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Posts posted by SomeGuy9283

  1. 21 minutes ago, Shadeykins said:

    Not sure about kidneys.

    I want to say they have something to do with toxin filtering. One weekend, the brig kept getting cyanide-gassed and we needed kidney surgery, though I may be mistaken.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Shadeykins said:

    Why not axe the mining department from the Cyberiad completely, kill the science, security and mining outposts and make that Z-Level into this station? Assign the extra mining jobs (there's what, 3?) to the Roanoke.


    To further segregate the stations they could have a shuttle that only ferries ore back and forth that arrives in the cargo department.

    If there is anyone I have not gotten through to yet: this is What I'm suggesting. Although, there will probably be more like miners or so, since there will be more to mine.

  3. 7 minutes ago, BrandonSacawv said:

    Alright cool. Only concerns I see are these:

    1. Labor camp is not used super often, however science outpost is often used for cults and such.
    2. This would probably have to be something where the roles are only available if the player count is over a certain number to avoid important jobs on the Cyberiad not being filled.

    Also, while I like the whole splitting mining, there would have to be a way to make sure that if the player count is below the threshold, mining responsibility to turned back to the Cyberiad. The only thing I don't like about switching mining back and forth, is that it seems that would be be inconsistent from round to round.

    In response to your first concern: Less people on the Cyberiad will mean more spaces free of people.

    As far as population concerns go: The fact that we have to have an auto-delist feature because we're always pushing 140, 150, or 160 people should be your indicator that we will be well staffed IC for the whole day every day.

  4. 13 hours ago, BrandonSacawv said:

    Would it just be a z level type of deal, or a whole different server?

    Regardless, I really like this idea.


    11 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    Dunno how hard this is but...if we wanted this to be part of the current map...convert the court room to some sort of lobby for this operation and convert labor camp to use as the outpost. Two birds with one stone? I realize the labor camp would have to be modified massively to handle this. Hell take one of the derelict stations that is away from the NSS Cyberaid and turn it into this.

    ...or is the goal not necessarily to make more jobs but create a separate server that is a "sister" to this one for the sake of reducing overall population on Paradise?

    OK, let me address this with some additional clarifications I will be sure to add to the original post.

    • This will all be on the same server, with the intention of dispersing the population more evenly across the map.
    • The Colony will be contained within the asteroid z level, likely just a remodeled and expanded mining outpost.
    • The Mining area will no longer be a NT possession
    • The Brig and Science outposts on the asteroid will be deleted and replaced with asteroid.
    • Station Security will not have jurisdiction on the outpost or asteroid. It has its own laws and own police force.
    • The Cyberiad will not staff any miners, and the mining dock will likely be used for exchanging the minerals for goods.
    • To iterate it once more: The Roanoke is not another space station, it is an asteroid base that has sole legal claim to the asteroid. The Cyberiad has no holdings on the asteroid unless they renovate the derelict mining base.
    • Like 1
  5. I'm not sure how to feel about this. The magistrate should really either be handling issues within command/security channels or faxing CC. Actually reminding people to follow the law should probably be done by the HoS, as he's the one tasked with enforcing it.

    It's not that it's a bad idea, but I'm starting to see magistrate power-creep a little, and I am very apprehensive about.

    Edit- If you're holding a trial, you REALLY sure you want to invite all sorts of riff raff with nothing better to do in the loudest way possible? :P

  6. 41 minutes ago, Shadeykins said:

    I think it's an interesting concept, but you will need antag chances on this station seriously limited.


    The smaller number of people will make it so that antagonists will easily wreak havoc there.

    As stated in the OP, most of the baddies leave the Roanoke alone because the last thing they need is a pissing contest with NT AND SolGov.

  7. I would like to propose a change that will drastically reduce the current issue of over population and further add a unique element to Paradise Station.

    The IC premise is this: As a means to counteract the NT monopoly on plasma development, the Human government have bought many of the Asteroids used for mining to colonize. The research patents are controlled by NT, but science installations, like the Cyberiad, must secure the raw minerals from their sister SolGov colonies. The colonies are left alone by the SWF and syndicate, and similar groups, but are under constant attack from asteroid creatures.

