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Posts posted by alexpkeaton


    Fox has provided enough explanation here. Too bad you don't accept it.


    Enough coder-bashing. This is shameful and unbecoming of members of the Paradise community. If you must have a server your way, run your own. Otherwise you won't get everything you want. Ultimately, we can't customize everything, we have to rely on other good code and the maintenance made to that code by those devs.


    This thread was resolved 30 posts ago. It's been whining ever since.


    Locking this thread does a favor for our hard-working coders and common sense.



    Pretty self-explanatory. When ripping down a poster, let there be a small chance that the poster is returned into the player's hand, intact. Perhaps a 100% chance if wirecutters or another sharp is used to remove it.


    With the recent addition of posters in boxes and a suggestion I saw regarding using posters to conceal item-holding cavities in the wall (link: http://nanotrasen.se/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=6713) this might be useful.



    Some people enjoy setting up small pressurized bases there, and making the asteroid fully unsimulated would also make the prison camp completely unusable - any prisoners sent out to mine would suffocate/be torn to shreds.


    Could always make a larger section of the asteroid near the camp simulated and keep the other tiles un-simulated. I don't see prisoners mining that far out cause they will space them selves either way or run into wild life.


    Making any turf unsimulated would zero out any chance of escape via mining (not that there's any chance to begin with or anything). That, and, should someone mine that far, an admin might not figure out what happened in the inevitable ahelp about why they died due to atmos.



    command full of newbie vulpakanins.


    Oddly specific.


    i especialy read ban appeals. And it always comes into my mind that sometimes you admins are overdoing this. You ban people for disrespecting you but in some of the posts you are more that you react rudely instead of friendly.


    I don't know why, but I also am an avid reader of the Declined (and, from time to time, Accepted) admin appeals. Personally, I think the admins are incredibly well-mannered about the situations they encounter, and give passes a lot more than they need to. A good chunk of the declined appeals are because when asked for the secret words from the rules, they don't respond. Also, in all of my encounters with admins, I've never been treated with hostility. Of course, I play by the rules. Typically a lack of deference to the admins can belie a lack of deference to the rules. If you're not going to respect authority in one form, it's likely you won't respect any of authority's forms.


    "But Beoni you have no right to talk to us like this when you are not admin" well i tried to become one to change things but it was said that i an not worthy.


    I don't think I'd like a passive-aggressive admin. So maybe it's best what was decided.



    Yes. All (same type) antags get an identical list of objectives. The objectives are awarded credit "bounties" that are supposedly paid out upon debrief.


    Something like this:


    "The Syndicate has contracted/conscripted you and an undisclosed number of other agents to infiltrate the NSS Cyberiad and accomplish objectives of urgent importance to us. You are expected to complete your mandate of 10,000 credits of service else the agreed-upon collateral we are holding to ensure your loyalty will be forfeited/enslaved/executed.


    -Provide reconnaissance of the infrastructure aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Steal the Chief Engineer's blueprints. (6,000 credits)

    -The NSS Cyberiad utilizes stolen Syndicate tecnology including the equipped self-destruct mechanism aboard, the nuclear fission explosive. Repay this insult by stealing the nuclear authentication disk. (7,000 credits)

    -The Research Director is known to be in possession of advanced reactive teleporter armor. Steal it for the Syndicate. (5,500 credits)

    -To assist the equipping of syndicate crews, steal a space suit and helmet (2,000 credits) (can be completed by multiple traitors but only once per traitor)

    -Assassinate Jack Edwardson, the Quartermaster (4,500 credits this can be modified based on rank)

    -Assassinate Gray Tidingson, the Assistant (3,000 credits)

    -Assassinate Valthorne Haliber, the Captain (8,000 credits)

    -Should you and other agents commandeer the escape shuttle and only Syndicate agents escape aboard it, each escaping agent will be each authorized a bounty of 5,000 credits. (appears in rotation)


    -Should you die during your service to the Syndicate, you will be credited with providing 3,000 credits toward your mandate. (Applies every traitor round)


    Only artifacts delivered to Syndicate HQ will award bounty payments. To ensure payment to you, escape wth the artifact on your person. Be advised the Syndicate assumes no responsibility for artifacts stolen from you by other agents. Trust others at your own risk."


    I don't know how assassinate objectives can be split up to award for a specific person. Perhaps a far lower payment that all get. Between 1000 and 3000 credits based on rank. Since traitors can collaborate to accomplish or people can die on their own, this might be best.


    Coding difficulty level: extreme?



    Stop playing 2dspessmen and go outside get some real friends. ss13 is a hell of drug, man. you don't wanna start.


    SS13. Not even once.


    Recovery meetings currently being held on Paradise Station.





    Rumi REALLY doesnt want traitor rounds to be team based.


    Traitors are basically 1 vs all of security. It must be fun being an underdog, eh?

    You'd think space terrorism would be better coordinated.


    So here's a thought following on this. What if the objectives were team-based with point-values, you get points for what you actually do, and die a glorious death is always worth a small number of points - yes, I don't like the objective, but here's the catch: you can't bank any steal objective unless you survive and escape.


    At the end of the round, the antags are ranked by score. This would encourage antags to work together, but then also encourage double-crosses near the end!



    Now im hoping its not fixed/changed so I can utilize this in the future...

    It's actually been used at least once, by Dawn!


    Forged CC papers.


    Current CC papers have a huge logo on it, it's just a matter of confusing people.


    You, too, can generate the logo!


    [logo] - All you need to do.


    Although I agree with the thread's intent. CC and NT Rep should really have separate stamps.



    Having the QM have to save a miner because no one else cares/has access can really suck. This could free the QM from having to shut down supply for 20 minutes if he doesn't have techs and needs to rescue a miner.


    Also, having a mining doc would cetainly make the asteroid far more risky a location for cult/antags to use for their interests (or a far better one if the mining doc is an antag). And since cargo can be co-opted because of this, it will protect cargo a bit also.


    All good things from my perspective. I'm definitely in favor of a slight karma price for this.


    Let's make this happen.



    I just want to take a moment to thank the coders.


    You guys rock.


    I'm a little sickened by this thread. Show some class. And don't speak for anyone other than yourself. As a player I don't give a shit about atmos other than not wanting it to lag my game. And I have a feeling I'm not alone there, but I won't speak for others.


    And decisions are made by those who show up. No more faux math about deathmap disenfrachisement.


    Coders are awesome.



    I think because credits are mostly useless, I say just monetize it, but allow access to job-specifc items for free (clown suit, mime outfit).


    Or, maybe make each successive purchase of an item make a subsequent purchase cost more.


    Perhaps this sort of progression:




    (Or make it Fibonacci-esque: 0>10>10>20>30>50>80>130>210>340>550...)


    Things that are more in demand could be adjusted with more free items, things that should be restricted can start later on the price continuum (a free item, then jumping immediately to 50 credits or later in the progression).


    Then you could add things like toolbelts and wallets but make them start out costing credits (more than 100 to prevent abuse)


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