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Posts posted by Keroman


    Also make floorbots have an infinite amount of floor tiles. They never get used and the fact they have to be refilled is likely the reason. The whole point of these bots is to set and forget.


    Although I understand that does open up the possibility of infinite floor-tile grief.



    I like this idea better than whatever it was Kevak was going on about with a tool, i guess.

    doesn't mean i'd ever make my cute little tv guy a human though


    I do think that IPC bodies should take a little bit of research and materials before they're made. You shouldn't just be able to poop out human mobs from Robotics like you can with borgs.


    Also the 100% voluntary thing is good, you shouldn't just force people to be a species they don't want, that was my main complaint :P


    NOTE: Wouldn't IPC lore also need a slight bit of shifting around with to get this to work? Would organic-to-synthies be treated like a pariah or something?


    Yes, an IPC torso shouldn't be available until a higher tier level of research has been reached. Some players are capable of maxing out R&D in under 20 minutes so this should not prove to be much of an obstacle to the process, but it will force the method to be drawn out a little more (which, as I said in the original post, is a good thing).


    There's already a baseline of cost for other IPC parts like the optical sensor and IPC head and such so we can use that information to decide on a reasonable cost for an IPC torso. I could imagine it requiring a decent amount of silver, gold, and diamonds for the complex inner-circuitry of an IPC torso.


    As far as lore goes there's already a wide range of IPC personalities. As it is already I think there's two main schools of thought regarding IPC-to-organic body swapping:

    A) Why would you do that? Synthetics are superior than any organic. I'm going to shun you now because you made a terrible choice.

    B) What's it like being organic? How do you feel? Do you think it's better or worse than being synthetic? Do you want to be changed back?


    There would definitely be push-back from some IPCs, and that's totally fine from an RP standpoint. I like to think that there would be a number of IPCs who would RP that curiosity about organic life, maybe up to the point where they would try out the procedure themselves to see what it's like. Maybe it could even lead to a special Admin-approved event where an IPC goes organic and then goes murder-crazy as they deal with the sudden influence of emotions.



    Agreed, Spacemanspark. Also I worry about an accidental confirm of a pop-up box as happens sometimes when you're trying to say something while someone is trying to hand something to you.


    And NTSAM, as far as creating IPC bodies I would say it should have a fairly high cost even in a fully-upgraded exosuit fabricator. As high as the cost for some of the higher tier mechs like a Phazon or Durand, maybe. It really depends on what sort of materials the lore says are used in IPC construction. I could see diamonds, gold, and silver being used for circuitry within an IPC torso.



    So for those of you who weren't part of the discussion this suggestion comes from a discussion in minichat about the bug whereby an IPC character can be turned into an organic via a bug where an organic head placed on an IPC body transfers the consciousness of the IPC character from the positronic brain in their chest to the organic brain in the head. It was an unintended consequence of the code and never meant to be possible, but it was. In-game it was used both legitimately (for RP purposes) as well as illegitimately (to force two IPC players into organic bodies against their will). I am 100% in favor of the bug being fixed and there is a pull request on the Github at this very moment which will, ideally, close that loophole.


    What I would like to suggest is for some legitimate in-game means for bodyswaps to take place regardless of species. Currently there are 2 different "types" of brains - organic and synthetic - and within the organic category there are regular organic brains and then there are slime cores which are organic but function slightly differently than other organic brains.


    It is entirely possible to do body swaps between organic species with little to no effort. I've seen any number of these, including someone turning a Vox Raider into a humanized wolpin.


    It is also entirely possible to do bodyswaps between IPCs by switching around their posibrains. In fact I would argue it's simpler to do so for IPCs than for organics.


    What there is NOT, however, is a method for transferring an IPC mind into an organic body (legitimately), nor is there a way to transfer an organic mind into an IPC body.


    I would argue that allowing for such things to happen does not force anyone to play a species they don't want to play. I would fully support the process being 100% voluntary. Allowing players to body-swap into a Karma-locked race is very much not the same thing as allowing them to play a Karma-locked job. If anything it would allow a player to try out a Karma-locked race prior to buying it so they know what they're getting into. From an RP perspective it allows for some interesting player interaction to take place, and I believe it fits with the theme of the NSS Cyberiad as a "scientific" vessel setting out to do research on all manner of things from plasma to supermatter.


    Currently it is possible to put an organic brain into synthetic bodies only in a limited matter (cyborgs, spiderbots, and AI cores). It is also possible to transfer the consciousness from an AI core to an Intellicard. This means that currently in the game in a non-exploit manner you can turn an organic consciousness into a synthetic one. The problem is that Intellicards can only transfer the consciousness to and from an AI Core and not anything else. You could, theoretically, have one AI built from a posibrain and one AI built from an organic brain and swap the two around, however there is currently no means of removing the brain from the AI core to do something else with it.


