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Everything posted by Punchpacket

  1. It's always that one bugger who completely ignores his/her symptoms for a while, finally comes in and it turns out he/she left it to the point where every single one of his/her limbs have an acute infection. You spend like an hour treating the bugger with every little bit of spaceallin, or hell a replacement organ if you're lucky enough to have found one.. Only to have said ungrateful bugger go SSD because he/she couldn't be bothered to be patient.. A simpler method of treating infected organs would be grand.
  2. One tip I can share from my experiences as a Syndicate Nuclear Operative... Don't eat the Donk Pockets.. It doesn't end well.
  3. Brave vox raider Yakasomethingorother deep in thought as he calmly gazes out of the starboard-side window. Brave vox raider Yakasomethingorother and his fellow vox crew as they successfully fended off the dastardly Nanotrasen boarding party, intentions to steal precious vox equipment earlier pilfered from Nanotrasen stocks as the crew of NSS Cyberaid remained almost entirely unaware with the exception of these few high-placed double crossers! Their plan to flood the vox ship with plasma and ignite it partially succeeded, with the exception of the ignition part (no oxygen, only nitrogen) and resulting in their swift demise as the valiant five, and their newly recruited IPC companion (who later got ripped to shreds by an EMP) defeated and took prisoner most of the invading party. The battle ended as the vox ship successfully returned home, and the NT captain drew his last breath.
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