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Posts posted by Deanthelis


    So, I began the round as Smush, RD. My good friend Vince Stall, he eventually converted me to the Cult of Nar'sie.

    After a while, the HoS died (Bombed, I think, by another scientist), and was cloned, and promptly converted, along with the Blueshield (though I died in a brawl in Maintenance, the HoP, IAA and two or three sec officers died. The cult won.), so I observed what my actions had wrought.

    Eventually, Escape was this.


    The shuttle was this.


    And, finally, Central Command was this.


    I fuckin' love Cult, and Vince Stall is my goddamn hero.



    I just want to point out that Detect Magic does a very narrow and specific range of things. Most notably, a high enough Spellcraft check used with it would've identified what the stone slab did when activated, and how to activate it. Also, auras always have either an associated school or discipline for magical/psionic items, respectively. In addition, auras don't overwhelm or block out each other. If you use Detect Magic in an area containing three magic items, you'll see three auras, no matter how strong they are. Lastly, Detect Magic is a cone. It can't detect anything behind the caster.


    Of course, that's going by the books on it. If Crom wants to do it a different way, it's his right. :D



    Let's talk about Cult for a minute. We'll compare it to Rev.


    Cult has:

    -Means of healing yourself only using antag powers

    -Means of obtaining respectable armor only using antag powers

    -Means of converting others, but only if they are willing or incapacitated

    -Differing objectives each round, either summon or convert multiple


    Rev has:

    -No special abilities whatsoever. You are exactly the same before and after, all you get is an objective list and a license to murder

    -A means of conversion that requires no level of robustness, as it can convert the unwilling

    -The same objectives every single round no matter what


    Rev is pretty obviously flawed at its core. Cult does a much better job of it - converting someone is more challenging (even if it's just stunpaper convert in maint repeat), and you are given pretty good tools to complete your objectives simply for being an antagonist, just like every other antagonist (except Vox Raiders, but those are also on the chopping block lately and have their own thread)


    In my opinion, every antagonist type should have the following in some form, each one being better the harder the objectives are and the fewer number of antagonists there are.


    1. A means of obtaining armor of some kind. Cult has their robes, Nukies get their suits, Wizard has his fabulous purple suit, Changelings have skinsuit and arm shield, even ordinary traitors can get a space suit.

    2. A means of self healing. Cult has blood drain, Changelings have stasis, Nukies have combat stims and whatnot, vampires have rejuvenate+. Wizards and regular syndies don't have any though as far as I know (new traitor stimulants might heal?)

    3. A means of defeating or weakening tasers and other stuns. Changelings have their overdrive whatever ability, syndies have stimulants as do Nukies, Nukies have eshields, Vampires have rejuvenate, wizards have EMPs, cult also has EMPs.


    What do revolutionaries have?

    A flash. To make more revolutionaries.

    Their only ability is to force antag onto others, and they can do so to nearly anyone so long as they have no protection from it.

    They have no abilities or advantages beyond a normal crewmember of that job, which any other antag type with that job could also use.

    Literally the only thing revs have on their side is numbers. Giant horrible lynch mobs. That's it. It's Greytide:the Gamemode. It isn't even team death match, Security isn't even a quarter of the station. God forbid a roboticist is a rev, they can make unlimited stun prods, flashes, and spears. Get a dozen people and bum rush security, if even one stun prod lands a hit, that officer is down. Then he's killed, cloned, and flashed, and now the revs have security access. ERT isn't even that much of a threat either - they get ONE box of implants, and without admin intervention, have worse arms than Security does for the most part. Six guys without DS level arms or close to it will get mobbed pretty easily.



    They have one on the computer that controls the ship. You have to robust a vox to send it back.


    Also, it's kind of hard to blame people for wanting to end rounds of a broken game type that rarely deviate from 'Vox try to trade, round is Extended for anyone who isn't a Head' and 'Crew lynches the mostly defenseless Vox who don't even have backpacks to carry spare ammo for their spike throwers'. I see it as telesciencing onto a Blob core with a pile of bombs. The rounds aren't very fun for the majority of people involved.



