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Posts posted by liran424


    I"ll get right to the point. we need more objectives for special rounds (cult,xeno etc.) to make it less dull when you only "need to get 4 cultist alive and free on the escape shuttle" or if the game feels lucky "assassinate X, ram Ian into a washing machine"


    Coding wise: I would way a weeks work of coding and debugging [spoiler2]my guess at least... and not including 5,6[/spoiler2]


    Balance: make it more interesting without sacrificing RP or power balance because we're talking about objectives...




    1) Sacrifice X amount of crew members to the Dark God before he will eat you. (not really... it's just for intimidating)

    2) Convert X crew members to serve the Master (just convert... nothing else)

    3) Sacrifice @name to the Dark Lord. [insert more sadistic text here]

    4) The Dark Master himself is interested in @name convert him to show your loyalty to the Demon of Air and Darkness.

    5) The Insidious Evil is in need of a magical artifact a @name of artifact is somewhere on the station, the Unspeakable Evil needs you to find it and retrieve it on the shuttle. (a random item that serves no use to a mere mortal) [Pick an everyday item and put "magic" before its name.. For example: a "magic pen"- just your ordinary pen, nothing special here] {recommending it will have the properties of the nuke disk so it won't be easily destroyed... and spawn it 30+ minutes into the round just to be safe}

    6) Port cursed zones from Goonstation Curse 75% of the station. Cursed zones will give a mental debuff (brain damage over time) to non cultists and give a slow heal over time and minor damage resistance to cultists. [spoiler2]Would be every interesting seeing this happen[/spoiler2]

    7) We are missing funds for our secret movement. Get X amount of money in The Secret bank account.

    8) The One whose Name Shall Not be Spoken need 4 souls for his dark dealing. (4 soul shards with souls inside them)



    Is it possible to make it have a less of a chance of appearing in the random selection, but still be a variable in it? Or are all the random rounds selected at equal variables?


    There is, we have different increments of appearing for each game mode. However that brings the question of is it still worth putting it into the Rotation in it's present state; ie bugged shuttles, the requirements to win, etc.


    First of all, it is worth it. The shuttle was only invented to give the players (larva) to choose what xeno the want to be. [except the queen and the xeno AI because they're a necessity]

    almost like the syndicate shuttle



    Second, about the winning requirements. IF the round drags for too long because of reasons [spoiler2]One xeno left, somehow 15 people have managed to bunker in security, the queen floats in spess, the xenos managed to kill the clown, someone is welding a fireaxe in a fartsuit, ADMINBUSING etc.[/spoiler2] the admins can start a vote to either restart the round or vote for who won and then restart.


    Also, about the facehuggers meta-gaming. One of the coders needs to make a certain radius around the queen (30~ blocks?) that a facehugger can't cross or will get a pop-up warning that he's going to get gibbed in 10 seconds if he won't return to the radius... and also something to indicate the border so the facehugger won't accidentally cross it.



    Hahahaha!... just by reading this article I thought about how easy is to one-shot an IPC with an ion rifle. And you only need one to really stop the revolt.

    *you hear laughing in the background*


    And whats the deal about forcing ERT to come? It would be like a xeno wanting the crew to use flameflowers and fire-axes against him. Or a nuke ops wanting the crew to order laser rifles and bullet proof vests and hand them out freely. Or a wizard wanting the crew to use the weapons he spawned for them against him

    although I can't see that happening... ever... forever... whenever

    ... a wizard wanting the robotics to build sec bots and walkers. Or a changeling.... ah you get the point



    hm... what if we do a normal nuke round but with a RANDOM player at the start of the round that will be the VIP.


    the VIP starts in a pod (that's already heading for the station) with all sorts of objectives (didn't think of them yet but their purpose of them is to keep/delay the VIP on the station so that he will not leave anytime soon).

    HE can spawn with one or two bodyguards... maybe spawn the VIP with a laser axe on the pod :lol:



    The nuke ops objective is to capture(killing is TO easy) and bring him ALIVE to the syndicate ship (as mentioned before).


    Major Syndicate Victory: VIP Extracted while alive

    Minor Syndicate Victory: VIP Extracted, dead

    Minor Crew Victory: VIP: The VIP doesn't complete all of his objectives but escapes alive on the shuttle or his pod

    Major Crew Victory: VIP: VIP completes all of his objectives and gets off the station on his pod



    Yet every shift you die in a different way... Kill/murder... Even blowing up is a unique thing, every explosion is a different one. Some say you're in a loop in time... Some say you're already dead and reliving your death in different ways... But the truth is that all of this is a part in a big simulation. In CentCOMM, you and others are taking place on the dip space incident on the station: Space Station 13.


    So the people are the same, the same antags, ect.



    Name: Apple Merryman

    Age: 55

    Gender: Male

    Race: Hooman

    Blood type: O+

    General Occupational Role(s):Mostly as RD or a scientist. But now also as the CMO.


    Biography: Born on the luna colony. Born into a nice... family that got spaced after an assault on the transport ship that they were on. When he was 16 his uncle raised him in a small cake farm on the Haffar system and when he was 18 he returned to luna to live there and study. When he was 22 a "mysterious" explosion blew half of the moon and destroyed 2/3 of Asia... luckily for him he was studying back on mars, about rocks or something.homeless and cold Merryman was about to give up... and then he say one of NT recruitment papers at the bus stop and decided to apply. he was assigned as a scientist on SS13.


    Qualifications: Can do anything that is related to science and medical


    Employment Records: Hired in 2549. On the station since 2550.5


    Security Records: *ACCESS DENIED*


    Medical Records: None



    To be honest I don't like the changes about the stunbatons and cuff so I suggest TWO ways dealing with it:


    1) leave the cuffs as it is but make the stunbaton that it will stun the person between 1-3 hits. [more logical RP wise]

    2) make the stunbaton stun the person between 2-4 hits but revert the change for the cuffs. [makes the takedown more difficult but easy restrainment]



    Now that sounds like a fun gamemode.


    but there are a couple of problems... what happens when someone is infected and he gets murdered/killed?

    and IF the zombie bites you, you get infect right away... meaning that they're OP in a way that it is enough to hit and run or just go berserk and bite as much as you can before the captains melts your face.


    I suggest making it a random role/chance to infect a crew member on a bite. and the more you bite the higher the chance to infect.


    and another minor problem.... what about unique races like the vox or the IPCs? the vox and immune to any kind of disease and the IPCs don't have blood


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