me finding people that were kind enough to teach me how things work. So I'd like to keep the cycle going.



    One more quick skim over edit that may or may not be wrong


    Under Surgery-1, it only requires gloves. It states under the guide to medicine that masks also prevent infection. Regardless of whether they're mandatory or just a nice little bonus (though I trust the guide), I think that masks should be mentioned SOMEHOW.



    The Chemist is not allowed to leave Chemistry if the Medical Fridge is devoid of Medication, except in such a case as Chemistry is unusable or if Fungus needs to be collected


    That might be a BIT too strict considering how reliant chemistry is on obtaining buckets.


    The first thing that reliable chemists do is LEAVE chemistry to get them buckets.


    For the rest I'll look over later to make comments on, I sorta skimmed this, but so far things look vary noice.



    1. Right, firstly, I believe that MedChem and SciChem USED to be the exact same thing; the only chemists available were Medical Chemists. The change was made for a fairly obvious reason: SO PEOPLE IN MEDICINE WOULD STOP FUCKING BLOWING UP AND DYING. (Granted, that still happens.) Thus, SciChem has it's own testing chamber.


    I'm against morphing the two together for the above issue to occur again. Science needs chemistry for sulf acid and other things, Medbay DEFINITELY needs chemistry for medicine. Morphing the two together would also cause another joint control issue like we currently have with genetics. We want to separate the meds from the booms.


    Having chem under the CMO will blow up medbay again. Having chem strictly under the RD will doom medbay to die from no meds, as no one would be forcing them to make those meds in the first place.


    The chemistry layout I believe IS being worked on (to the best of my knowledge). For now, bored Medchemists can simply get a medHUD from RnD and act as a receptionist/doctor/nurse thing. Hell, you MADE the meds, you better know how to use em.


    2. Ehhhh... More layout things. I think that the issue here lies with problems with the Genetics and Viro jobs THEMSELVES, and I'd personally rather see a bridge fixed properly instead of hastily taped together. That being said, I wouldn't mind if this change was made.


    3. I'm all for this. Granted, medbay could easily become swamped during these kinds of exercises, but the only way to learn surgery right now is to... do it on a living crewmember, which isn't exactly..."practical"



    Granted, there are VERY few good geneticists. Like, I can count them with one hand. As of 2016, only Jacob Ryals and Tree Waterfields (?) do the job on a regular basis PROPERLY, and the rest are usually the kinds of people that want to abuse powers.


    I believe that the genetics argument has been cycling back and forth a LOT on the SoP discussion page, and though I have not personally taken a part in it, I feel like decent enough arguments have been made for all sides.


    The argument for Science only: They primarily just do research on genes, and cloning is easy enough that the MD's generally just do it themselves.


    The argument for Medical only: They're currently the easiest source of monkey cubes for us chemists, and in addition their powers are based off the human body anyways, which may sort of relate to medical somehow? Maybe? In addition, they ARE supposed to provide Clean S.E.'s, and the few geneticists that are good DO hand them out.


    The argument for keeping both: The RD should be holding onto the research aspect, but the geneticists are needed when medbay goes to shit and a ton of people need cloning (Blob and similar disaster rounds come to mind). If MD's have to focus on other things, geneticists become a huge help. I can personally attest that the genetics guys make medbays job a lot easier when they're around. Of course, SoP has to be cleared up.


    Overall, I'm content to just let the SoP discussion deal with this; there's no one entirely right answer to this issue and I feel that some people would have a natural bias against the genetic department in general given shitters taking advantage of the job. It's in a weird place.


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