    The one linked to the Cyberiad is called the Roanoke, and is under the protection of federal marines, rather than NT ERTs. It trades raw minerals with the Cyberiad in exchange for research and genetics disks, food, and logistical aid.  Unlike, the Cyberiad, it is (ICly) a permanent settlement and there is no transfer shutle, although in practice the marines can evacuate them via ferry. It has quarters for all of it's residents, a large number of whom will be miners.

    The miners are overseen by the Mining Foreman, whom also sees the trade with the Cyberiad's Quartermaster.

    Law and order is upheld by the Federal Marshall, whom is aided by serveral deputies. They have riot shotguns with limited ammo and police batons (in other words, no instastun.). The Marshall himself has an additional revolver and two disabler guns in his locker, as well as a forensic scanner. They also have tear gas and pepper spray. No bolas or flashes by default, though. They will follow "Colonial Regulations", which will, ideally, be distinct from Space Law. They should wear civilian-ish clothes with armbands/badges. 3 cells and an isolation room.

    Other miscellaneous jobs will include a Personnel Officer, Earth Liason, Maintenance techs, Doctors and Head Surgeon, and Supply Chief. The Colony as a whole is run by the Governor/Commander or whatever you guys want it to be, whom has a Fax machine capable of communicating with the Cyberiad's Captain. The Roanoke will spy on the Cyberiad's activities and report it to thier superiors, and vice versa.

    There a lot of room for this idea to be expanded on, but what do you think?

    Additional Clarifications:

    • This will all be on the same server, with the intention of dispersing the population more evenly across the map.
    • The Colony will be contained within the asteroid z level, likely just a remodeled and expanded mining outpost.
    • The Mining area will no longer be a NT possession
    • The Brig and Science outposts on the asteroid will be deleted and replaced with asteroid.
    • Station Security will not have jurisdiction on the outpost or asteroid. It has its own laws and own police force.
    • The Cyberiad will not staff any miners, and the mining dock will likely be used for exchanging the minerals for goods.
    • To iterate it once more: The Roanoke is not another space station, it is an asteroid base that has sole legal claim to the asteroid. The Cyberiad has no holdings on the asteroid unless they renovate the derelict mining base.
    • Like 4
  8. I support the policy of adminbusing something terrible on those that turtle or go to space. If you're a CE, you naturally have work related to space, so whether your current trip is justified should be left to the administrators, not the game.

    Or we could just acknowledge that Rev sucks and should be killed with fire and purged, with acid, from the code.

    1. The fur around her neck is extra fluffy, but dips in where there is a huge scar around the entirety of her throat. She has a row of sharp canines, never shown unless flashing you a toothy grin.Her paws are very soft to the touch, and the fur juts out from her clothes
    2. A tall and lanky unathi with a twinkle in her eye, blood crusted under her talons, and a smile that would be more at home on someone ready to stab you than operate on you.
    3. For mother of russha

    4. He looks like a guy who likes parrots.
    5. Spoiler

      Pyrolord wanted his added, so here goes: A crimson and white Vulpkanin standing about 5'9, he seems to be calm and has a slight smile on his face.-

      6.Mmmm.. He smells nice!

    Feel free to list any you find


    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, Dinarzad said:

    While I more or less agree with everything else... I question this statement.
    Why precisely should it be a bus only event instead of a legitimate antagonist? It's one of the few antags not out to stab everyone in the liver and turn the world into a murderboner festival.

    Well, at least until we've tested it enough I guess. I just wouldn't want to drop it in regular rotation just to find out it's a steaming pile of sh*t.

  10. While that is perfectly suited to /tg/ station, I'm sure, it is not for Paradise. Ideally, though this is not the norm as of late, the chaplain is giving sermons, counseling lost souls, gathering followers and generally serving as an RP-starter. This has been derailed by giving them a custom melee weapon round-start paired with a crusader-themed riot suit, with no real standards being held to them. Honestly, I'd like to see a hell of a lot more job-bans for valid-hunting as a chaplain or similar RP-based role. You are there to aid security in deconversions or other ceremonies and help erase runes. Stomping through maint with a holy sword seeking antags runs counter to what they are there for.

