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Posts posted by SomeGuy9283


    Because of the emotional and neurological trauma associated with death, a victim's testimony is not sufficient for a murder conviction. A search, autopsy, or other forensic examination must reveal further evidence for legitimate conviction. Security cannot tracking implant persons lacking any physical evidence of murder.


    If victim A is cloned and reports suspect B to security, some other physical, forensic, or testimonial evidence, security can do nothing more than search B and let him go.


    This originated out of this thread: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9493&start=10



    I disagree, ERT or ghosts that get revived see all sorts of shit while ghosted, and manage just fine.

    That's meta-gaming more so than an RP issue. It's less about making things difficult for sec/antags or roleplaying than about avoiding a ban-hammer.

    In other words, acting on metaknowledge=/=acting on knowledge just prior to death


  3. Here's a thought: Because of the emotional and neurological trauma associated with death, a victim's testimony is not sufficient for a murder conviction. A search, autopsy, or other forensic examination must reveal further evidence for legitimate conviction. There, no extra bans, no insta-convictions for security, no motive to permanently remove people from the round in many circumstances, and the requirement of actual detective work on the part of the prosecution.


    Honestly I wouldn't mind this but nobody else seems to want it.

    Let's move towards something like this one step at a time. I think it should be SOP for medical staff not to let cloned persons see their bodies, not to tell people they've been cloned, and not to just abandon them in cloning room if at all possible.


    Additionally, I think CMD is situational. If someone chucks you out an airlock and it takes you three minutes to die, I figure you'd recollect that upon cloning, though maybe in poor detail. If, however, you are shot with a SMG and are dead before you hit the ground, you probably wouldn't have much time to store that in your memory. In either case, a chat with the Psychiatrist may be beneficial(speaking of which, can we enforce higher standards for therapists?).


  5. If people volunteer to help in medical, it's logical to assume they have some level of skill in medicine. Personally, I think you should not perform surgery unless you are currently the rank of doctor, your character is an off-duty doctor, or you are been guided through it by a doctor. That said, I have no issue with you walking up to the medbay with an injured friend in tow and asking to be able to do their surgery. As previously stated, you volunteered, so it makes sense for you to have the skills. If you break into medbay and use their tools because "they were to slow" expect a twenty minute brig trip.


    Wish Granted. Your power company has installed a supermatter shard engine. Coincidentally, they're unrobust nerds and it's about to go critical. Start running.


    I wish the "Debates and Discussions" forum saw more use.



    Granted, the thread is now so forcibly upbeat that no one takes it seriously.


    I wish every edgelord with 3 loadout points didn't give themselves a black coat and beret, irrespective of whether or not it suits their character.

    I'd like to think it works for my character, but a diona in a beret? Just, why?


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