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Posts posted by LiquidNightfury

  1. LINDA is honestly a pain in the ass system which is both unrealistic and unwieldy. Coming from someone who basically played nothing but atmos for a few months, it's just frustrating to work with, and any improvements to the sluggish jelly air and space wind would be awesome.


    Are you imagining something like this?



    A big room designed for things like a second engine, or other major construction on-station?


    What exactly would you build there?


    I'm curious. Usually when I am CE I only bother building small hidden rooms.

    There's already a construction room next to the drone control unit in north eng.


    What would be big enough that it would really take all that space, except perhaps a second engine?


    No, retain the main hallway, just lose the maintenance west of the assembly line, and you're about spot on. The reason I bring it up is that the construction unit next to the drone control isn't adjacent to space. This means it isn't useful for a lot of construction projects, especially stuff like supermatter tinkering where it can cause a lot of harm to the station if not properly neutralised. It's surrounded on three sides by equipment, as well as a maintenance tunnel absolutely full of pipes, and is honestly too small for any project beyond a small passing fancy, leaving engineers to have to build their own workspace if they want to build something that works off supermatter or thermoelectrics, or strip down a large amount of equipment for space. With the assembly line already being defunct, I can't really see what leaving the gear in there does.


  3. I'm not sure how necessary it is. Like, how often do you find yourself running out of hardsuits? There's a full six in engineering, and security's ones are pretty bad for officers who like moving at a decent pace, and rarely get used. I don't think cargo should be able to get themselves proper spacefaring gear that easily, and I imagine that's the reason behind the high-cost spacesuit as well.

  4. I highly recommend this, if only for the fact that the way vox behave with each other makes this gamemode incredibly frustrating. It would be interesting, as well, to see the creators of the swarmers or something similar - harvesting biological tissue and advanced technology.



    People actually do that?

    I don't believe it, I won't believe it!

    That said if you're stuck with an asshat supervisor, it's not hard to keep it in your bag at code green though.


    I've been bitched at for it by civs and superiors more often than I have not.



    Incinerators there for traitors to be able to make a hell mixes or TTV bombs without the stations watchful eye on them.


    The incinerator exists as a room for traitors to do things in.


    That's what it's always been.


    Good in theory, but I haven't seen these actions from an antag in a long time. Most antagonists that go this route already play a scientist or atmos. I see it get used for tinkering more often than antagging, to be honest.



    Right now we've got a couple of areas around engineering that don't get a lot of traffic from anybody. They might have had uses in the past, or have become otherwise outmoded by newer additions to the station, but as it is the incinerator and the assembly line don't even get visited by antags looking to stash a corpse. As they are now they do make good test beds for engineers or atmospheric technicians who want to do tinkering, with only one issue: They're both cluttered with a lot of equipment, some of which is indestructible.


    My proposal is thus: Rename these rooms into "Engineering Construction Area #2/#3" With the current black-floored construction area being #1, and engineering/atmos access on the doors. Square up their current layout to a plain four-wall layout, ditching airlocks and weird corners. Remove the maintenance tunnel along the left side of the assembly line in order to give it access to space. Most importantly, remove all the indestructable equipment in these areas. When they don't even get used, having random operating tables and plasma canisters is just annoying for people who like to build.



    personally i think ss13 is where it is now thanks to how easy it is for anyone to modify it and start their own branches / improvements etc.


    c++ version would be great, but would definitely lack the variety we see today on ss13 servers.


    The issue is that where it is now, SS13 is woefully restricted. Being able to move it onto some other engine would at least get us away from jank-ass BYOND code and server software that I assume can't utilise all of the hardware available to it. Things like atmospherics are highly restricted by the amount of processing available to them. The depth of SS13 is great, but byond has a lot of issues that could be solved by ground-up rebuilding of the serverside processing.



    On that note, the "practice area" above atmospherics/across from tech storage behind the office space is lucky if anyone even looks at it.

    It's pretty purposeless, and could probably do with being replaced.


    It's too small to construct anything worthwhile in. If it was three or four rows bigger on either side you could achieve some pretty cool shit, but it's too cramped to even make a janky supermatter engine.



    I'd pose that the power output of all engines needs to be significantly decreased. The current fact is that setting up power for a whole round is a ten minute job, and not even a difficult one. You can lose singulo once those SMES units are charged and barely have to worry about it in a lot of cases. It shouldn't be a chore but there should also be some degree of importance to actually providing a consistent power source.


    And yeah, the assembly line and maybe the incinerator should be cleared out. Give engineers room to experiment in, not like they ever get used. "Workshop #1/#2" would be cool to have.



    The few mentions we've had have been good ones.



    In discussing it here, he sheds some more light on it, and some of the bugs - namely, all your organs falling out when your character is selected. It implies simulated organ systems, which is a promising step for what ION seems to be intending to be.



    Yeah, there's just some weirdness with LINDA not running computations occasionally, it's stupid.


    My final construction aside from a few tweaks. Managed to hit 110,000W unupgraded for about half an hour before the carbon dioxide buildup started to become overpowering. The heat exchangers are pretty solid, got the fuel incoming up to about 10,000 degrees, but they do take up quite a bit of space. However, no need to upgrade them, so yay. Still haven't worked with an upgraded turbine or compressor, and I feel like an upgraded compressor might be more useful at higher internal pressures? I'm not sure, but I want to try dragging down the computer for the mix chamber in atmos and use it to try a 3x3 chamber with 3 air injectors and 4-5 scrubbers, and a gas sensor so I can actually see what's going on in the chamber without stepping into it.





    Stole the biohazard room to make this little contraption since I hate working with upgrade-required machinery. Only real issue I'm having is with the gas mixer. No matter what I set it to it seems to just come out 50/50 on plasma and O2, and I'm getting really low pressures from the O2 line, like 1500kPa where the plasma is sitting around 3-4k. Any ideas?