    The biggest issue with food allergies is that each food is not its own reagent, for the most part. Nutriment is Nutriment. All eating a piece of food does is cause you to ingest the reagents in said food. Meat steak, for example, contains nutriment, salt, and pepper. Raw meat is just nutriment. This would necessitate the creation of several reagents to add to existing food items that serve no purpose besides allowing people to be allergic to stuff.


    The other ones wouldn't be so bad. Bees and whatnot.


  6. Either way, I'm pretty sure it's unlikely anyone will be particularly enthusiastic about mining. /tg/ and Bay mining are both... Really boring. Like, painfully so. Not to mention pretty much a total lack of RP opportunities, especially if you're a solo miner.


    Organ transplants would be pretty neat----anddd I must admit I really like the idea of seeing an evil doctor stun people, drag them into surgery only to cut out their heart (while the person in question is still awake) then eat it in front of the person as they rapidly die.


    Also---gibbing throwing limbs AND organs everywhere would be kinda awesome.


    That said, removing internal organ damage surgery would be bad, in my opinion. Even with super competent doctors, it can take quite a while to repair internal organ damage in conjunction with broken bones---this would exacerbate this even further as it would not only require more steps for a single organ, but require a separate surgery for each organ.

    Wouldn't it be better to have them be able to pick from a list of organs at the stage where the bruise pack is applied? Like, a little dialog with a menu of choices, they could apply it to each of the organs (or, when using the scalpel, pick which one to cut out). There's no reason at all to make them completely finish the surgery and start all over.



    Oh geez this is /tg/'s reaction all over again.

    The forums were filled with Goonchem topics, to the point where a forum admin had to put up


    Just to get people to stop.


    It needs to stop.

    What's already been brought up here has been addressed in one of the other two threads.


    Discuss this in the existing threads. They have already covered a LOT of misconceptions about what's going on and a lot of good points have been made.



    We already fucking have threads for this. Another one is unnecessary, the poll notwithstanding, since polls are misrepresentative of the community anyway, as has been discussed.


    Stop making new threads for things that already have threads.



    I spent the entirety of a day off from work playing Medbay chemist. I refused to create any old chemicals, and only used the new ones, as though the old ones were gone already.


    These are my thoughts based on my experiences.


    1. Everything is done exactly the way it was before. There is one chemical for each damage type that is ideal to make - Synthflesh/Styptic patches for brute, Synthflesh/SilverSulf for burns, etc. All you have to do is make lots of those ASAP, then work on everything else in order of priority, just like before.


    2. While what is administered to patients is for the most part just renamed shit we already had, the level of time consumption involved is staggering by comparison. Everything you need is in the chemistry room, sure - but now there are intermediate chemicals that have to be made for LITERALLY EVERYTHING. There are three machines instead of two to use, and several more steps involved in making any of the worthwhile medications.


    3. The most efficient thing to do as a medbay chemist is to spend the first twenty minutes making intermediate ingredients and piling them up in bottles on the table. Seriously. Oil, Ash, Phenol, ammonia, diethylamine, unstable Mutagen, sulfuric acid, I'm probably missing a couple others. Then it's a matter of pouring a little of each bottle into the beaker and finishing it off with the dispenser and/or heater. However, this severely damages the response times of even a chemist that has the recipes memorized simply due to all the goddamn steps involved. Seriously, one medication has seven ingredients, four of which are intermediates. You can't just slap that together in a pinch.


    4. Science makes meth every fucking round and then bitches and moans when medbay doesn't want to spend half it's toxin medication and mannitol on their dumb asses. Fuck you if you do this, this isn't funny, and you deserve what you get, brain damage and all.


    Trying to play a chemist was already a headache.

    Now it is just a several times worse headache.

    The new chemistry isn't even provoking shitlers to sign up for the role to fuck around. All of those guys went to science (had one round where literally five of six scientists fought over the dispensers all round, and all they did was make carpet, meth, and colorful reagent smoke. Good job, not like anybody wanted rnd done or anything.). I was actually the only chemist for two of five rounds - how often does that happen at 70 population - and when I did have a partner, I only had one with any inkling of what to do, and that was only because I helped him along (which was fair. I dug through the code to learn how to do it. Most people don't have access to that.), while the others went ssd or to cryo within ten minutes.


