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Posts posted by Deanthelis


    I don't recall any rounds I have been in where more than one of the 11tc bombs have gone off.

    That doesn't mean it hasn't happened, only that it hasn't happened in a round I have been in, so perhaps you keep a schedule that is the inverse of mine, or perhaps I didn't notice them all.

    I honestly think they're a giant waste of tc, and this who abuse them are quickly antag banned.

    I've used them a couple times to force shuttle calls or distract security. Really about it.



    i understand the idea i just dont think we need it

    Initial larvae often don't turn into a queen, which immediately ruins the event, because a player who is too new or dumb to become a queen is also very likely too new or dumb to do anything besides immediately get killed.


    We need to force the first larva to be a queen. Don't give it any special powers, don't make it some special snowflake. It is a limitation, not an advantage, that is necessary to force the event to at least have a chance to get off the ground, so to speak.



    I dealt more damage to the station last week using solely c4 than I possibly could have with a full sized bomb.

    Cut away a grille with wire cutters and planted one c4. On the station oxygen supply tank. No more oxygen.

    Placed c4 on metal rods and threw it. Killed the ai in five throws, or roughly sixty seconds - but used half the TC a full bomb would've.

    I planted c4 in three places around the hull, to cause breaches that, without the oxygen supply, could never be fixed.

    I (almost) killed the Captain by hurling a live c4 brick at him, but he shot me with an ion carbine and my legs flew off.

    Luckily, it was my objective to die gloriously, so all my rampant terrorism was for was to ensure a shuttle call for the Chaplain, who needed to escape with the documents I'd given him (my obtain document objective was impossible, DZD is working on fixing that)


    I still had 3tc left when I died.


    C4 is much more powerful than a syndicate bomb if used appropriately.


    Syndicate bomb allows a minimum of a whole minute for people to get away from you.



    Refusal to work should have some kind of punishment for non civilians. I've been various head roles and had subordinates flat out tell me no when I tell or even ask politely for them to go do their fuckin' job, and people who don't do their job at all and aren't antagonists are basically just wasting that job slot and should have joined in as a civilian.


    Refusing to work IRL gets you fired* so why wouldn't a mega corporation that doesn't care about its workers or their feelings make everyone contractually obligated to do their job, pending termination if they refuse?



    I predict that plasman will be the flavor of the month of April and stay that way until July.

    Until then, nobody gives a shit what their lore is, since nobody will interact with any plasmen for a long time.


  6. Self defense is already a complete and total defense against any charge. However, violence can only be allowed when trapped with an assailant. The best thing to do is to push the other guy over, shout for security and tell them where you are and who is punching you, then attempt to run away toward security, so that you meet them halfway.




    Land: Cheap, on-grid land in Central Texas. in an established small town with an existing governing body that we can slowly take over by convolution of the democratic process


    Leadership: As with any cult, a charismatic leader is required. He would be well educated, but be a self made man, ideally in his early thirties. He'd need effective speaking skills, both for speeches and in formal debates. No amount of excessive wealth is necessary at first, since the land mentioned above is cheap and ridiculously easy to obtain legally.


    Mission/Goal: Establish a mostly self sustainable, within the law sect dedicated to the Greek/Roman mythos, convincing people that life itself is meaningless, and that giving a meaning to it is arrogance of the highest order. The ideology would focus on abject hedonism, with the temple dedicated to Bacchus and Aphrodite. The cult, using the religious aspect as an excuse to function legally as a non profit organization, would conduct religious cereminies that were, in reality, anonymous orgies and feasts. Being a non profit would be an attractive option for the extremely wealthy and morally uncaring, as they can do what they would already be doing anyway, but get a huge tax write off for it. The end goal is merely to attract as many people as they can into decadence and lethargy, and have the party continue as long as it can.


    Buildings:The cult's non profit organization would own a temple that was effecticely an easily cleanable convention center or other similar large, open area a variety of parties can be held at. The cult would worm it's way onto the local community government, like the local sheriff, mayor, school board, and so on, and would control the relevant buildings. Most of the residents would live immediately nearby, in hotel-like buildings or personal property. The old residents that were there would be pressured out or converted.


    How it differs:

    It's very much like a commune, though ultimately it relies on the wealth of incoming members, riding a stream of expendable income and trust funds until it falls flat. It doesn't try to sustain itself through it own method, but instead leeches on the country's wealthy, and unlike a commune, is extremely selective with who it allows entry - like a VIP only, whitelisted party for the affluent.

    It isn't a utopia at all, and doesn't try to be - only the filthy rich and poorest of the poor can participate, as donors and menial workers respectively.



    Granted, but it is an anime style dating sim, and all of the characters have been turned into various anthropomorphic animals based on their personalities, and it is only available on the Sega Genesis.