  14. You're talking about a station that hires a clown and a mime that cause absolute insanity, despite being a research station. That has a personal army despite being a research station. Why? Because everyone on this station is goddamn insane. I think it fits perfectly well within the world that when the crew is told "We're dropping all of you, and stranding you on this station, don't ever come back" that they lose their shit and start drawing up battle lines. Either way, the rounds are just objectively stronger in terms of RP. This isn't a matter of opinion, the behaviour in these rounds is quantifiably more focused towards character interaction and roleplay, and I think that's a pretty great change.


    People would not like this, is what the back of my head is telling me. To be fair, no one wishes to tune in to listen to someone who is not qualified to perform such a charisma and good vocal requiring task as radio broadcasting.



    Fully agree on this point. Hell, if this was even doable, it would be wasted on a DJ role. It's why I feel like an intercom system would work best, using a telecomms script of some sort so it stands out from regular radio chat. That way you could do stuff like have station guests and multiple hosts without having to worry about complex systems or everyone needing to make separate announcements. Just turn on the mic and talk. I'd suggest a compromise with voice clips like the AI has, but that'd still be pretty obstructive for the scale of talk that you'd get from a focused radio show.



    Boomboxes (as far as I know) are useless right now. I would love to see a Station DJ and I would recommend trying to somehow add boomboxes in to the mix as a secondary product of transmission for a Station DJ's broadcast (speaking hypothetically as if this were to be implemented).


    That would be a cool way of doing it. Let boomboxes tune into the DJ specifically, like station bounced radios but only showing their feed. It wouldn't mean much but it would be a nice touch.


    t would actually be pretty neat if the player doing the DJ job could record short voice clips - maybe 15 seconds long? - to upload to the web server which would then play once before being deleted.


    Now THIS I feel would lag, and has too much room for abuse. Text just keeps better with the game theme, as well. It would be pretty hype though, for those of us willing to actually put our real voices out there. :P



    The DJ station did inspire me here, I will admit. But that station is limited by location and construction, not to mention a very weighted dice roll as to whether you'll ever find it if you do manage to just steal an EVA suit and bail into space.


    As for the midis, I must admit I'm not sure how they function, I've never noticed any lag personally. The jukebox is of similar function and seems to be low-impact. But I would need the input of someone who actually understands the different methods of audio in BYOND.



    Let me start by explaining my motivation here. I have, like I imagine a few of us have, recently been absorbed by the latest in the Fallout series. And in that wasteland, there's always a little voice to turn to to report the news and listen to something other than the silence: The voice on the pipboy, the radio announcer.


    The proposition I have is to create a karma role much like the barber - a simple addition to the station providing a little service that can have minor RP impacts on a round. In this case, you would take the role of the station's sanctioned media announcer. Set up in your personal office with a stack of CDs and a link into the local PA system, you're paid to keep the station in the know and happy.


    Your job would come in two parts: First of all, reporting on the goings-on of the shift, for the new arrivals and new events alike. Call out the threats that lurk in the maintenance hallways, protecting those latecomers to the station, or shine a light into Security's shady dealings, working with the local reporters to bring down corrupt officials.


    The second part is a little more fun: Manipulation of BYOND's streamed audio setting to play your coworkers a few tunes in order to keep productivity high - music does that, after all. Intersperse your reports with the latest hits in order to wash out the silence a bit for those who want it. Those who don't can always tune it out via their headsets, but who doesn't like a few happy tunes to keep your mind off the fact that glass windows are the only thing between you and the vacuum of space. Haha. Don't think about it.


    As the DJ you'd have a few little tricks up your sleeve, too. With a little bit of tweaking behind the scenes, you can listen in on the other channels, grabbing tidbits for your announcements off of security or command. Just make sure to stay near the desk, or else you'll probably end up knocking yourself out with the headset cable. And don't get caught - while technically illegal, it's all for the news, right? Right.


    More straightforward version: A dedicated karma role utilizing BYOND's audio streaming system to provide some music background without admins having to queue up midis or the bar jukebox being dragged around. Their main tool is a three-part desk of radio equipment that's mostly for show, but each part does one of three things.


    Part A of the radio desk releases the office headset, which can tune into station-bounced radio directly and allow the radio announcer to hear their own music tracks from within their sound-proofed booth. This headset is wired straight into the console, so you must remember to put it down before you try to leave the office, or you get knocked over and the headset is removed from your inventory.


    Part B is the microphone. While you can simply chat away over comms, you're probably not gonna get noticed all that much. The microphone gives you a minor announcement effect when sending messages via the microphone itself (activate for intercom functions), letting you voice yourself a little louder in the crowd.


    Part C is your music. Now, this part I must admit I'm a little unsure on, whether or not the jukebox code could somehow be applied for a global audio track, and if this could be implemented in a way that could be turned on and off at will client-side. However, Part C would be your mainstay for playing and pausing audio tracks, as well as housing a few little tricks. The desk can be hacked to alter the radio channels that the headset receives, letting you listen in on secure audio - WITH the caveat that you can't leave your office if you want to listen in. This is what brings the trick to it - giving the role unique traits for antagonistic or non-antagonistic players, depending on how they want to vary their own broadcast style.


    Well, it drew on, but there it is. Hopefully this at least sparks a discussion of some type. I feel like this could provide an interesting little addition to the station in many ways, same way a good Journalist can spice up interactions by RP, or a good IAA can keep things ticking along. They don't do much, but not a lot of roles do on their own. But for the few who decide to take it seriously, it could become a pleasant addition to the shift cycle, and a low-impact RP role that can still have an effect on the larger game.


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