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Posts posted by NTSAM


    Its still in beta.


    I've heard that we refuse to update our codebase from versiony stuff unless it's stable. So no? It could break at any time and we'll be fucked, so honestly I too would rather wait until a stable release comes out.



    What is your main reason for exploring the gateway? Are you after specific items? Monster kills? A safe place to do antag stuff? A sense of adventure? Horror? Simply want to see what is there?


    I like the sense of adventure from exploring dark spooky places so I guess adventure + horror. I also like the ones with the logs scattered everywhere because of the cool lore.


    What are your most and least favorite features of the existing gateway maps?


    My favorite features are the old, abandoned and forgotten shitholes in the middle of nowhere and the dark expansive caves of a few of the maps. My least favorite features of the maps is the damn beach, as I don't quite recall it having anything explorable.


    Do you enjoy fighting dangerous monsters in gateway missions? If so, how dangerous?


    I like fighting monsters if they don't need an entire fucking armory to kill. Stuff that can be killed as long as you're agile and quick with a nice blunt thing.


    Do you like the idea of a gateway mission which randomizes important elements? E.g: randomizes your spawn location, monster spawn locations, environmental hazards, etc.


    YES, I feel that we need more of this kinda thing so you don't end up playing the same quiet little map every time. Adding random elements would give more of a reason to use the gateway since you'll have a different experience every time.


    Do you prefer away missions where you spawn at the gateway, or do you prefer missions where you have to find / fight your way to the exit gateway?


    I like missions where I have to look around pretty closely for the gateway so I get to see a lot more neat nooks and crannies of the map when I got to leave. I understand it though that some people wanna spawn at the gateway because sometimes you just can't find the damn thing anywhere and it hurts your brain.


    How much do you think events on an away mission should be able to influence life on the Cyberiad? For example, do you believe gateway teams should be able to recover valuable/useful items? Would you be OK with a gateway team being able to bring dangerous things back with them? How dangerous?


    As long as it's not ultra-bad or ultra-good. I do like the idea of a gateway dude bringing back some old ass disease from the gateway or a facehugger embryo or similar and I do think you should be able to get minor artifacts that do things such as play a recording or maybe even really old models of weaponry and nice traditional weapons.



    Please no mechanical brains. That exists and it makes no sense to have it fit into a human head and I'm not bringing this shit up again. Large cubes won't fit in a skull without horrifically deforming it in the fitting process. Then there's the issue of making machinery completely organic which shouldn't be a thing seeing as how you can already make organic into machinery with a tons less downsides.



    Assisted brains like weird bleepy bloopy stuff on it would be neat.


    Mechorgans would be nice too.



    Implants are to be done in Surgery in Medical.

    According to Fox in this suggestion, implants are not part of the domain of Medical. :^)



    Well Mr. Pants, according to the Implant SoP thread


    Cybernetic Implantation should be performed in Surgery or any such sterilized environment, to reduce the risk of internal infection. If no Surgeons or Doctors are available, the Roboticist can fill in;



    Name of Event: Blood Drive


    One Sentence Description:

    get the cookie


    Map Changes: Nope.


    Code Changes: No.


    Suggested Number of Players:

    Any number.


    Full Description of Event:

    Get CC to come to the station and burst down the ORs, kill anyone inside and set up a blood drive. Any crew with blood to spare can donate to get a cookie which will make the guy with it a traitor. It has 1000 throwing force and the sharp tag.


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    Item suggestion: Brooms. Sweeps all non-large objects from the turf you click two turfs in front of you, in the direction you are currently facing. The janitor starts with one and more can be bought in cargo.


    Small suggestion, but it'd be kinda fun to see and may make cleaning up non-splatter messes slightly easier?


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