    This has done nothing to improve or balance medbay chemistry, as far as I can tell. It's needless complication of a job that was already complicated for new players. Once everyone learns the recipes again, it'll be "star trek meds" all over again. The gap between new and veteran players will only deepen.


    That's not to say I don't want these changes. The framework here is excellent. I'm simply of the opinion that the medicines should all have overdose thresholds again, and that they all should have negative side effects if you use them in the wrong form, pill or patch. It'll prevent people from simply slapping on three 50u synthflesh patches and taking a dandy space walk.


    As a side note, I found cryo was used far less. It was almost solely for cloning. Synthflesh and styptic/SilverSulf are amazing at curing serious injuries. Salbutamol is way better than dexalin. There's one really annoying to make anti radiation medicine, but you need so little because it's so powerful that it's way worth the effort - 30 toxin damage gone per 10u patch is amazing.


    I rambled a bit. It's 11PM. I'll address any responses in the morning.



    1. A good mime doesn't need words. The worst case scenario involving explaining something that is extremely complex and conceptual just requires you to use your pda or scribble on a paper.


    2 . There is only one Mime slot. This means there will rarely if ever be two mimes that are actually mute on the station, so unless this is going to be a secondary language everyone can use (which defeats much of the point), it's useless.


    3. Reiteration of the above post. It is an unnecessarily large amount of work to make such a painfully niche and most likely ignored feature.



    This suggestion is entirely because you became frustrated that a Captain chose to remove you from the Bridge after the Head of Personnel gave you the 'bridge entertainer' or similar job title during a round today.


    Not only is this extremely specific, but loyalty implants do nothing to prevent illegal behavior anymore - and for just 30 karma, bridge clown would be an immediate pick for anyone who wants to dick around and be annoying to the heads because 'it's my jorb'.


    Lastly, Honkshield, etc. Implies that the entertainer is some sort of bodyguard like the blue shield is, which is also dumb and contrary to the intended purpose of the role.


    You want bridge entertainment? Respawn as Ian or Renault and be entertaining that way. You don't need a special snowflake bridge clown for that.



    While I love the idea, the magistrate should not be engaging in combat, and I fear this would encourage judge dreads

    Everyone with an ID able to access the Bridge has a telebaton, except the NT rep, who has the vastly superior fancy cane.


    Make the telegavel a reskinned telebaton with funnier hit text.

    Or even just leave the hit text alone.


    Seriously, magistrates are high-ranking officials - they should have some means of self defense, and a reskinned telebaton as a gavel is equivalent to what every other Command-level role has at their disposal. Yes, this might 'encourage' Dredd behavior - but if they're going to try to take on syndies and lings and the like armed solely with a telebaton, well, they deserve their horrible death.


  14. I just want to point out: This would make ghetto surgery a MUCH more viable option, as accidental damage to the chest/groin/torso would not be as big of a problem if the person had heavy limb damage as well - An Engineer with a kitchen knife and some metal can perform bone repair surgery without (as much of) a risk - no more "oh god, I failed to cauterize five times with the welder, they went into crit and died".


    Many Traitor objectives are acquirable without using the uplink at all - evidenced easily by the fact that most autotater rounds involve at least one balloon. The only one that you can't do without risking detection is the document trade, since it spawns in your backpack.


    Vampires only have blood draining as an objective that might give them away, though they can easily just murder two people in maint and slurp them up without more risk of discovery than a traitor.


    Changelings have absorption objectives, which are effectively just like the blood drain - very easily obtained by a shopping trip to the morgue - but unlike others, they have impersonation objectives, which are often very, very difficult to accomplish, because if the other person loses their ID somewhere, or gets spaced and dies, you're just plainly screwed. While this is often the case as well for certain theft objectives (CE boots when the CE jumps in an uncalibrated teleporter and dies somewhere), it's much more likely than others, since an ID with the person's name on it doesn't work - it has to be their round start Id.


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