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Posts posted by Garoon


    Put more metal flashy bits like in the example below for extra epicness, just like any proper steampunk art should have!(guns optional but highly recommended, also drills)



    [spoiler2]No, this is not Warhammer.[/spoiler2]



    RISE OF LEGENDS, I really loved that game




    -Greivous fax machine accident on record. Killed fourteen-

    -Greivous deep frying accident on record. Killed six-


    Is this guy a... no, I dont want to know HOW he managed to kill twenty people by getting his tie stuck in a fax machine and grease trap

    -Totally reviving a slightly old thread-



    *Throwing something at the wall to see if it sticks*

    So, Idea. With various languages being able to be spoken over the radio, why not make it so that the Telecommunication machines are able to translate them automatically? The thing that gave me that idea is the fact that the AI and it's Cyborgs are automatically equipped with programs to translate pretty much all of the languages that they can hear, with the caveat that they are unable to synthesize a large portion of those languages. So, what's stopping people from moving that programming to the various radio channels? Of course, this means the non-humans wont be able to make all those 'These humans are so inept at what they do', and make it so you cant have private conversations over the Common channel, but hey, it's the bloody COMMON CHANNEL, where EVERYONE talks.

    I'm also a fan of the idea of the humans being able to understand one of the alien languages, but unable to actually speak it. I mean, you can LEARN what various gestures and sounds mean, given time and the proper teaching. So why not give people the option to, for instance, add the non-human racial speech to a third option in character creation, where you cannot speak it, but you can understand it.



    It looks like you could use that hair as a pair of mining drills, it's probably more efficient than the miners in the server are


    Also, Hi



    Hm, with the stamina damage, maybe make it so that as you accrue more damage, you do less damage and/or move slower? It could be somewhat realistic, considering the fact that as people get more fatigued, they cant hit as hard, or run as fast. This stamina damage system could also be modified by the addition of adrenaline, maybe. Like if you reach a certain point of damage, you have a chance of getting a second wind and can TEMPORARILY function as normal, but when it wears off, you crash hard.


    Of course, I'm just throwing these ideas at the wall to see if they'll stick


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