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Posts posted by Dinarzad


    It's not about realism.

    It's about "This is a bit too silly for a medium roleplay server."

    Then we better remove HONKS and Recitence mechs, plus the ability to Superfart, also toilet water/greenvomit, also fat people exploding with the thin mints.


    There's a lot of stupid silly things in SS13.

    If we're gonna start axeing silly things, a 'Growth serum' is one of the lesser of the silly objects we have.



    So a lot of people have been wanting the game to be more deadly/unforgiving and less hugboxy. One of the ways we could achieve this is by making it so you can only open a firelock with a crowbar (or by asking an AI/robot to open it). This means that if you get stuck inside of a room with a raging plasma fire you'll die instead of being able to casually walk out. Most other servers (at least /tg/) have this: attempting to open an airlock with your hands will only have you knock on the airlock.


    Just something I was thinking about while working on firelocks, let me know what you think. If there's enough people that like it I'll open a PR.


    I would personally be in favor of this.

    Firelocks, one would think, are there specifically so people DON'T open them with their bare hands and spread a raging fire. Better to lose only three people in Science then two people andn ow have Science and the entire primary hallway hotter then the surface of the sun.


    It's more Logical in terms of RP, and it ups the deadliness factor of fires, so tops all around from me.

    Crowbars are enough to get and keep for a rainy day anyway, or shouting at the AI.

    I'd suggest also that a pAI's door jack also be able to do it, with relative speed.

    But that's just me getting off track.


    +1 to the idea.



    Do you mean the Greys Communication ability be limited to default view range? Because thats what it is now, and its kind of sucky, you never really use it unless you search out for other Greys, even then, sometimes you are the only grey on the station, making this redundant.


    Well I guess we should make a distinction between Psionic Communication and Telepathy.

    Grey have both.


    Psionic Communication is a Grey's "Racial language" that you use with :^

    It is a non-spoken Psuedo-hivemind chat that any Grey within a screen's radius can hear.


    Telepathy the genetic power, requires a target, and you can only select targets that you can physically see within your screen. If the Target does NOT have the Telepathy power as well, they have no idea -who- is in their head, they just hear what was said.

    If they DO have Telepathy they also know who it was that spoke to them in their noggin.

    Most people ignore Telepathic messages cuz frankly, they're hard to see on top of being rarely used. They use the same blue text as everything else (Could seriously use some readability tweaks)


    Anyway uhhh... proceed back with talking, just felt those two things needed to be clearly defined a bit.



    I think we sort of need to erstablish the difference between "Easy to heal" and "Easy to get supplies to heal"

    It is extremely easy to find cable coils and usually welders. Welders are slightly harder then cables, sometimes Cargo can be real stuck up about passing those out.

    It is -not- easy for an IPC to heal themselves, downright impossible for them to do so in some cases (Just like humans).


    An IPC has to click cables/Welder on every single individual body part one at a time, and if he is self-healing each heal also takes a few seconds to get off. So for an IPC to fully repair himself takes a decent time investment, not something he can do under the gun.


    And this assumes -minor- damage, past a certain threshold, IPC can no longer repair a limb themselves at -all-. They then need someone else to do synthetic surgery on them and repair the internal structure, something they literally cannot do themselves and is roughly analogous to having a broken bone, because damaged robo-limbs have a chance to go haywire and drop what they're holding, similar to broken bones and the "You wince in pain and are a butterfingers"


    This is in addition to the increased fragility of being an IPC, meaning that damage gets to those points far faster then it ever will on a hiuman, and they don't have the luxury of synthflesh or Cryotubes. Any injury they take, is taken easily and is not treated with a "Here's your medical patch, on you go."


    So, It is super easy to get cables/welders. That does not make it quick and easy to heal yourself as an IPC and it STILL is not always possible to do so, if you have internal structure damage/charred wires.



    Ahoy there.

    I'm gonna take this more piece by piece to try and keep things more on point, otherwise I tend to ramble.


