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Posts posted by Enginseer-42

  1. Name of Event: Eagle-Co Salesmen.

    One Sentence Description: Another Corporation sets up an independent gun-shop in the arrivals office. Hilarity ensues.


    Map Changes: No.

    Code Changes: No.

    Suggested Number of Players: Any.

    Full Description of Event:

    The Basic idea is that Eagle Co, a gun manufacturer, has decided that the Exodus is woefully under-armed. And as such has purchased the lease to the vacant office in arrivals. They arrive in a trade shuttle filled to the brim with equipment to make firearms and locker after locker of the weapons. Their goal is to offload all the firearms onto whoever wants to purchase them. (The price should be too high for sec to purchase them all.) Causing havoc as now random folks have Bulldog Shotguns. And to make a truckload of money to take home. The key points to hit are that Eagle Co premises are NOT subject to nanotrasen regulations. And EagleCo should have their own scarily well armed security agents. (Possibly yellow jumpsuits to contrast the red of Nanotrasen Sec?) And the sale of dangerous weapons to random people among the crew. A few of which will be given traitor objectives, but no uplink. Instead being given the briefcase full of cash item.

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  2. Except that argument is rather silly isn't it? "This non-time critical condition can be cured, but one way we're going to demand that it be made 100% perfectly, but the other we're not going to question at all."

    It probably DOESN'T get as many Mhelps. Because Genetics is fairly easy to just do. It's also fairly easy to do wrong, but that's not readily apparent to the geneticist unless something goes seriously wrong. Unlike with Chemistry, where rather than not knowing if your clean SE works until you inject someone with it, you instead are entirely aware your mix isn't mixing.

    That doesn't change that the directions are right there on the wiki and genetic damage is not 'drop everything and fix it.' the emergency. It can wait.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Saul Argon said:

    Alright, I say again. If you take genetic damage and let's just say have horns. You only have two options. A: clean SE. B: mutadone. The latter requires a decent knoledge of chemistry  to produce efficiently and in high densities. 

    My point is that medical as a rule should be able to treat everything without the help of chemistry. In my opinion it shouldn't be an integral part of the department.

    At this point genetics is a dule department area, but in practice it is mainly an ancillary of medical.

    If genetics becomes part of science it opens the possibility of genetics denying a medical doctor  the resources he may need to treat someone with genetic damage. Leaving said person crippled and possibly in-clonable. 


    Literally right there. Anyone who can read can make it.

    And no medical as a rule should not be able to treat everyone without chemistry because otherwise what is the point of medchem?

    Chems are an integral part of medical. I don't get why that bothers you so much but that's the case.

  4. No. No you don't. You just have to know how to make it. There are no genetic defects that will kill you if the chemist takes a few minutes to make a terrible wasteful patch.

    And if a clean SE is easier, it fits with the general mechanical role of science in providing tools that make your jobs easier but aren't strictly needed.

  5. Mutadone is on the wiki as well.


    As a complete tangent to this. It seems to me that it would be cool if heads of staff could implement alternative operating procedure. Cook something up for your department. Submit a copy to IAA so they can Know what to look for. Get the captain to sign off and bam.

    Would be interesting.

  6. That's funny. I never have, and I break into medbay almost every round.


    You can't get human test subjects from scichem or xenobio reliably.


    I am aware. They asked for a mechanical argument, so I gave them one. A clean SE, is by and far a shit way to fix genetic defects given it poisons the subject. Mutadone doesn't. And you don't have to worry about the geneticist accidentally slipping blindness into the clean SE.

    And mutadone isn't even hard to make.

  7. And how often do those things happen? If ever? I have not once seen a geneticist manning the cloner as their primary duty. Literally ever. In the entire time of me playing here. Why is that? Because it's boring. And now there's even a coroner who's going to take the one interesting aspect of the job, handling the corpses, out of it.

    Genetics provides for science the same things it provides for medical. Humanized monkeys for test subjects. Mechanically, robotics can provide the limbs that are needed for surgery. If asked. Should we also make Robotics a dual (Or possibly even triple) department job? The whole game relies on the departments working together. So stating that a job produces stuff that the department needs is wholly irrelevant. Science requires mining to do their job for pretty much anything.

    Science is a counterpoint in the supply chain to Cargo. Cargo provides the station with Raw Materials. and Science provides the station with finished goods. Medical DOES NOT provide the station with finished goods. They provide a service. as your argument hinges upon genetics providing medical with finished goods, then it therefor follows that Genetics is a branch of science, that is heavily relied upon by medical to provide them with stuff.

  8. Name one portion of science that really does much interaction with the rest of science? You can get a few points of bio tech out of Xenobiology. And Sulphiric Acid from Sci-chem.

    Science is the department that covers mucking about and making super dangerous stuff for no apparent reason. And Genetics does that in spades, it's 90% of what you do as a geneticist. The cloner is at best a side project that literally anyone can and often does run. And you can use Mutadone to cure any genetic defects someone might pick up.

    Secondly, is it really that hard to just ask another department to do something for you? You do it every time a hole is blown in the middle of the surgery OR. And Science is kind of used to people showing up at the front desk, asking for stuff. Though personally I'd like to vote for a remap of science with the RD's office and the R&D lab swapped in place. So the RD is out front to receive requests so they can go shout at scientists to get stuff done.

    And they don't MAKE monkeys. They're supplied with a limited amount of monkeys at roundstart. Xenobiology can make monkeys. So can Cargo. Does that make them part of Medical?

  9. 1.) My personal understanding of greytide is when the social contract of the station breaks down and people start relying less on the chain of command and more on what they can manage themselves.

    2.) Pretty much anything short of selfantag.

    3.) not really. If anything it's the reverse. People put too much stock in SoP.

    4.) People play the game to have fun. If disregarding the chain of command is more fun, and it usually is, then greytide will happen.

    5.) The same way it always is. Sec arrests offenders who are threats. Uses others as loot happy cannon fodder. And admins ban those who go too far.


    Its inconsistent, snowflakely, massively over-complex and often just...weird.



    Why do we need such complex lore?


    You don't, and it was one of the primary reasons I grew frustrated and left bay. Because the lore was consistently going in ever more constrictive directions to suit a small portion of the playerbase, and these were being enforced in game to cut out the sort of RP I preferred and replace it with paperwork and space deskjob simulator.


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