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Posts posted by Scrat


    This is just a guide of possible Gods and other religious beings that I at least will take roles of, answer to, etc. Mostly just a fluff thing.



    Religion: Chillaxism

    Patron saint of: Beer, Partying, and Chillaxin'

    Personality: Laid back, Chill, Fun-loving

    Typical Appearance: Young human male with casual clothing

    Preferred summoning method: Large scale parties or other social events, offerings of 'party' foods or alcohol

    Dislikes: Uptight stiffs, hard work.



    The Honkmother

    Religion: Clownism

    Patron saint of: Clowns

    Personality: Unpredictable, a large nuisance, mentally unhinged

    Typical Appearance: Does not appear in a single physical form, but can possess any clown if she wishes.

    Preferred summoning method: Offerings of bananas, clown accessories, sacrifice of mime objects and related items, and other objects of Honk.

    Dislikes: Mimes, Security personnel



    The Shushfather

    Religion: Mimology

    Patron saint of: Mimes

    Personality: Professional, quiet, indifferent

    Typical Appearance: Does not have a physical form but can possess mimes when he wishes.

    Preferred summoning method: Offerings of Mime drinks, mime items, sacrifices of clown objects and related items.

    Dislikes: Clowns, Speaking, Security personell



    "The Scourge"

    Religion: Various satanic cults with their own belief systems

    Patron saint of: Chaos, Death, Pain, other emo words

    Personality: Sadistic, Chaotic, wildly and violently unpredictable

    Typical Appearance: Unknown.

    Preferred summoning method: Mostly unknown, suspected to be a violent and destructive ritual

    Dislikes: Order, peace, happiness, Space Jesus



    Space Jesus

    Religion: Space Christianity

    Patron saint of: Salvation, Peace, Harmony, Redemption

    Personality: Friendly, modest, wise, fair.

    Typical Appearance: Younger looking male with long brown hair.

    Preferred summoning method: Typical prayer, but does not answer most prayers unless the person doing the prayer has strong moral standing or a noble goal.

    Dislikes: The Scourge, violence, chaos, despair, Space Twinkies



    Bjordgervin Fjallraven-Olaf

    Religion: Borkism

    Patron saint of: Melee combat, Robustness, Valor

    Personality: Energetic, optimistic, but of ill-temper

    Typical Appearance: Older male with a glorious golden beard and locks, Swedish

    Preferred summoning method: Often appears abruptly in places where great robustness in hand to hand or melee is demonstrated, to serve excessive amounts of beer and ham to those deemed 'Robust' and sometimes to challenge them to glorious combat

    Dislikes: Wussies, robustness, guns



    Skeleton King

    Religion: Spookerinity

    Patron saint of: Bones, Calcium, Spooking

    Personality: Spooky

    Typical Appearance: A spooky, scary, skeleton with royal attire

    Preferred summoning method: Known to make individuals 2spooky if they pray "thank mr skeltal", may appear in person if sufficient spookery is present







    More will be added as I think of some. Feel free to PM me ideas.



    What about removing the shitty initial CentComm report with random names and the automatic code blue at roundstart?

    That actually does a thing, if your names on the report as a Traitor you get increased Telecrystals. The Automatic Code Blue is nothing though, and that can actually go.


    You got 4 more telecrystals if your name showed.. back when all traitors only had 10 TC. Instead, you nowadays don't get any more crystals but instead a message that says you're on the list and should plan accordingly.



    You could be fired for:

    - Refusing to work (IE: Chemist keeps making non-lethal bombs or otherwise fucks off from their post)

    - Refusing legitimate orders (IE: HoS tells you to arrest someone who has commited a crime and you refuse)

    - Being a nuisance / wasting department resources (IE: Cargo tech spends all cargo points on costume crates and goes around trying to make everyone in cargo a Clown)

    - Excessive disrespect of coworkers or superior



    Very yes. I see few to no downsides to this. Miners happier because they rewarded for exciting work, Science happier because they get their materials, and those who wish to continue the riskless mining we have now can easily do so.

    Add it now.



    In response to the fact that IAA has slightly diminished power due to nobody ever listening to them, as well as IAA seldom or never getting a response, I would like to raise the point that faxes arent being replied to often because admins have a lot on their plate. Even though I'm only a mentor, I've been one long enough to see how stressful and round-consuming it is. I would personally like to see something done to ensure that faxes that are worth responding to are given replies, but the only thought I have in mind is a Karma Job, high cost, that answers faxes. Not a very good idea however.


    More on topic, I always saw NT Rep as an adviser for the Captain and command team, as after all their goal is to serve NT's best interests. Personally I believe that IAA should remain as the investigation team for the crew as a whole while the Rep should ensure that the heads of the staff are correctly directing their teams and not making decisions that would burden NT.



    A time ago, you could use a screwdriver on any egun that didnt have infinite ammo to remove the battery. You could then recharge the battery and place it back in the gun to have full ammo, or replace it with a better battery for a higher ammo cap, or just carry some batteries for emergency field recharges.


    Many uses for this, but seemingly now you cannot remove the batteries from eguns at all. Fix dis.


  7. If you do get sent to the gulag, most prisoners just mine into space, which, due to no hardsuit, causes them to die. Additionally if they mine straight up they will run into an abandoned alien station with a red space suit and a space pod, basically a free ticket to freedom..


    More on the Mime Mech, a little. The silent ballistic gun does no damage but makes all the hit targets mute for a while.


    You can catch objects thrown at you by having Throw mode active when the object would normally hit you. You can also catch bullets, but if you catch one bullet it'll blast off your arm so its mostly pointless.


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