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Everything posted by monkeysfist101

  1. 2. New Rule: The same admin can not kill 2 chains in a row.
  2. Seeing as the discussions regarding the new race are getting a bit heated, I'll provide you with some relaxing* material. - Ripped from the grubby claws of Elysian_Prince*Material may or may not be relaxing in the slightest. If your seizure lasts more than four hours, consult your frying pan. Relaxing material has been known to cause blindness. Do not use relaxing material if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. Do not take relaxing material if you are breathing or dead.
  3. And you know what would require EVEN MORE effort? Having Rathidor's picture start out normal and have it progressively get wose, corresponding with the alert levels. Green: Normal Blue: Grimy and peeling Red: Flashing with bloody hand Etc...
  4. If they're nothing more than a reskin, they should be merged with tajaran to have tail variants. The reason that they shouldn't be the same is that dogs and cats are as different as night and day.
  5. Couldn't you set up a randomized variable where the higher the rank, the more often it shows up in the title screen?
  6. Streaky, nobody is doubting that that's the sole reason that they were put in. The point of this thread is to give ideas to break them up from tajaran. EDIT: I'll update the list when I'm not on a smartphone.
  7. HEY ADMINS! LOOK OVER THERE! onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleven 12!
  8. PRO: The ability to lick their wounds. Canine saliva acts as a natural disinfectant, so therefore, it might be possible to add a spell that lets a vulpkanin lick his/her wounds. All this would do is drop the current infection level over time. It would be weaker than actual medicine, but for small stuff, it could save a trip to the medbay.
  9. While your point is noted, this is not the thread for that. Please look towards the "Vulpkanin Discussion" thread.
  10. Vulpkanin are a polarizing subject for our community. Many players are asking for a difference in mechanics for this new race. Post your ideas here and I'll add them to this post. Pros: Speed boost when not under the effect of a speed debuff-original concept, improvedname Higher sense of smell. Can recognize certain chemicals/certain people-NTSAM, Citinited Ability to sense intent upon inspecting a player-Earthdivide "Lick Wounds" ability-monkeysfist101 Can hear whispers from 2-3x farther away-davidchan They can jump on/in objects table disposal faster-improvedname Lowlight vision-improvedname Double nutirition from food-Citinited Cons: 1.25Xstandard speed debuff effect-monkeysfist101 Colorblindness-monkeysfist101, Citinited, Streaky Haddock Higher sense of smell. Is more adversely affected by smell -NTSAM It takes less disabler shots to take you down-improvedname Flashbangs, explosions or other deafening noises (including Changeling shriek) affect them from 2-3x farther away and you're deaf just a long-davidchan Easier to knock down (Didgitgrade legs and whatnot)-improvedname Easier to get eye damage-improvedname Need more oxygen to survive-Citinited No dual weild-Citinited
  11. We should change the lore to where the Wizard Federation is at a neutral standing with NT, but has recently had a schism in its ranks with a splinter cell of hostile wizards breaking off to cause mayhem. Why not change it so that there is a chance of either a Wizard Federation "friendly" wizard or a hostile Splinter Federation wizard posing as a WizFed diplomat? This way, the crew has to catch the wizard in the act to know if he is hostile or not? Friendly wizards would have a smaller list of spells than what we have now. Hostile wizards would have the same spells as friendly wizards with the addition of the spells like "give guns" and whatnot.
  12. With the addition of duct tape, why not add in a duct tape wallet? I't functionally identical to the regular leather wallet, but silver.
  13. I'd support having one pilot on Box for the low pop rounds and having two on meta for the high pop rounds.
  14. Fox, the number of people i this thread that want the security checkpoint back greatly outnumber the people saying to keep the clinic. Part of being a mapper is understanding that what the community wants is not always what /you/ personally want. Instead of trying to justify a useless room, bring back the checkpoint for a month and see if its usage goes up. If there is no noticeable increase in use, revert it.
  15. On my seventh day of Paradise, the admins gave to me: Nine botanists toking Eight crusty mentors Seven erpers 6 plasma griefers FIVE DANK ASS MEMES Three drunk clowns Two Nuke Ops Teams And a Greyshirt screaming Shitcurity!
  16. On my fifth day of Paradise, the Admins gave to me: FIVE DANK ASS MEMES Four skreeing vox Three drunk clowns Two Nuke Ops Teams And a Greyshirt screaming Shitcurity!
  17. Apparently you can make your own Cards Against Humanity decks and play them on Xyzzy. I was thinking that we could make a Paradise deck. EDIT: The first pack is out. It's only 25 black and 75 white so it'll have to be played as an expansion, but we can add more as time goes on. To import a pack in Xyzzy, type /addcardcast (Pack#) The code to play Pack 1 is "PAT2Q"
  18. Fox, bias is the problem. While I personally want it back, I'm basing my reason on the fact that it was used objectively more often as a security but than as a clinic.
  19. On my second day of Paradise, the Admins gave to me: Two Nuke Ops Teams And a Greyshirt screaming Shitcurity!
  20. *cough* red text at the top *cough* I'm blind.
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