    I would say that having some sort of console available, even if it's only available from R&D as a circuit board to start with, that could read the consciousness from an organic brain (in an MMI) and transfer it to a positronic brain and vice versa. The protolathe can print out posibrains and MMIs already and Genetics can create any number of humanized creatures to nab brains from. I would also recommend adding the ability to make an IPC torso in the exosuit fabricators in robotics so that no IPC ever has to sacrifice their body to allow someone else to play an IPC.


    The process of body-swapping should NOT be an easy one. It should be a frankensteinian mashup of several different departments working together to make it happen and it should take a significant amount of work and time to be done. In this way it would prevent players from turning themselves into an IPC or other karma-locked race every round simply to avoid paying the Karma cost to unlock it.


    I know there are people out there who dislike the idea and I do want to hear from you, but I also want to be very clear about my intentions here so let me reiterate the following:


    • - I support the removal of the current exploit that allows IPCs to be turned into organics

      - I would prefer that any sort of body-swap procedure be 100% voluntary.

      - I believe that the in-game lore supports the existence of such a procedure.

      - My main goal in having something like this added to the game is to open up more options for players to try new races that would otherwise be unavailable to them. More options for players are a good thing. Creating more RP opportunities for players is a good thing.



  5. Yeah, that's my biggest rage-inducer, scrub. I'm in the middle of R&D and someone just walks in and starts fucking with the console. I try my damnedest to pay attention to the chat window even with 90% of it covered with the console window, just ask me if you can use it first and I'll probably say yes.


    In the server room you have access to alter the R&D server's memory or even delete all the research entirely. You can also back up most of the research onto disks and then wipe the computer itself. That last thing it something I considering doing as an RD on red alert, then just keeping the appropriate disks with me or in a wall safe or something like that.


    It would be nice if, when you looked into the R&D server, there was an option to force any given item to be printed inside of a lockbox. That wouldn't necessarily stop people from printing things off, and traitors with an emag are still going to get whatever it is they want (but hey, that's what an emag's for) but it could still force other people to actually ask for something rather than wandering in and just taking it.



    Vox. Seriously, I hate this fucking race. Not to the point where I metagrief them or have an IC grudge against them, but whenever I see one, my blood boils. I don't know if it's the way they speak or the fact they mostly speak to one another in their native tongue or what. Holy SHIT IT MAKES ME MAD.


    This is going to sound ridiculous to you, but I mean it to be a serious suggestion. Once you've unlocked all the karma-shop stuff you want save up and buy the Vox race if only to try it for a few rounds. If you think Vulpkanin characters stick together, man, they've got nothing on the Vox. Every other Vox is kin, including raiders/traders. They stand by each other with pride even if they've only just met. Sometimes simply being a Vox will get another Vox to agree to a request that they would deny if you are any other species. It's a huge change of pace from a normal round, especially when there's several other Vox players with one in every department. I remember a round a few weeks back with Vox traders and a Vox Captain. The trade went off without a hitch, and even though the Raiders didn't get everything they were after they didn't complain at all.


    When I play Vox I tend to only use Vox-pidgin when speaking one-on-one with another Vox, when saying hello to newly arrived Vox, and when one calls for help on the radio. Also you learn to tune out the screech noise when they speak, but there's few things as satisfying as taking part in a Vox choir on the shuttle and singing the song of our people.



    Well, I didn't want to say too much and look like an asshole, but yes, Vince does that a lot.

    My advice is to everyone is to just avoid him if he's annoying.

    Usually he's just too hyper-competent and that's what gets to people.


    I have no issues with recognizing his competence. There are other players who are good at the game too, but the difference between them and Vince is their attitude. If you're good at what you do and you want other people to get to your level which of the following is the better option?

    A) Show them how to get better in a respectful manner.

    B) Mock their current skill level, make baseless verbal attacks on their character for no reason, and never make an attempt to show them how to improve in any way shape or form.


    I sure know what answer Vince chooses every single chance he gets.



    Punchpacket I was the AI that round and I know exactly what you mean. I sent an ahelp at round end with a player complaint against him as he was clearly self-antaging when his name didn't come up as a traitor when all was said and done.


    He is one of those players who happens to be good at playing the game and believes it gives him the right to be borderline toxic to most of the people around him. When I see his ckey (CodenameGordan) in the player list I avoid playing in Science because I know he's going to be there bitching about how he can do R&D faster and belittling whoever got started on it first. At one point I was RD and fired him because of his shitty, abusive attitude after I asked him to grab some R&D materials from the Research Outpost since he was headed there anyways and I wanted to get rolling on R&D, not have an argument. He turned out to be an antag that round and I called it from the start because every single antag round he goes to the outpost for an excavation suit because they're spaceworthy. At round end I asked if he just RPed an asshole really well or if he was genuinely an asshole. He responded, of course, with more verbal abuse and said if he was an antag and I was RD he would come after me to "get me out of the way" which, if I'm not his target for the round, is full on metagrudge on his part.


    I pride myself on being friendly with most people but this guy has made me super salty several times now and I really wish someone else would call him out on his toxicity.


