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Posts posted by Scrat

  1.  Sec Pod Pilot is a neat job and can have surprising use, especially when there are nasties, npc or player, in the exterior of the station. Even more useful if Research makes you better cells and gives you an X Ray implant, which they probably will if you ask.


    Highly recommend for 30kp.

  2. Years ago a persistent economy was already tried. Too many problems arose with money being too easy to find (think of all the random credits lying around in space or maint) and players who couldn't spend as many rounds playing per day were greatly disadvantaged. As well, having to pay for medicine sounds good until you die from sickness or injury in an emergency and the chemist still set the medicine you need at a price you cannot afford. 

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    All of those seem pretty cool. The pen gun's cost and damage are between the stetchkin and revolver's (stetchkin = 20 brute, revolver = 60 brute), but unless the gun is silenced and shows no attack messages or projectiles, it'd be fairly obvious who the shooter is and you'd be exposed right off the bat.


    Mind Hack dart seems pretty expensive, as if you control someone and make them do something illegal, if they are searched and nothing is found on them, they obviously wont be charged with EoC as they'd probably be believed when saying they were forcefully controlled, you'd need to slip some traitor gear onto them too, or not much will happen, and with only 4 TC left should you buy it, there isnt many options. For a one-use, third-of-a-minute controller, I'd say drop the price a bit.


  4. I dislike Vox raiders the most. Boring as hell, as the Vox only interact with command and security, and their tools for both raiding (some stealth items and laughably terribad dart guns) and trading (items from their own equipment) are not sufficient for either playstyle. It's overall just a boring roundtype and a pain in the ass for the Vox too.

  5. I have a feeling this could die off quickly because most sick people will run off into medbay and quarantine themselves before it spreads, as soon as they see symptoms. The viruses would need to not show symptoms but still be infectious so it has time to spread before patient zero runs to medbay.

  6. I will note that you don't /NEED/ to do your stated objectives as traitor - generally you're allowed to have fun with it as you wish so long as it isnt total murderbone (unless you have hijack). These days I often ignore my objectives if they're boring (Steal this and escape) and just screw with it. A thing I've done multiple times is terrorize the station by looting the spacepods, the armory, many offices, breaking into the AI core, etc, and I've gotten people saying they had fun and certainly so am I. As a plus, I've killed very few people if ANY during these reigns of terror, meaning nobody is abruptly kicked from the round. Having fun is more important than your objectives.


    The oath of peace wouldn't help in firefights because you can still shoot with help intent.


    But otherwise I agree, this would make the chaplain more useful in non-cult rounds!



    100x No to the support guardian buff, it's already easily the most used/strongest. Ranged buff is reasonable. Bomb buff I'm slightly confused about, since the "bombs" set by it aren't actually explosions, are they? If you could go into detail as to how exactly remote detonation works I'll give my opinion.


    The bombs set by traps are indeed not actual explosions - they just deal 60 brute and play the explosion sound when triggered.


    The remote ones however, actually ARE explosives, and triggering a trapped item remotely spawns an explosion on that tile, somewhere in similarity around C4 and a Minibomb, but with a very low chance to blow down to space tiles and do not do as much damage.



    This is a thread for Techdragon's PR.



    While he did all the coding, all the changes were suggested by me and thus I will explain and argue for them. The full list of changes (and my explanations/justifications) are:


    Ranged Guardian:

    increased combat mode range from host

    -> The maximum tiles the guardian can be away from the user has been changed from 13 to 20, or just a bit off screen from the user. The idea behind this is that the ranged guardian can now scout and attack ahead of the user... or, attack from a range, as the name might imply!


    more damage per hit

    -> Doubled the ranged emerald attack from 5 brute to 10. Current attack rate is unchanged. Makes the attack more formidable.


    Support Guardian:

    increased healing effects

    -> Makes it a bit easier for the guardian to keep the user alive, from 5 damage healed of each type per click to 10. I'm not so adamant about this change and would be fine with dropping it if it gathers controversy.


    (hopefully) fixed IPC healing bug

    -> As of current, IPCs cannot be healed by support guardians. The intent of this is to fix this bug, assuming it works correctly.


    Bomb Guardian

    adds "detonate" verb to remotely set off their bomb

    -> Lets the guardian remotely detonate the bomb placed on the object they trapped. It does less damage than a triggered bomb trap.


    removes host disarming of objects

    -> This simply means that the host picking up a trapped object should neither detonate or disarm it - just pick it up, so it can be still detonated later if remotely triggered or touched by someone else, within the bomb duration. Allows you to move around your traps and remote bombs without dragging them all clumsy-like.


    increases bomb duration to a full minute.

    -> Right what it says on the tin. Allows for a bit more freedom with traps. Current bomb life is 25-30 sec.


  10. The vox are not property equipped to Trade, they've virtually nothing to give that wouldn't gimp their own equipment, and they're not properly equipped to Raid. Their spear thrower weapons are decent but the needlers are of limited use. They've got nothing to stop you from just stunbatonning them and beating them to death easily. If we kept Vox, we'd need to find a way to properly equip them for one or both of the intended outcomes.

  11. Just a random thought. Would it be possible to make a tool that can be run anytime (usually if you're not ingame) that notifies you whenever the server restarts, which most of the time means a new round is about to begin? I think it'd be pretty cool to have if you just had nothing to do and then you're notified a new round is gonna begin so you can choose to hop in before roundstart and that.

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