    Basically, I guess the AI was destroyed/killed for some reason, so they needed a new one, and a guy came to robotics looking for a brain. (I think he was CE but I might be wrong?) And my brain was just, there and totally helpless I guess. Even though my body was literally sitting in the corner of the room completely in one piece. My character protested and explained why they were a brain on a table and that they wanted their body back, and not to be an AI, but that didn't do anything to deterr the guy, and neither did me going into LOOC and saying "hey i have no idea how to do this job!" (But I guess that might be considered meta if they stopped because of that, I dunno...)


    Here's the thing here. You told them you both didn't wanna be the AI in both IC and OOC and didn't know HOW to be the AI. At that point, ghosting out of your brain is understandable, and it's on them if they wanna ignore that. In the event you're even slightly unsure if it'd be some kind of breach in the rules, you can always put in an admin-help or mentor-help to clarify with the staff that "Hey, Iunno how to do this super important job is it a problem if I ghost or opt out?"

    In fact that's pretty frequently done anyway, if you are a Head of Staff and have to log out, you're supposed to ping the admins an let them know.


    So, what I'm trying to say is just... That really kind of ruined my fun for that round. I was stuck doing a job I physically couldn't do for the last several minutes of the round, I was too overwhelmed and I had no idea how to radio people and I was accused of doing things I didn't even know how to do. On top of that, I didn't even get much of an explanation on how to be AI outside of "ghost around and click on things, and this is how you state your laws". I couldn't even really leave the round because I didn't know what would happen if I went SSD as the AI, or if I was even allowed to... All I did the entire round was look around the station while wishing someone would get fed up with how shit of an AI I was and find a new one again.


    The wiki is your best friend. Aside using the Wiki as a holy SS13 Bible, this was sort of an exceptional circumstance from the sounds of it. Mostly because unless you're an antagonist, you should not be debrained without either consent or if medical absolutely, dabsolutely cannot clone/revive your body (Very rarely). If you did not give consent and the roboticist was not an antagonist, he broke space law and SoP and could have (And should have) been fired post-haste.

    You can always ghost out of your body, the downside to that is, if you ghost while your body is not dead, you cannot be rejoin the round. At least not through normal means. And, as before, if you are ever unsure, the admin help button is there for that very reason and mentors exist solely to be asked questions. It fules them. Questions give them sustenance and power beyond the ken of mortal man.


    Most of the problem you're having here is not really ONE problem of "I got forced into a job I had no idea how to do." It was actually a compounded result of shitty Roboticists/CE illegally jamming someone into a new AI core without consent. I imagine if you had A-helped your situation, an admin would have todl you to go ahead and ghost and either pinged ghosts to ask for a replacement or to just let the crew solve the mess they made themselves of jamming na unwilling cyberbrain into an AI core.



    There's an OOC Mute button if it is getting salty or vitriolic.


    There's also a world of difference between Salty IC in OOC ("FUCK YOU HOS, I WAS INOCENT!") and IC in OOC from someoen that is clueless ("im vampire pls halp" who simply don't know mentors and mentor help even exists. It's not something many servers have in the same way we do, at least nto that I've ever seen.

    IF Mentors got their own dedicated 'mentorhelp' button I'd be swayed into indifference or possible support, but right now it being part of adminhelp, it's sort of a hard to find feature unless you already know it exists, the name implies you're contacting an admin not that you have a choice of who to talk to.



    Science is in sore need of being divided up so no one job has all the power of the universe like they do right now.

    The other advantage of this is it finally gives the RD an actual fucking purpose and job, above just making him "Uber Scientist". To make sure the various divided jobs are all working together and keeping a department running, in addition to just making sure they don't blow everything apart,



    The null rod exists primarily to fuck with the Cult and their runes. The Bible reveals them but the Rod erases them.

    Personal opinion time: It's damage should be lowered on most everything EXCEPT Cultists and Vampires.

    The Chaplain absolutely -should- be a force to reckon with if you are a a member of a Cthulhu cult or an undead abomination. Holy magic versus Unholy magic.

    Chappy's importance -should- be at an all time high when unholy hell magics enter the equation. Given his entire schtick is the wellbeing of the crew in a not so physical sense. Their mental and spiritual state.


