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Posts posted by Sheakhan


    Alright brah, heres the deal.


    1. In response to the request for more miners, plasma researchers and the like... NT is notorious for being a SHITTY business. They are at the top of the food chain because nobody else can compete due to circumstance, not entirely skill and ability. The station does pull in plasma, but it is primarily a research station, hence virology, xenobiology, R&D, science, genetics, and medbay (those fuckers ARE the experiment).

    2. It is widely known that NT hires shit workers to work a shit station for shit pay. Why would they care overly much about security? The point of SS13 is to revel in gross incompetence and the fun that arises, not to streamline it so everyone is immaculate and perfect at their jobs. Fuck ups are funny!

    3. I forgot 3.



    Game mode!


    Stats: Everyone is syndicate antagonists! Wooot!

    Other stats: Except for one or two "non traitors".



    Syndies: The syndicate crew must accomplish nefarious tasks, like subverting the AI, killing eachother, destroying sections of the station, keeping power offline, etc.

    Non-Syndie: Stop those fuckers! Keep the engine online, protect or download the AI, stay alive, call the shuttle.


    Bonuses: Give the NT crew some cool gear to offset the imbalance of facing an entire traitor crew.



    Everyone is syndicate.

    Instead of antags, some players are chosen from the start to join the ERT team.

    Syndies have finished fucking shit up and are trying to get cleaned up and ready to escape.

    ERT has to fix their damages and kill/capture the bastards.


    Win conditions: ERT/NT/SYNDICATE members all dead. One team or the other escapes. All members of one team are imprisoned. Everyone defects to one side or the other.



    Yea, you fucking heard me.


    Bonus points if it counts as robes for wizard spells, but perhaps increases the cooldowns.


    OP? Don't care. Awesome factor overrules sensibility.



    Err... AI's are expected both ICly and OOCly to follow their laws.

    If my FIRST priority law is to maintain quarantine and ensure the crew combats the blob, then ANYTHING I do to make certain that occurs is most definitely part of the solution.


    Players trying to flee the station/hide out/ignore the blob are the problem during blob rounds, not the AI and/or heads that are doing exactly what they are supposed to. Read the wiki, pay attention to the AI laws during the next blob round you play, and then we can discuss this further.



    As AI during blob rounds, your new priority 0 law is to maintain quarantine. If anyone tries to escape, you can and should take whatever measures necessary to keep them from doing so.


    I have electrified doors, vented areas, started fires, and sent borgs on murder missions to keep quarantine. I feel like too many players don't take the quarantine as seriously. I'm not concerned about CHARACTERS that want to escape, that makes sense. I get it. It's the OOC belief that escape is or ever was an option.


    Also yea, welder tanks are dumb.





    Let's just clarify something here...


    Blob rounds are kill or be killed. There is no escape. None.

    As a Head of Staff, or AI/Borg, your primary duty is to maintain quarantine, followed very immediately by killing the blob.

    It boggles my mind that so many players OOCly think calling the shuttle is even an option, it's as if the term "quarantine" is foreign.


    The only escape is death, camrades.



    I am not sure who would ever read rules today, when all rules in games are kind the same: no hack, no greef, no acc abuses ,etc.But if you think about, how many games today have special rules? Not very much. The more rules you have in game the more game feels fragile, incomplite and abusive, and you don't give very nice picture of the game. I was reading rules one time when i was so bored and wanted to show guy how wrong he is. That was one time


    Games with a community have rules because communities have rules, and different communities have different rules, simple as that. Just because I can drink at 18 in my country doesn't mean I can go and start drinking in countries where drinking is not even allowed. Rules aren't there to be "boring", rules are there to teach you what not to do and how to avoid trouble. The more rules a game has, the stronger the community becomes. It makes idiots that like to ruin everything stay away and those who really want to try stay.


    Of course we can't expect everyone to read all the rules before trying a new server, which (after a few threads in the unban requests) obviously didn't work out for some people and they had to read them anyway.


    I don't think a harsh punishment for not reading the rules is the solution honestly. It's been working fine so far, they get banned, they read the rules. If they get into trouble again, they get banned again and can't use the "didn't read rules" excuse. Some people might not even understand the rules in some parts. Or people that play in many different servers, might sometimes forget you can't do Y in paradise.


    The reason for I suggest punishments for not reading the rules isn't because I expect that everyone who does is a model citizen, or that the rules are all encompassing or provide a filter for the malcontents. I suggest it partly because it will alleviate the occurance of "Oh, I didn't realize that was against the rules" offenses, saving players and moderators/admins time and energy dealing with easily avoidable issues. I also suggest punishment for not reading the rules because I believe, as a player, you have an obligation to understand the rules and guidelines that the server staff, who are supplying YOU with a place to enjoy the game on their own backs, took the time and energy to concoct. Not reading the rules, in my opinion, shows a lack of respect for the game, the concept of rules at large, the staff, and the effort invested. It's rude, it takes a couple minutes to read the rules, and the amount of timed saved when you're not being an ass and breaking them ignorantly is immeasurable.