    Now, allow me to take a step back and acknowledge this is not directly related to what you are proposing. Still, it makes the chaplain much more of a combat role, or at least in direct support to combat.

    The Devil gamemode is a very interesting concept however, but probably best kept an adminbus thing, as opposed to being in regular rotation.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Bxil said:

    Oh my God, I am so sorry for that! I was so clueless that round. I hope it wasn't that bad... That was my first time with a job in the MedBay. Soon after I was a geneticist, and that was similarly catastrophic. Ah, well.

    Nah, you were alright. 80% of psychs cryo in 15 minutes or spend the round with their snowflake meta-friend You've got a bright future ahead..

  12. OK, so about a year ago, I played ss13 a good bit later than my usual timezone, so most of the players were ones I was unfamiliar with. There was this IPC HoS, and he is behind one of the two or three times I've gotten truly mad while playing security.

    I was the Warden, and it became apparent soon enough it was a traitor round. The HoS was one of the greatest valid hunters I've seen wear the coat.  This was before not killing antags who hadn't killed or stolen anything and didn't resist arrest was codified into space law, so the he just one-man firing-squaded every antag we brought in. Some antags didn't really mind, but some players, believe it or not, don't like being summarily murdered without a good reason. Now, the Captain and all the command people had done zilch to put an end to this funny business, so when he got ready to shoot some scientist that had contraband without any indication of Captain approval, I tasered him and cuffed him for attempted murder. About this time, a first-round sec officer shows up and tasers me.

    I was hauled to processing, and the (IPC) Captain and grey HoP show up. I was given some ultra-vague charge, despite my having a valid reason for making the arrest. I asked the Captain about all the killings and he was like "Umm, maybe I authorized it, don't really remember." The HoP, in full powergaming gear, sat there and berated me while the HoS prattled on. I was dumped ID-less on the (broken) mining camp.

    I've never seen the HoP or HoS players again, and if I never do it'll be too soon.

    • Like 4
  13. 5 hours ago, CPTCoffee said:

    I tried playing HoP once. Once. I had the wiki open hoping that it would have any sort of information other than what was located in the HoP office, but nothing. Is there someone out there who can create a decent HoP guide for the Wiki?

    Challenge Accepted, gimme bout a week

    • Like 2

    I still say that its against the current space law already without any alterations.


    Participants are committing battery/assault, and those creating it but not participating are enabling workplace hazards.

    Completely accurate.


    But it begins to cross into an OOC problem, as Security must dedicate substantial resources to uphold the law because of this tomfoolery. I saw a shuttle called the other day because they couldn't handle the rage-cage idiots and run-of-the-mill traitors at the same time.



    However, I also don't know any tree people, they could all be named Groot I guess. At the end of the day, when we have black and neon red Vulps running around all named Cerberus, any other mythological exemptions we made will come back as a problem.

    There is where lore comes in to establish some modicum of a standard. Dionae have a specific and unique naming system. Since Cerberus is an element of Human fiction, why an alien race would use it as a name would be... interesting to hear argued.


    [spoilertext]While writing this I had a thought: I've been slap-happy with the realistic, species-appropriate name the game auto-generated for me for more than two and half years now. I'm sure many other regulars feel that way. Sorry, this my tangent for the day.[/spoilertext]



    This is not some hypothetical situation, how many people do you know with the name Nyx?


    Not only that, even if it was a valid assumption (again how many do you know?) the game itself is set in the future, who is to say "Groot" won't become so renowned that it will be widely used?


    Hence again, the whole famous thing. We avoid this whole problem if we remove those words which seems to be well in line with the poll.


    Diluting this rule by allowing ancient names is a massive loop hole, I won't name some of the examples as to avoid drawing the players into this. But once we start going down this route the impact would be immense.

    Fair enough; I was thinking more along the lines of IPCs named APOLLO, etc. We must be careful though, for example: "Thor" is a mythical name, but also a viable forename in some places. Then again, as we're dealing with aliens, this should still be very rare.


    As for dear old Groot becoming a common name, the issue here is the player knows what's going on, and that's really what's the deal breaker.


    Maybe this won't be such a big deal once it's applied.


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