    I wish HL3 would be released tomorrow and exceed all of my expectations for content without being expensive.


  9. The round after that, Sergio was captain and he immediately strolled into the ai upload and used a free form core board to install the British Empire laws with himself as king. The second he stepped out of the upload, Neil caned him and Alice cuffed him. CC replied to neil's faxed report (he used my header and footer) and it was ordered that he be demoted and sent to mine forever at the labor camp, to aid his fledgling British Empire. He immediately took his laser pistol and killed himself like a fucking loser.


    I think there's still enough of an issue that this should be allowed to resurface: Little reminders of what not to do as sec.


    In a recent round (yesterday, if memory serves me right), CentComm sent a station-wide announcement that Hitler had been somehow re-incarnated as a crew member on the station, and a station-wide warrant for his death was issued. After a bit of confusion with that left the clown murdered by the entire crew in a misunderstanding, sec finally tracks down someone with the name of "Literally Hitler," and I (dismissively, I'll confess) try to remind sec that CentComm was pretty explicit in saying that they wanted him dead. I suggest to sec that since I was already up to my elbows in handling a mix of greytiders and actual traitors in processing, they could kindly be able to put two-and-two together without me holding their hands. So what do they do? They release Literally Hitler.



    Other shitcurity moments from recent memory include an officer who tried to brig someone for 15 minutes because they threw a plastic bag at the guard, instead of gently dropping it on the floor like the guard asked during a random search. The guard then left the poor guy buckle cuffed, and got into a fairly drawn out argument with the HoS and another guard about whether or not throwing a plastic bag at someone constituted an actual case of "Resisting Arrest" and "Assault".


    I also recall frothing at the mouth observing a round where the HoS and the Captain were trying to reset AI ion laws which specifically demanded that the AI kill heads of staff and security. The HoS wandered away from the AI upload chamber turret controls while the Captain was still inside the upload chamber, resulting in the captain getting lasered to death. Later, when a miner entered the upload chamber to retrieve the captain's charred corpse, the HoS sat there wordlessly while the miner went in and fixed the ion laws, afterwards blasting the miner in the face with lethals as they were trying to bring the captain's body out.


    As an observer, I was watching the HoS drag an officer into the Transfer Centre and chew him out for repeatedly pushing someone into an electrified grill. The officer proceeded to stun the HoS, retreat into perma, then try to throw a flash bang when the HoS pursued. This officer had a loyalty implant.






    I uploaded those laws.


    Alright, time for my own contribution.


    I was RD Smush at the time, science being my main squeeze, and I had been working fervently for a solid twenty minutes on maxing R&D out. Nirri Lanni, bless her heart, came into the lab, I think as a late arrival. She asked timidly for a lesson on how R&D worked. Feeling generous - I typically have little patience for teaching anything - and since I was three items from research completion, I agreed to teach her.


    I'd explained the basic process of deconstruction and how that goes, and then two IAAs show up at the desk and demand entry, claiming they were here for an inspection and were coming in. This, of course was not true - command had told me nothing beforehand, and I told them no, they weren't coming in, and that no one may enter my department without prior written authorization by the Captain or myself, sans emergency. They called HoS Sergio stone, but after pointing out they had no authority to be there, he got them to leave. I even let the fact that he'd gotten all access slide - he was pretty helpful, had killed off some carp, and had stayed out of my hair.


    The IAAs then decide I'm SUPER SUSPICIOUS for not allowing a completely unprovoked and invasive search of my department, and start pestering my roboticist, demanding to see paperwork for the borg he'd made. Which is pretty weird, since it was a posibrain.


    A little later I'd finished off research, the HoS helping out with a plasma pistol, destroying the awful paladin board - the usual routine, and showed Nirri how to use the rapid part exchanger. Then a" Central Command Secret Agent" arrives. Apparently to protect Nirri. Which was weird (ooc I laughed, the agent ID and chameleon stamp and jumpsuit were well used), but since Nirri was shadowing me, and there were plenty of chances for the secret agent to shoot either of us - we were alone and unarmed mostly - I went along with it. The agent had a folder with Nirri's picture labeled 'target' and a big, fancy 'agent activation' form with several stamps above my pay grade on it, so it seemed legit.


    I decided to give Nirri the chance to get some hands on training, so we took the RPE and loaded it up with parts, then headed to Medbay. We eventually ran out of parts - and, upon our return, the IAAs were back, walking around talking shit. I demanded to see their authorization, and surprisingly, they had it, so I let them walk. Which was fine. There was nothing wrong with the department, though they repeatedly said things like 'he isn't doing his job' and 'he doesn't have any research' which was bizarre since Nirri was a grand richer from syncing maxed research minutes earlier. I paid them no heed, reloaded the RPE, and left with Nirri. The secret agent was nowhere to be found, though, but I thought nothing of it.