    Remove O2 from the station atmosphere. It's waaaaay OP. For starters, none of these griefers would be able to destroy the station and ruin rounds without it, plus it's highly flammable and is responsible for a good number of Vox deaths.

    Can we get this done ASAP, before people start getting used to the idea of Oxygen as a feature and learn to abuse it if they haven't already?



    The point of this game is not to win, or lose, or a green or red text at tne end. The point of this game is to have fun playing as 2d spehssmen.

    So if you have fun winning, losing, or green/red texting are you missing the point? Everyone has their own version of fun, just because it doesn't match yours doesn't make it wrong.


    Dying is a part of the game, should you avoid it? of course, but what you are doing here is paranoic powergaming, ignoring any RP and just playing to win. This is NOT how you get Karma Points.


    Are people that are paranoid in real life powergaming reality? I mean, for fuck's sake, we've already covered that at least some of these characters have experienced repeatedly fucked up shifts aboard the Space Station. Paranoia is, to a point, expected.

    That being said, playing just to earn Karma Points IS powergaming, and pretty pathetic. I play to enjoy the game without destroying the experience for others, not for cookies and OOC rewards. You're suggesting these players metagame for OOC approval and profit. For shame.


    How will you able to enjoy the game if you see a lethal threat in everybody?


    Playing a jumpy paranoid schizophrenic with a habit of jumping out of his skin in terror at the slightest "hostile" movement could be fucking hysterically amusing. Just because you don't see the fun doesn't mean there isn't any.


    How won't you go insane if you assume that everybody is carrying a parapen is their PDAs?


    By not being a chucklefuck. IE: The same way you avoid doing the same. Roleplay isn't a black/white issue, people ARE capable of moderation, and reasonable character choices. Being paranoid ICly doesn't suddenly mean you're a loose cannon likely to snap and hacksaw people to death at a moments notice, just as playing an aggressive character doesn't mean you're going to murderbone anyone who looks at you crosseyed.


    How is people supossed to like you or befriend you if you won't let anyone get close to you?

    "How are people supposed to like/or befriend you..."

    That corrected, who cares? Not everyone plays likeable characters. When I play Walter, not many people enjoy him ICly, and he rarely if ever makes friends or lets anyone close to him, but I have a fucking blast, and many, many, many people enjoy the character OOCly, as evidenced by blatant compliments, admin approval, and karma earned.


    Personally, i don't care at all if i win or lose as antag, the green text means absolutely nothing to me, the purpose of the antags is to avoid extended rounds and making the round fun for everybody (and yes, i am aware how much this last thing is ignored).


    That's your opinion, and it's a perfectly good one! Enjoy the game how you want to enjoy it! But please... As an admin, you are an example for the unwashed masses, it is your unwritten obligation to project a good example and in my humble opinion, blasting the playstyles of other people is far from upholding that example. It is offensive, hence this long-winded and in depth response.



    I think you guys misunderstand the term "Modern Art".

    Allow me to illustrate (no pun intended): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_art


    Which is to say, the bulk of what you refer to isn't modern art at all. Modern Art only includes pieces produced from 1860ish to 1970ish.

    You're likely intending to discuss Postmodern or Contemporary art, specifically minimalist styles, and even then you are very narrowly judging it.


    Art is about creating something that either speaks OF the artist in a way that is emotionally, aurally, and/or visually stimulating. And/Or to the audience in the same way. This does not imply that the effect is positive or negative. Nor does it imply that it is profound or deep. If I created a sculpture that was nothing more than a perfect 3x3 cube, painted vermillion, it would be art. Is it emotionally representative of anything? Not likely. But it is a well crafted cube, and the color catches the eye. Art doesn't need to have a huge intrinsic meaning attached to it. Skyscrapers are artworks. The color and scheme of this forum is an artwork. The Facebook logo is artwork.


    One thing I frequently see is people disliking a subject or object or person, and immediately discarding that subject as invalid. You don't decide what art is, you only choose how you react to it.



    I have no idea what you said because grammar.

    Modern Art, Classic Art, it is what it is. Art doesn't require appreciation or understanding. If the creator believes it is art, than it is. If the audience considers it art, than it is. There is no requirement that they agree upon that fact, nor is there a requirement that they consider it to be art for the same reason. Art is art even if you don't personally think it is, just as a mountain is a mountain even if you call it a hill.


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