    If he said something like, "Hey man, can I show you an R&D method that's quicker than the one you're using?" I could respect that and be glad for the learning experience. Nope, just the other day I see him telling another scientist, in all caps, one word at a time exactly this:












    Fucking rude as hell right off the bat.


    Punchpacket if you want to post a player complaint against him I will gladly provide witness testimony to your claims. If you'd rather not I'll file one myself.



    I actually like the idea of a Warden or HoS asking officers to label their belongings at the start of a shift just in case. In real life I believe a lot (although not all) police officers have their own equipment that only gets switched out every once in a while for something newer so they may as well just label the equipment as theirs. Some departments, especially those with less in the way of equipment, are more likely to share it between officers, though.


    I don't think it would be overly metagamey if any given officer labeled their taser and stun baton, possibly their armor and/or helmet. Most of the time antags aren't going to nab the armor and helmet anyways as it's super obvious when they're running around wearing it. Taser and stun baton are more apt to be stolen, however, and it would make a good case against them if they're caught with one labeled as belonging to the officer who went missing 30 minutes before. An antag could also take advantage of the labeling and leave it in maintenance where some Greydora the Maintsplorer finds it and causes chaos only to take the fall when Sec takes him or her down. If the officer is still alive then the labeling could just as easily get them in trouble for losing their equipment, unless they were beaten to crit/death before it was taken, of course.


    EDIT - This is in no way meant to be an endorsement for the idea that items should be labeled by default at round start, just a commentary that a player taking it upon themselves to label their own equipment at the start of a shift is not a bad idea in general.



    I think it's more that nobody on the station really cares what the bigwigs back at corporate do. And the NAS Trurl isn't HQ either, so the crew there are kind of in the same boat.


    We get paid, we get to do cool shit (for the most part), and while we hear all these things about Death Squads and backdoor dealings with the Syndicate/Changeling Hivemind/etc. we mostly just want to go about our business with as little hassle as possible. It's like the, "somebody else's problem," phenomenon cranked to the extreme.



    I'm definitely not opposed to having some sort of monster running around harassing the players that go through. I think it should scale in in difficulty depending on how many players have gone through the gateway which, if there's an admin controlling the monster, shouldn't be difficult. Maybe lore-wise the monster could be the source of a constant EMP effect which disrupts the power on the station and prevents the gateway on that side from opening until it's killed. The players would need to rely on unpowered weapons as well, so no lasers/tasers/stunprods, but likely there could be a few shotguns or pistols tucked away in places. There'd be a very limited amount of ammo, however, so if the players aren't good shots they may have to make some spears to fight with.


    As far as having "rewards" for the players I imagine that an all access ID would quickly be confiscated as soon as they got back to our own Cyberiad. Likewise if they found any weapons Security (especially Beepsky) would be quick to crack down on anyone walking around armed. Any "rewards" they get would need to have a negligible effect upon their return to the station. Maybe they could find some cool armored outfits or EVA suits or the alternate-universe Captain's medals (remember, EMP monster = unlocked medal case!)



    With regards to whose corpses show up on the mirror-universe Cyberiad (Cyb-mirror-iad?) I figure it'd be a one-time thing maybe when the gateway is first accessed? The dead bodies would only show up in the correct departments, maybe with the corpses of Assistants appearing throughout all departments and Civlians/Traders' corpses only showing up in places like arrivals, evac, holodeck, locker room, library, chapel.


    If anyone joins the round after the gateway has been opened their corpse doesn't suddenly appear on the other version of the Cyberiad.



    With regards to this thread: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6532


    Professor Cupcake said he thought I should post the idea here so I am.


    I was thinking it would be neat to have a gateway destination that turned out to be the Cyberiad but in a different dimension where everyone has died horribly. There would be random damage to the station, maybe the power would be out (no singulo/maybe it got loose and ate most of Engineering before veering off into space?)


    The kicker is that the map would be populated by the dead bodies of the current crew-members on board our own Cyberiad. That part would be a little tricky in terms of checking the name, race, and identifiers of each person and then spawning dead bodies for each one in the appropriate departments.


    There would be little to no indication as to how each person died. The ID cards and PDAs could all be nonfunctional - maybe a massive EMP wiped out all electronics on the station including the chips in the cards - but if players can get power restored (maybe via solars/turbine/generators) they could potentially use their own IDs to move around within their own departments.


    I think it would be also be a way for some antagonists to complete their objectives. I would say it may not be the best idea to have antag items spawn on the corpses otherwise Command would likely send a team through to the mirror universe to sweep the bodies and find out who the antags are on our own Cyberiad.


    Other than that there could still be the traitor targets for stealing stuff, like the Captain's medals, the HoS laser gun, etc, all locked up of course. Maybe changelings could steal a brain from the mirror-universe corpse of their target.


    I imagine that having the server run an entire second full-size map of the Cyberiad might cause problems but if the power is permanently off and atmosphere is completely drained I imagine that could help minimize the load on the server.




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