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Posts posted by Scrat


    This has been done before, with ambassadors from the Kidan and Diona empires coming to meet at the station where a peace talk was organized. It didnt go so well.


    Nonetheless it wouldnt hurt to try it again.


  2. Baylore is perfectly fine. All the information is there for those wishing to RP a bit more thoroughly and those who don't want to will just make up their own and use it anyway. Dont change what was never broken.


    I do believe that something should be done to people who kill the secondary characters (mostly pAIs) for the hell of it, especially even when the character is hanging around their master (Pets with their respective heads, pAIs following their guy, Nymphs in botany) and doing all they can to avoid inciting attack.


    Personally I believe that people shouldnt be allowed OOC to kill secondary characters unless they're far from their master and should be protected by rules when they were doing as they were supposed to be, or something.


  4. I honestly don't know why this change was made. Of all the issues that are around the server, people dressing themselves up in fancy and cute costumes is probably near the rock bottom. From what I believe and from what I see. there is little to no reason to remove the machines and nobody (except that one guy who voted no) actually had a problem with it.

  5. It really is long overdue and has been suggested countless times to no result. As for people making nonsense or unfitting names, people can do the exact same with Tajarans, Unathi, and especially Diona which have a straightforward naming system (IE a real diona would never ever be called Bob as their true name) and so that argument is rather moot.

  6. Not sure if it's a bug or I just dont know how to use it, but the little tube transit system around the Science station has seemingly no use because you cant do anything with it from what I've tried, and in my year of playing here have not seen it used at any point. If possible it would be nice to either fix the transits tubes so you can actually send things through them or just remove them.

  7. From what I know, the Centcomm fax doesnt actually print CC faxes, but the admins just directly get a message that allows them to read and reply to it, so the person would need to use an admin as a medium, unless you actually CAN reply via fax and the admin command is just a shortcut, in which case that would be fun buns to see.


    I was one of the (while admittedly not admin) people who was interested in having such an event and I had begun making plans, however please note that depending on what sort of things would happen in the event, predicting what players will do is nigh impossible, as things never turn out as you expect them. Initially I was thinking of a multi-round thing but such an idea simply isn't feasible.


    I almost forgot about IPC independence mainly because one of the reasons we want one, that being an IPC ambassador, is mostly moot when Ambassadors have been half finished and unplayable since the summer or so with no signs of them being finished. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the whole concept was scrapped entirely due to them being in a sort of stasis while also consuming the enormous space the embassies do.


    However, unlike my original idea, a small, one round event might be within grasp. I especially like the third option, where resistance fighters must attempt to hijack the ERT shuttle. Perhaps if the event admins (all ONE of them, that's active) or Fox is alright with it, since I currently cant do anything but give suggestions in my position, we could get something going.


    So in short, I'll complain to some people and see what happens.


    Hail silicon!



    Is THAT what happened in surgery?

    and yeah, all of what scrat said.


    Yeah, in a nutshell we dragged the Blueshield all the way to surgery and one Op carefully did cavity thing surgery because we figured the disk was surgically implanted. Once he was finishing up every area it could be hidden I found the disc in his black webbing vest.



    With regards to the topic, this Ghoststation must indeed stop because the chaos is what makes the rounds worth playing.



    I honestly believe the server should be relisted, at least on weekdays. The low pop may be more peaceful, but the tradeoff is that almost every vital job is understaffed or completely UNstaffed. I had a nuke ops round the other day and us Nukies won even after multiple fuckups that should have spelled our doom. We killed the three or so people that actually cared about stopping us, then dragged the blueshield to Surgery and took our time to search him, find the disc, then walk to the bomb and turn it on.


    My point is... while insufficient admins may be an issue, the server's pop seems to be gradually dropping a bit and the crew is understaffed almost every single time.



    For hunting for small artifacts such as cultblade, you can find the guide here


    To answer the question, if you pick further than you're supposed to, no matter the pick size, you can break the artifact.


    And for the larger artifacts (crystal, ninja crate, etc), it is a much simpler process.

    You need the hand pick, Alden-Sparasova counter, depth analysis scanner, and regular pickaxe.


    Step outside with your tools, use the Alden counter to get a background radiation reading. An example is it may give a reading of 130m. You then proceed in any direction, and use the counter again. If the number increases, change direction. If the number decreases, continue in that direction. Once you reach 3m or so, switch to the depth analysis counter and scan the rocks near you. If the scanner pings, chances are it's your artifact. Use the hand pick on the tile, clearing out small rocks along the way, until you reach Rocky Debris. Pick it a few more times, and drag your artifact out of where the debris was. Enjoy your useless crystal (as is a common find)!

    The wiki is also here if you need information. ... rchaeology


  12. Honestly, if you want to know how people act when there's no laws, take a look at Rev Rounds or Nations rounds. It will be a shitstorm of murder, death, and people using whatever their job can access to aid said murder and death.

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