    He should be significantly LESS important if it's just some asshole with a gun. That's what Sec is for.

    Shadowlings... ehh... could go either way on it, really.



    The problem is that AFK players do not get protection unlike SSD, so people can freely steal from you, murder or maim you or otherwise.


    A fair point, but not one really related to this particular issue. Whether or not an SSD-Bot exists an takes you into cryo, the issue you've described with AFK players being totally unprotected is still gonna be the case.

    I would be in favor a suggestion to perhaps alter the rules a bit, but that's not really what this current thread is about.


    Quite honestly, I wouldn't want this.

    There were too many times where I just wanted to leave for some minutes then come back or where my internet or power failed on me, just to come back seeing I'm a ghost. Even I mostly take SSD players not into cryo but into like, beds in medical or somewhere else where they can be SSD without being bothered and then rejoin the round when they come back.


    Except it takes more then just a few minutes for Cryo to ghost someone, it's more like the range of 5 - 10 minutes. It can be assumed if you were willing to join the round, you were willing to play the round for it's duration.

    Real life happens an shit comes up, so you gotta AFK, that's fine. But there's a -world- of difference between AFK and SSD. AFK players don't show up as SSD on examine and it's easy enough to hide in a closet to -go- AFK. AFK players would also be unaffected by the bot, since it only goes after truly SSD players, afaik. SSD are flat out disconnected from the server, and if they are gone for 10 minutes, odds are they are not coming back very quickly, and other people would be more then happy and willing to take that job slot or it's an important slot that needs to be occupied ASAP (Captain, etc.)


    Bear in mind also, the Bot, last it was discussed would wait 3-ish minutes before hauling an SSD person into cryo, that basically gives someone almost 15 minutes to reconnect to a server. IF you can't make it back in 15 minutes, then you need to let someone else have a turn and try again next round.


    But NOT taking SSD players into cryo, people are essentially flipping the bird to late-join players. I cannot tell you the amount of times I've logged in mid-round, and wanted to play medical, only to find the slots are all filled up. So I just observe/go Civvie and lo and behold, like 3 of the 5 doctors are SSD and just laying in the middle of the floor. And they don;t come back until maybe 30 minutes later.


    If accidents happen like a power outage, then let's be honest, you weren't gonna make it back into the round sooner then 20 minutes. If you just have to restart BYOND, you'll be back in the round before cryo is a problem. If it's a computer error that hits that unfortunate sweet spot, well... That's unfortunate, but again, being honest just how common is that? and while unfortunate, there's always next round to join in again when your PC won't be a butt about playing spessmen.




    Personal Opinion time:

    The main goal should be giving Atmospheric Technicians something to even do to begin with. And I don't mean this in the age old "sped linda plz"

    Because even with that, Atmos Tech would still have no real job to speak of.

    The short an sour of it is: There is no real NEED for an Atmospheric Technician right now. Vents do a perfectly acceptable job on their own of refilling a room's atmosphere, Scrubbers usually do their job a-okay as well. The only times an Atmos Tech truly NEEDS to leave the Motherland of Atmosia, is in the event of very large scale disasters.

    A large scale plasma fire needs techs to be out an about, actively moving portable scrubbers and air pumps in order to get an area habitable again before 2018 hits, but a regular ol' hull breach or even small scale bomb? Typically, as long as the pipes are still there, all you need is a regular engineer to patch the wall an then just... let atmospherics take care of itself. At worst you fiddle with air alarms in person, but usually you can do that from the Central Computer.


    I think we need to figure out if there's even a -need- for Atmospheric Techs to exist as their own job, is there enough reason to justify it's own slot, compared to just making it an Engineering Alternate title, similar to what was done with Xenobiologist.


    As for ideas to flesh out the job and give it things to do/reason to be, that's gonna be hard without fiddling with Atmos code itself, since unless atmospheric things happen that require a technician dedicated to them, their job is just as easily done by a standard engie.

