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Posts posted by Sheakhan


    When a weapon sticks in an enemy, historically and realistically speaking, you put your dirty-ass boot on them and pull it out. Only a complete numbskull would get his weapon stuck in someone and then just go: "Huh, well, guess that's lost forever." before letting it go.


    Basically, it's obnoxious, doesn't seem to add anything to the game, and doesn't make any sense.


  2. I hate the idea of making the HoP's job rely on other crew members to complete, or even having the option as it implies that is "the way it should be done". However, I do like the idea of allowing department heads to provide access under their purview to their subordinates. It keeps the round moving and saves Security/Medbay/Whoever the trouble of running to the HoP desk, hoping he's there, waiting for access, waiting for the HoP to agree that it's necessary, then running back to the area they desperately needed access to only to find that the emergency situation that dictated they get expanded access has worsened/resolved itself/ended poorly.


    I was working Virology this morning and the HoP came into my lab with a egun set to lethal and just stared at me for 2-3 minutes after I cautiously said hi.


    He finally asks if I had seen any spiders and walks off after I say no. Scary moment for me.


    It was more like 2-3 seconds. :P


    Those spiders had it coming. Unfortunately Rogue is a terrible shot.



    This is meta gaming. Probably a violation of the rules, i would be careful with this. With this mindset you could just hand out all access IDs at the round start. Because hey, i give like 40 non antags all access but only like 5 antags.


    Most of the player just don't have enough self-restraint to use additional access reasonably, if i give a security officer all access to medbay, you can be damn sure he will go in there and try to play doctor whenever it fits him. He will get in the way of actual doctors and meta game the shit out of everything and perform brain surgery as a security guard. On his way out he will raid the chemistry and make himself some oxycodone because he has access, right? It's not only his privilege to go inside, IT'S HIS FRIGGING DUTY!


    If a HoP drags someone into cloning (which he should have no access to) and starts cloning him (which he should not know how to do) while i am playing a doctor just waiting for some work, i get this gigantic urge to buy the HoP a one way ticket down disposals, back to his department and area of expertise.


    Metagaming is when you use Out of Game knowledge to influence in game decisions.

    So, if I gave myself all access in anticipation of a wizard or traitor round, or to allow me to go snag some nifty things from the unoccupied R&D office, yes, it would be meta gaming.


    When I give myself all access, it's because my character doesn't like asking for help and will do his damnedest to be self-sufficient. He rarely uses his extended access save to pilfer comfort items when they aren't being used: Cigars, Flasks, Lighters. The shiny ones, because he's a hedonist. It's not a use of out of game information at all, and certainly doesn't influence my game-altering decisions.


    This mindset has nothing at all in common with "Give everyone all access, most of them aren't traitors! lulz!"

    I wouldn't do that for any reason unless I was a traitor and sowing chaos was the best way to get my objectives done.


    What IS meta gaming, however, is not giving somebody something (access or items) in game because of your Out of Game belief that they will abuse it. That is just as much a meta game action as the person you give all access to doing jobs they shouldn't know how to do, and SHOULD be a bannable offense if you're somehow caught.


    That being said, I'm firmly against the school of thought that says "Punish/restrict everyone based on what they MIGHT do" it's foolish, and only negatively impacts the people who weren't going to do those things anyhow.


    When I play HoP, I play HoP. The only things I'll do outside my area of expertise are making myself drinks (read: filling a flask with liquor), shooting anybody who breaks into my office (command staff probably have basic weapons training, and I miss on purpose some times to make it more reasonable), and on ONE rare occasion, brute-forcing my way to figuring out how to make Space Drugs because holy crap it was a scary shift and I needed to cut loose.


    That is the responsible way to play a character. You don't do shit your character wouldn't know how to do, you don't deliberately ruin other people's games, and you stay in character.


    So sure, there are some people who will abuse all access, and I agree that is wrong. But you punish those people when they do break the rules or abuse their capacity, not everyone else.


  5. People who break the rules get banned. If something is OP when you consider it's potential for abuse, it's not OP. If it's OP when you compare it to other legitimate options in a legitimate context, then it should probably be looked at for balancing.


    I really don't see the big deal with HoP giving themselves all access. Sure, it's abuse of their position but ultimately only two sorts of people are going to misuse all access. Griefers, and Antags.


    The former will get banned, the latter should use every advantage they can get.


    I've played two HoP characters primarily. One never gives themselves all access. The second does, as a rule, and uses it to swipe a bottle of booze if the bartender isn't present/uncooperative, and grab the Blueshield's fancy lighter if the Blueshield is out. Never otherwise used the access for nefarious deeds as a non-antag and frankly I don't see the issue.