    We went back to medbay to fix a sleeper that I'd broken (it was bugged and had neither parts nor a board inside it, so when I took it apart, it turned into an empty machine frame), and suddenly the HoS shows up with the Detective and the secret agent. They demanded a search. Well, okay. This seems pretty random, and we're at blue, and I'm not a traitor or guilty of anything but breaking a sleeper (which I'd just fixed), so I threw all my belongings down in a pile once the Detective had cleared everyone away besides Nirri and the hos and agent, closing the shutters for privacy. That was where shit turned shitcurity.


    The Detective pulls the secret agent's photo out of his backpack - how he got it, and her folder, I don't know - and plants it in my backpack . Then he pulls it out and goes 'Look hos, it says target! He is a spy l! Then pulls out the paper and does the exact same thing. Sergio decided to pull out a book titled' Woodys got Wood' and read it for a few minutes, then just suddenly says 'Smush you're under arrest' and nothing else, and starts cuffing me without stating a charge. I took a step away, demanded to know why I was being arrested - I have the right to that - and that I would come willingly. He says nothing, batons me, and cuffs me, then the Detective says 'we're gonna execute you spy' and drags me off. Bear in mind, all my stuff was still on the floor, and the secret agent had said at least six times 'that is mine' and pointed at the photo labeled target. Nirri had to scoop up all my stuff - some of which was dangerous, like sulphuric acid and radium - and carry it to the brig.


    I shouted for the Captain over command channel, and thank space jesus she responded. The secret agent had to grab me from the Detective, who was trying to put me in a cell without going to processing or even telling the warden or getting a sentence or time to apply, let alone the fact that detectives are NOT supposed to brig people. I end up uncuffed in processing with the Captain, Nirri, secret agent, hos, and shittective. I demand that they all shut the hell up for a minute, then calmly explain everything that happened. The captain immediately orders my release, the demotion of the Detective (who by now was just saying 'kill me now. Kill me. I want to die. Etc. Over and over) to civilian. I get my stuff back, head back to my department, and all is well.


    I shudder to think what might have happened if the captain hadn't been there. I was not any sort of antagonist, and had done literally nothing wrong the entire round (besides breaking the bugged sleeper). I don't remember the name of the captain or the shit detective, but later on we ended up teleporting to the syndie station, since the teleporter had been emagged, which was unpowered and the teleporter had no board. In fact, every single head had ignored my warnings, and we all got stuck there, with the janitor and a syndie who had released plasma and killed himself.


    We never did catch the scoundrel who stole the captain's panties, but that is a story for another time.



    It takes a lot of work to fully restore someone to perfect health after defibbing.

    Frankly I hate the defibrillator, even though without it most of my characters can't be revived at all. Sure, cloning can take five minutes once the corpse gets to medbay. But 5u alkysine and 1u ryetalyn and they're good to go into cryo for a minute - In, out, same process over and over for everybody, no having to sit them in surgery for fifteen minutes while the surgeon fixes six broken bones and all their organs and cleans out infections. While defibbing is great for Diona, vox, and slimes, and I guess plasmen, it's a much longer process to heal them than cloning is, and if science has done their job and upgraded the cloner / cryo cells / freezer, you can bring someone from 0 to 100 in three minutes with no surgery, no replacement limbs. AND you get to autopsy the old corpse to see how they got fucked up - a very underutilized advantage.


    That's why I agree with fox - even if a paramedic defibs someone in the field, there's no way they have everything they need to pull them to full health, so it's faster and more efficient to just bring the corpse to cloning. Don't waste time defibbing someone eight times in maintenance when they have 300 brute damage, no limbs, and two broken lungs (this has actually happened to me). You've got 5 minutes to defib someone before it won't work anymore. Spend that time getting them to medbay, let the actual doctors cure the damage (since defibs only cure suffocation), and go after the next person.



    Battery has been and will be abused by sec unless it is VERY specific as to what constitutes it and, if they do anything but hugspam or knockdown, it's already a much more severe crime.


    Frankly, if you can't handle being slipped or pushed every once in a while without anything else happening, you shouldn't play sec. You probably shouldn't play at all, because that can happen to pretty much anyone who interacts with people regularly.


  13. Let's talk about breaking and enterinf for a minute, in relation to multiple charges. If Honky McSlips the Clown breaks into Robotics, he has one charge. But if he breaks into Science's main hall through the window from robotics, did he commit a second crime, since he's broken into a second place, or does it all count as one break in? If he breaks into the RDs office afterwards, does he have THREE crimes, or just the one crime for breakijg into a secure area?

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