    Honestly, the best I got is a random event chance for a fire to break out somewhere (Can say faulty electronics or wiring in a department/maintenance tunnel have started an electrical fire.) That at least lets Atmos techs do their side-job of being the Spess Firefighter, and fires make hot gasses, which would also give Atmosia some work and reasons to make more efficient cooling loops/waste loops.



    Honestly, I think the weapons should just be reskins. Perhaps the only thing to change is the size differences, and the ability to put them on your back depending on which one you choose.


    ^ This

    The null rod itself is fine, but some of the alternatives you can turn it into add other stuff that make it... interesting. Both for good and for ill (No-drop is a double-edged sword for example.)


    I think as long as it is NOT a null rod, it should not nullify powers - for balance purposes

    Then you may as well remove the alternatives because nobody is ever going to take anything BUT a Null Rod. Imagine playing Chaplain, making your lolzy gimmick set up and then finding out it's a cultist round. Congrats, you just deleted the only way to clean runes away, just to fuck off a bit an have a giggle.


    The features of an NR are super important, balance wise. Making the alternative skins, into just that, skins, removes some of the other problems and preserves the Chaplain's intended role of being the guy to handle the spoopy supernatural end of things.



    I think people are vastly overestimating IPC self repair. It's only slightly better than using bruise/trauma/burn packs and ointment. You still have target every zone specifically to heal it. But you don't get to use food/nutriment healing, nor does any of the miracle drugs in medical effect you. And it's not even like that self repair is passive like Diona healing, last I checked Diona can light candles in their bag to heal themselves and can't be extinguished without stealing their bag, even by shadowlings. If IPCs had a constant selfheal of 1-2 burn and brute every minute I could understand the hate they get, but otherwise it's a very inconvenient way to heal and even brief exposure to space can take a minute or two to heal every last bit of your body. And if a limb or area gets 'broken' they can't utilize a splint to minimize the effect, they can't even repair a broken limb like a normal person can heal a broken limb to minimize the pain/overall damage.


    On top of this IPC Self-repair was nerfed recently as it is (Albeit a small one)

    If they use Welders/Cables on themselves, it is no longer an instant application but has the same use time as someone applying gauze an ointment on themselves.

    So you not only have to target every single part individually, but each application takes 3-5 seconds. It's not like they can just instantly be made whole once more nowadays even if they have the welder/coils to do it.



    Far less of them in space howevre where is the place I had most issues, especially the white ship. Shuttles in general dont have APCs.

    Then don't go to space for long periods of time.

    That's part of your downsides, you're reliant on electricity.

    Diona also need light to survive and maintenance is full of darkness. And yet it's not really a problem, nobody says maintenance should be super bright, because that's jsut part and parcel of playing a Diona.


    IPCs can also use a cyborg recharge station, so slap one on the white ship and problem solved



    Seams really crazy to me though.

    Not really.

    Think about it, Science nerds research stuff all the time, both in-game and IRL. But it's usually not scientists that bother themselves with production of those items, that falls into the job of an engineer of some description.

    It also gives Engies something to do when the station isn't being blown apart, work on machines and "Tinker", go upgrade and supe up various departments with better parts. Or just make personal projects and machinery.

    Science already kinda fucks off an does their own things, Telescience, Xeno-bio, Toxins and would still have the protolathe. Just doesn't pump out the stock parts.


    Science is the brain, the Research.

    Engineering/the Mechanic is the Brawn, the Development.



    Perhaps but they are alike in name only. It would not replace the job that our Mechanic does so is a bit of a distraction.

    I would argue it's in -addition- to what they do now.

    Think of it like Robotics. If Robotics was nothing but Mechas, waiting for science to research the circuits and waiting on mining for supplies and competing for them with RnD, it'd be a -way- less popular job. Because unlike space pods, you'd just have mechas you couldn't even really use for yourself, aside maybe a Ripley.


    Giving the mechanic the job of implementing fancy doodads means there's a dedicated job for it. Scientists rarely deign to give them out to anyone but medical an maybe the kitchen. Mechanic gives them out all over and in his off time works on space pods an shit.




    'm pretty good with all these, I think they just need a tiny bit of tweaks.