    I've seen people throw a lot of fits lately on the same vein: "People shouldn't have access to X item or Y area because they might do Z horrible thing with it!"...and?


    If the job should have something, or some access, give it to them if it makes sense. Don't be concerned with what they might do with it because, as I said before, only two types of people will abuse their access/items, and one of those types of people will be banned anyhow.


    That's like congress passing a law that states: "Nobody can own matches because they might light fuses and blow stuff up, or start fires and shit." You don't make rules or laws to prevent violations, you make them to establish what violations are.


    So, in this instance, give the HoP the access he should have if he's lacking, take it away if he has too much. If you're worried about HoP abusing full engineering access than make it known that fucking up engineering as the HoP is a violation of server rules and warrants a ban. Bam, problem solved.


  7. Not sure if I'm speaking nonsense or not, but would the pods be easier to code like mechs? Really big mechs? That'd add the extra awesome factor of being able to swap out weapons and such, and having a limited air supply (though still pretty sizeable).


    I beg to differ, I've seen and participated in plenty of great AI RP over the radio.. That being said, adding range to the station intercom would still be really nice. I could've sworn the range was greater on them previously, as I've definitely noted an inability to hear through them at distances past a few tiles.


    If the AI can't lip-read it needs ears, NT wouldn't spend a bazillion space-bucks on a fancy AI that couldn't even properly monitor it's crew.


  9. So far as I've seen here, Paradise sprites change when a better sprite is made available and somebody is motivated to make the change. In short, if you don't like some sprites, either create new ones or hope somebody else does and make them awesome enough to merit the change. I can't say I've seen them change for any other reason to my knowledge.


    yes I've been around since the ban appeals forum was open and visible to all and anyone could post in them. I am sure that there were people who just posted in the appeals, even if they were involved, and caused a slapfight.


    Not as often as you might think. It was my job (and the admins) to remind them of the rule and regulate that sort of issue when it popped up, so it wasn't as rampant as you seem to imply it would be.


    on the other hand most of your points are fair, and I can't really argue against them, even if they do feel redundant or if they're just padding the number of reasons.


    ...and I appreciate that conclusion even if it feels like you're trying to take a jab at the same time. Even if that jab is probably pretty justified. <.<



    Crazy cool idea. Might take some coding, who knows? (Spoiler: I don't)


    Have crew monitoring stations light up when somebody is being actively injured or is dying. (I'm envisioning a tiny "LED" in the corner)

    Yellow for injured, red for dying.


    As it stands, I'm not sure how reliably (if at all) the display updates, and it seems like something fairly intuitive.

    If nothing else include it as a console upgrade option to give engies or roboticist something to do.



    maybe it is because the player who is being targeted with a player complaint will inevitably respond with "NO YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU'RE WRONG" and it will turn into an 8 page shitfest, and maybe it is because admins can be trusted to be professional enough to respond civilly and not turn it into that.


    And I quote: "Shitting up the forums about it isn't going to speed this process and only serves to introduce drama, which none of us are interested in having around"


    think of it this way: You can't see adminhelps that are about, say, the griefer who just shot the captain to death for literally no reason with a laser gun that he broke into the armory for. Why would you be able to see player complaints about it?


    You're relatively new, so you might not remember when the Ban Appeals forum was open and visible to all members.


    There were some really simple rules regarding the Ban Appeals, most important of all was "Don't post on a Ban Appeal that you were not directly involved in" and for the most part, it went pretty smoothly. I should know, I was (for a time) one of the few members trusted to and allowed to help out appealers and post on Ban Appeals I wasn't involved with, and I read every single one of them.


    Note that: I was not an admin, yet could be trusted to post on Ban Appeals responsibly and constructively.

    Note also: That the rules in place kept Ban Appeals mostly "shitfest" free.


    Admins aren't the only people capable of respecting rules and behaving professionally (and in some cases, admins fall short of those ideals just like anybody else might). Surprise, being an admin doesn't make you a more civilized and rational human being than you were before.


    That being said, the reasons I want to see Player Complaints open to everyone are numerous:


    1. So that if I or somebody else sees a complaint filed against George Melons we don't need to file a whole new, separate complaint to weigh in on it.


    2. So that if I or somebody else want to complain about George Melons, we can see if it's already been filed and weigh in on the existing complaint as opposed to flooding the forum with new complaints.


