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Posts posted by Enginseer-42

  1. I really like this idea, though bombing seems a bit much.


    Perhaps as a contrast to traitors give them a storage implant with two items appropriate to their mission?

    For example. One who's goal is to break traitors out of the brig could have a boxed space suit and suspicious toolbox.

  2. I meant "Easier in the context of a space station where pipes that can hold thousands of pounds of pressure inside them are commonly available to random interns who for some reason feel the need to build ghetto weaponry." Especially when some past assistant took it upon himself to design a reciever to handle all the complicated bits that you can just screw a pipe into.

    And that's just it. You don't NEED it to get any decent kind of range. The station isn't that big. It's a five minute walk from one end to the other. Most fights are taking place at a distance where MELEE is possible for crying out loud. And have you SEEN the spread on the improvised shells? It's basically useless unless you literally pull it out right next to someone and headshot them while they're down or you get tech shells.

    The few times this isn't the case are the weapons that have scope features that let you extend the length of your screen, A La the mauler and the sniper rifle.

    That's not a sword. That's a sharp hunk of metal. There is a difference.

    Personally I'd suggest either a fire helmet or a engineering helmet with reinforced glass and metal and duct tape.

  3. Yes. A match and a sealed tube with one open end.


    Mind you, the improvised shotgun /is/ in fact shit compared to every other firearm in the game. And that's with it using a high tech receiver designed to be cobbled together with what's on hand.

    But crude firearms are thousands of years old. And the requirements are things already on the station. A sealable tube meant to withstand extreme pressure, a combustible material, and something to be propelled by the reaction.

  4. Because swords are hard to make and shotguns aren't?

    Bombs are also traditionally easy to make.

    Personally I find the spear goes well with the shield. But if we're proposing alternatives, I'd suggest an axe before a sword.

  5. Hmm.

    Personally I like the idea of the labor camp as an alternative.

    Perhaps as a two birds one stone thing, have the labor camp go to lavaland? Or in the mean time an asteroid that isn't the mining one?

    Still gives options for escape but it's no longer easy.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Dumbdumn5 said:

    I was six and thought the Easter Island head from the first 'Night at the Museum' movie was hilarious. I then proceeded to make a runescape account but Dumbdumb was taken, so I tried to take the auto suggestion for a different name as Dumbdumn, but that was taken, so the next autosuggestion was Dumbdumn5. Behold.

    This makes me feel old... <.<

  7. On 6/15/2017 at 7:16 PM, ZN23X said:

    This is so bizarre to me. I never let anyone keep weapons ever. Or security gear.

    I was once found in maintenance three seperate occasions by three seperate officers. I had a glass spear, and a bonfire going, and I was hurling books I had dubbed heresy from the library into it.

    Not one of them stopped me, searched me, or even questioned why I was sitting in the maintenance tunnel behind the library burning books like some kind of tribal savage on red alert. It wasn't until one found me in the main hallway that they asked me to hand over the spear.

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  8. Actually, to correct you. Both the head of security AND the captain can pass out weapons permits to any crew member they please under current space law.

    This is something that's already in the system. It's just rarely used Because the only firearms are the hilariously lethal shotguns.

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