    Mostly being, not silver doors. Stands out awkwardly and I could see science nerds running around deconstructing them all for free silver at round start.


    Normal airlocks, glass airlocks or wooden doors would be preferable.

    But in either case +1



    -snip 4 spess-

    You know, if it was like this, I would totally not have an issue. Also, I am not a fan of mechanical limitation, so this issue is entirely up to the community to solve, even if they want too.... I mean, the popularity here is what is really muddying the RP, however, I am not going to say we should shut in to let it die off. We have to deal with this in a better way.

    I don't agree with mechanical limitation either. In fact that's half the problem.

    It's not something that can be or SHOULD be solved from a "Code" perspective, it's not like Fox could make a magic silver bullet PR that'd change all our lives and it's not something that can be administrated in that fashion, cuz it's not really against any rule nor should it be a rule about how to act/play a character.


    This problem is 100% on us, as a community, to solve. Not administrators, not Coders. Players. It's like how, almost no matter who plays them, Vox characters are played relatively consistently in their shittery and skrekings. There is no rule enforcing that behaviour, people just DO it, cuz that's how you play a skrek-bird.


    It's on us as a community to solve the RP problem by that same measure. It's not a rule that you HAVE to have a higher standard of RP then a miner pickaxing into surgery to save is cargo tech buddy by using surgical gear. It's not a rule that you HAVE to get a doctor to help you give meds.

    That's just something we're gonna have to -do-, to set a higher standard, as a community as a whole. If we don;t, then it;s just nto gonan get fixed and it;s not fair to point entirely at admins for that solution either.

    We broke it.

    We can fix it.



    Well the problem is, there -used- to be medium RP

    But over time we've gravitated more and more to the Low spectrum until we're where we are now.


    The ability for assistants to just do surgery an shit themselves honestly doesn't bother me much. The problem I DO have is when nobody even TRIES to RP anything out and they just immediately start trying to break in, or throwing themselves into Cryo even though a doctor is -right- there and trying to help them.


    We've moved so far into "Game" we've been leaving the "Role-playing" aspect behind.

    It's one thing to, when no one else appropriate is around, to give someone surgery or fix up a wall breach or something.

    It's -another- thing to not even TRY to roleplay it out and just do it yourself while a surgeon or engineer is less then 3 tiles away and have been going "Need a hand?" for the past minute, to get deafening silence in response.


    That's the difference.

    High RP is "No matter what, you're a clueless little nublet, gotta watch him die an freak out about it cuz you're not a doctor. Don't break character."

    Medium RP is "Try not to break character when you can avoid it, but you can bend it when you have to. IF no doctors are around, go ahead and try to help them out."

    Low RP is "Dude you just syringe, bonesaw, retractor, it's not that hard to do surgery. Move over and let the janitor do it lol"



    IPCs in general are in a pretty solid spot.

    The one spot I have ever felt they are sort of crazy is the EMP issue.

    There should not ever be a point and click solution to an entire race. Even the Diona, arguably the most powerful species in terms of mechanics, don;t die from a single application of plant-b-gone. They're ROYALLY fucked, but they're not immediately "Shit ded lol"


    EMPs being an anti-IPC weapon, is fine. Makes sense. But a straight 'u ded nao' button is a little bit silly. You could easily have EMPs be the "Sleepy Pen" for IPCs, which would mitigate some of their near immunity to chemicals and give traitors a viable option to subdue them before doing the work.

    Or hell just have it do fuck tons of damage, but not an outright death, either one doesn't matter so long as there is ACTUALLY some fucking gameplay involved and not 'i clik mah button so u ded.'



    Add maintenance contraband.


    Is xenoarch working BTW?


    As far as I know, Xenoarch is pretty RIP.

    I think -some- changes are coming, but as I recall the person who was working on it, came out an said he was gonna release what he had done after Feature-freeze, but the ultimate goal he had in mind either wasn't gonna happen or was gonan be a massive project that was really kind of infeasible.


    Maybe someone can dig up the threat, but

    Yea, Xenoarch is -kinda- RIP.


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