    3. So that if I or somebody else want to complain about George Melons we can see the existing points brought up and save time and effort by not only posting on the existing complaint thread but by refraining from posting redundant information.


    4. So that if I or somebody else see a complaint is filed against us, we can more actively endeavor to defend our choices or make amends for our mistakes without the administration having to get involved at all.


    5. So that if I or somebody else see a false complaint or a complaint based on missing information we can more actively endeavor to supply information to inform the member initiating the complaint and hopefully resolve the situation without the administration having to get involved at all.


    6. For transparency's sake. Seeing how our admins and fellow players operate better informs us. Being able to witness admin investigation and results is more likely to instill confidence than.


    7. For the sake of fair treatment. Admins have the opportunity to weigh in on complaints about their fellow admins. Not allowing players to do the same for fellow players sends a strong message of: "We can't trust you plebs to be civil." intentional or otherwise.


    All of that aside, I strongly dislike the notion that admins are special or that we players should be treated with disdain or mistrust because we don't have shiny Admin badges. They've simply been around long enough to prove themselves trustworthy, dedicated, loyal, or I'm sure in a select few cases happened to just fall into it. That doesn't magically make them better than the unwashed masses, it just simply means they've put in enough to see results.



    It seems unintuitive that Player Complaints are private, yet Admin Complaints are not.

    Allowing Admin Complaints to receive better visibility of course means that anyone who has complaints to add, or defenses to offer for the Admin in question can do so which is great. But why aren't the same opportunities made available for Player Complaints? It feels like our complaints are being treated less thoroughly, at initial glance.


    So I guess I'm looking for either a change in this disparity or a satisfactory explanation as to why it is so.



    So, crazy idea here.


    But I've been playing Paradise for about a year now, and I've noticed two things:


    1. Lots of places get dirty or dangerous.

    2. Janitors and Security don't have access to those locations.


    So, here's a suggestion:


    Give security members access to every non-head, non-secure location on the station from spawn. They were hired by NT to keep the peace and uphold space law, they should be trusted enough to be given the access necessary to do their jobs, especially in the areas most likely to require security intervention like Medbay, Science, and the Kitchen.


    Janitors, while not upheld to the same standards need some access. The areas that usually need cleaning? Science, Medbay, Disposals, the Kitchen. Areas they can't get into without A) An active HoP or B) someone who gives a shit about cleanliness enough to stop what they're doing and open the doors. It's nuts.

    NT hired some poor schmuck to come out and keep things nice and tidy but didn't bother to permit them access to the dirtiest areas on the station?


    I've seen people die or catch diseases in areas neglected by security or the janitor because they weren't given proper access, and I think we should fix that.



    1. People who complain about being blasted on sight as antag, or try to play "peaceful" antag roles...

    References from the wiki:


    Vampire: "It is illegal to be a vampire, and is to be treated as a changeling or traitor."

    Changeling: "Even if a Changeling has not attacked any other crew members, it has committed murder to be on the station..."

    Wizard: "The Space Wizard Federation is a known terrorist organisation, tied to the Cult of Nar-Sie and the Syndicate..."


    2. People who loyalty implant confirmed Syndicate members or other traitors... Yes, you're a traitor if you helped a traitor. Yes you're a traitor if you are a Wizard.

    References from the wiki:


    "Aiding a criminal makes you an accomplice; you can be charged with the same crime as the person you aided."

    "Pardons are only legitimate if they come from a NanoTrasen higher-up (that is, someone who ranks above the Captain)."

    Space Law: "307 - Terrorist Collaboration - To act as an agent of a terrorist or anti-Corporation group... SENTENCE: Holding until judgment.

    JUDGEMENTS: Execution." that's it. No loyalty implants, no life of servitude, no back-alley deals. Execution. In addition:


    "Lawful executions must be authorized by the Captain following a guilty verdict from a tribunal, and summary execution without tribunal may only be used in instances of outright armed hostilities such as a boarding party or aggressive terrorist-armed individual, again pending the Captain's authorization."


    meaning if you're a traitor and you're being a violent little shit, your life is forfeit without trial.


    3. People who think I'm serious when I scream "shitcurity!" as a clown.


    4. Shitcurity who max-sentence prisoners without Head approval and then leave the bastard there to be ignored for 15-30 minutes without food, medical attention, or an actual investigation.


    If you're going to play security, you'd better damn well know Space Law.


    EDIT: To clarify, YOU as a player. If you're playing a security member who by character design is a putz, like, say, Dan Deisel... at least have the decency not to ruin someone's round, and communicate in LOOC that you yourself are not a douchebag.


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