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Posts posted by Fethas


    Personally can never have enough races...but with drask this would probaly need to wait a good bit for the dust to settle down on that.


    Its a small thing to ask, and we are never short on time. Though someone might punt me off thats higher then me...but >.>



    I think it needs changes. If anything i can imagine a few reandom things could be added to spice up the round.

    I would be willing to code changes but given my work schedule sometimes and a mental todo list i have, it might take some time.



    this would invovle some code but heres my suggestion


    i know what nations could need and its something ely did

    is you take one maybe from each nation, and give them something traitorisque to do, like destabliized the station

    or something to create a bit of subtle action/intrigue



    Or Fethas has an organ black Market!


    https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/2903 is closeing on review stage so i am writing this to let you know what to expect!


    Surgerys will be started by a list, with a sharp object and then you proceed from there. Next list step will be stated on your operating computer.


    Organs are now a bit more moduler code wise and allow for some pretty fun stuff. I will try to list off organs and what they can do.





    As before, are vital, you will die if removed






    You process your alchohal (and other things) with this


    Most other organs are as before, with the fact you can also EAT THEM Eaiser


    Some organs, such as the Wyn (admin) race antenna will remove hive speech.




    Daemon hearts will probaly replace your current heart when you eat it


    XENOMORPHS can be cut up for organs but some notes, You need a plasma producing organ to use most powers, and don't try to lay an egg without a HIVENODE in you.


    Hivelord organs are now implantable.




    RnD can now research cybernetic implants.



    Antidrop - toggle to make it so you cannot drop your currently held item (of course toggle off to drop it again)


    Antistun - automaticly reduces your stun duration



    Nutriment pump and Nutriment pump + - Will make you less hungry depending on your hunger levels. the normal will bring you to yellow from red, and the + does more so


    Reviver - Will try to bring you out of medical crit, WILL NOT DEFIB YOU.



    X-ray - gives you xray vision


    Thermals - Gives you THERMAL vision


    Med/sec hud - Gives you medical and sec huds repsectively


    Welding shield - helps you with wielding.


    eye colors will change based on the implant.

    They all have a drawback espically when EMPed


    LINGS get an organic version of Thermal and Welding assoicated with the augmented eyesight power.




    Arm cannon - A armcannon in taser/disabler and laser varients. Beware of EMPS


    Honktumor - HONK!


    Beard Organ - ???


    Surgcal tools!


    Alot is the same save for the researchable ones(they now reduce step type based on success percentage), but i will list them by category and success rate


    Scalpels/Surgery Starters (most sharp objects can start a surgery, but not all are scalpels):


    for cutting open:

    Laser scalpels 105/110/115 % (based on level)

    Incision Manager 120%

    Scalpal 100%

    Kitchen knife 75%

    Glass Shards 50%

    Scissors 10%


    Edagger/esword 5%

    Chainsaw 1%


    For Clamping Bleeders:

    Laser scalpels 105/110/115 % (based on level)

    Incision Manager 120%

    Hemostat 100%

    Cable coil 75%

    Moustrap 20%


    For retracting:

    Incision Manager 120%

    retractor 100%

    Fork 50

    crowbar 75


    Catuerys(I got brain dead here..you are getting the code listing):

    scalpel/laser3 = 115,

    scalpel/laser2 = 110,

    scalpel/laser1 = 105,

    cautery = 100,

    cigarette = 75,

    lighter = 50,

    weldingtool = 25


    Amputating tools/saws:

    circular_saw = 100,

    energy/sword/cyborg/saw = 100,

    hatchet = 75,

    arm_blade = 60(amputation only)





    As stated, surgerys are started from a list now, the steps if you get lost, will be displayed on the operating computer (that is if you aren't doing this on a table in maintenance)

    This also means they are datum based and expandable.

    If you need to ABRUPTLY stop a surgery, hold your scalpal and a catuery

    If you picked the wrong surgery before the first step, change your intents and click the patient with the tool in hand.


    also i am lazy right now so heres the datums for surgery as they are in the code:


    Bone Repair:



    Face Repair:



    Cavity item implant/removal:

    Scalpal,Hemostat,retract,saw,retract,drill,place/remove item,catuery,retract,bonegel,bonset,bongel,cautery


    Note:To place an item, have the item in your hand before clicking the patient, to look for and/or remove an ITEM have your hand open. you cannot place organs with this surgery.





    Limb attachment:

    For organics:

    (after selecting the surgery with a scalpla/shap tool) Attach limb (via click), hemostat

    For IPCs:

    (after selecting surgery via screwdriver) Attach limb


    For replaceing an organic part:

    Attach robotic limb directly or select with your stabby tool from surgery list


    Internal Organ Mainpulation:

    For organics:

    Scalpal,Hemostat,retract,saw(head/chest),retract(head/chest),Mainpulate organs,(chest/head:Bonegel,bonset,bongel),cautery.


    When you get to the organmainpulation step you have a few options:

    Insert an organ (organic or cybernetic implant)

    Remove an internal organ by hemostat (if they have a xeno infection, trust me you will find it)

    Repair damages (truama kits and naopaste depending on)


    to finish when you are done, use a retractor and proceed on.


    For IPCs:



    When you get to the IPC mainpulate organs step:

    Remove an organ by multitool

    Insert an organ with a screwdriver in your ACTIVE hand and the replacement organ in your OFF hand

    Insert an MMI/posibrain

    repair internal damages with nanopaste


    Use a crowbar when you are done


    Internal bleeding:



    Shadowling Dethrall:

    (slect clense contaiminations) open the head (or chest for IPCS), use a penlight/flash/flashlight,close as normal.


    Please note, Surgery steps are subject to change between now and when i get to review stage. Also note: i am making sure this is working as good as i can, but i cannot promise something will not blow up.



    Xenobio slime surgery is the same



    So yeah...when i did swarmers..and though i tested everything. I somehow simple mobs got made immortal...stuff happend..and the server go shut down until a fix is merged.


    My bad. Sorry..Sorrrysorrysorrrysorry...


    in all future PRs i do...i am sacrificing animals just to make sure they die now.


    Sorry. Sorry...



    okay at 9pm EST the lag to the server started, so thats the start time for it. Will do a reset for it. Its only seeming to affect the paradise server/site. Was getting anywhere from 3 sec to 23 sec to force a reconnect ping s using a .ping


    ....Ever play a diona in that kind of lag?


  7. not in a dorms. On ATT and this is a recent issue, i tried connecting to another server and it worked out fine. I can get on the site, BARELY it either goes snail slow or just dosen't load (one time it did time out). site and server. Also will go into my router and see if for some reason its blocking...though if it is it turned itself on.


    for a good bit here i have been having trouble connecting to both the SERVER and the WEBSITE, dunno why. it seems to be mostly in the afternoons (EST, want to say starts around 7pm. right now as i write its 12am) Mornings however seem to be good.


    Dunno if its just mean or something i can fix, tried a few things but open to things i have not thought of.


    Here have a traceroute http://www.monitis.com/traceroute/index ... tId=978365


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