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Posts posted by Garoon


    I really dont have much experience with marriage.

    Probably because both me and my characters are the most asocial semi-RPers on the station

    Also probably because about half to 3/4ths of the station are murderous psychopaths


  2. Just an idea, maybe there could be protein bars and/or protein shakes? I mean, yes, there are quite a few sources of protein, but meat in general can get rather scarce if medical doesn't bother to make synthmeat for general consumption. Would be nice if there was an alternate source of 'healthy' protein in the snack machines instead of restricted to the chef.


    *As a relatively decent atmospheric player*

    Whenever I'm a scientist and someone's already 'claimed' R&D for themselves, I tend to migrate to the Toxins lab. When I make the bombs, I actually try to use them out on the 'roid and clear out space between those big mineral veins. Mostly because, let's be honest, there is NO practical use for my kind of bombs on the station proper, unless I specifically want to cause destruction and mayhem with a 3, 7, 14 or whatever bomb.


    Now telescience, that is something Mijhead, or anyone else interested in it can play with, I'm not touching that with a 5 foot pole



    As much as doffing/donning a hardsuit is a complete pain, this would be really unbalanced.


    Hardsuits are fine. Them being bulky and non-portable gives them balance.

    Not that you would know Fj, you almost never take yours off in the first place!


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